From The Big Bubba E-Mail Files
John O’Neill
Houston, Texas
Dear Friend,
Last year, when my fellow Swift Boat veterans and I spoke out about John Kerry, you rallied to our side. We will never forget your faith in our cause and your belief in our honesty. It made all the difference. Together we made history.
Like most of you, I believed our mission was over. We could all move on with our lives, return to our families and homes secure in the knowledge we had done the right thing for America, and for our children’s future.
Regrettably, that has not been the case for a distinguished group of Vietnam combat veterans who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with us during last year’s campaign. Their situation has become so critical that I felt compelled to break our long silence to inform you of this urgent matter.
The Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation, an organization founded by some of the same POWs and their wives who joined with us to form Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth, has become the target of vicious legal assaults – multiple lawsuits designed to silence the voices of the POWs.
The VVLF is being sued to punish the organization for the content of the POW documentary Stolen Honor, which contrasts their own accounts of their service in Vietnam and suffering in North Vietnamese prison camps with the claims of the antiwar movement.
They desperately need our help and I am asking, once more, for your support. I urge you to give what you can to assist these truly noble men and women.
It is no accident that this campaign to coerce and silence some of America’s most heroic figures from the Vietnam War has intensified just as the shrill voices of the extreme Left’s anti-military, blame-America-first propagandists are once again on the rise. Even Jane Fonda has resurfaced.
You might ask why the VVLF has been targeted in this legal assault – why attack men who endured years of unspeakable torture and suffering in defense of America? The answer lies in the question. These are among the most credible, living eyewitnesses to the trail of deceit and betrayal. All are highly decorated and each bears the scars and permanent physical disabilities of his long years in captivity. One is the recipient of our nation’s highest award for valor, the Medal of Honor. They paid for the right to voice their opinions with years of indescribable pain, hardship and torment. Their individual histories of perseverance under the direst of circumstances, and their fidelity to the principles of honor instilled in each American serving in uniform belie the despicable slanders laid at the feet of our military.
The POWs' very existence and their willingness to go public threaten the foundation of the Left’s propaganda, a lifetime of lies that accuse the U.S. military of being no better than the “armies of Genghis Khan.” It remains the Left’s most potent weapon as they continue to undermine the efforts of our Armed Forces and provide aid and comfort to America’s enemies.
The war for America’s conscience and soul rages on in the media, on the streets and quietly behind courtroom doors. In the vanguard of that battle, as they were some 40 years ago, are the POWs; some of America’s greatest heroes; men and their wives, fathers and mothers, many of them grandparents, who have already paid a heavy price for their loyalty and devotion to America and, sadly, find they must do so again today.
They deserve our respect, admiration and gratitude, but most of all our support, even as they try to protect and preserve the honor and reputations of an entire generation of American troops vilified by the extreme Left.
Won’t you stand up once more to defend our troops and veterans? Please give what you can to help the Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation continue the still-unfinished task of setting the record straight about the Vietnam War and Vietnam vets.
This is every bit as important as our effort last year. If you’d like to stay informed about the VVLF’s ongoing work, please sign up for updates at the website.
Thank you again and God bless you and America.
John O’Neill
Houston, Texas
Dear Friend,
Last year, when my fellow Swift Boat veterans and I spoke out about John Kerry, you rallied to our side. We will never forget your faith in our cause and your belief in our honesty. It made all the difference. Together we made history.
Like most of you, I believed our mission was over. We could all move on with our lives, return to our families and homes secure in the knowledge we had done the right thing for America, and for our children’s future.
Regrettably, that has not been the case for a distinguished group of Vietnam combat veterans who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with us during last year’s campaign. Their situation has become so critical that I felt compelled to break our long silence to inform you of this urgent matter.
The Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation, an organization founded by some of the same POWs and their wives who joined with us to form Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth, has become the target of vicious legal assaults – multiple lawsuits designed to silence the voices of the POWs.
The VVLF is being sued to punish the organization for the content of the POW documentary Stolen Honor, which contrasts their own accounts of their service in Vietnam and suffering in North Vietnamese prison camps with the claims of the antiwar movement.
They desperately need our help and I am asking, once more, for your support. I urge you to give what you can to assist these truly noble men and women.
It is no accident that this campaign to coerce and silence some of America’s most heroic figures from the Vietnam War has intensified just as the shrill voices of the extreme Left’s anti-military, blame-America-first propagandists are once again on the rise. Even Jane Fonda has resurfaced.
You might ask why the VVLF has been targeted in this legal assault – why attack men who endured years of unspeakable torture and suffering in defense of America? The answer lies in the question. These are among the most credible, living eyewitnesses to the trail of deceit and betrayal. All are highly decorated and each bears the scars and permanent physical disabilities of his long years in captivity. One is the recipient of our nation’s highest award for valor, the Medal of Honor. They paid for the right to voice their opinions with years of indescribable pain, hardship and torment. Their individual histories of perseverance under the direst of circumstances, and their fidelity to the principles of honor instilled in each American serving in uniform belie the despicable slanders laid at the feet of our military.
The POWs' very existence and their willingness to go public threaten the foundation of the Left’s propaganda, a lifetime of lies that accuse the U.S. military of being no better than the “armies of Genghis Khan.” It remains the Left’s most potent weapon as they continue to undermine the efforts of our Armed Forces and provide aid and comfort to America’s enemies.
The war for America’s conscience and soul rages on in the media, on the streets and quietly behind courtroom doors. In the vanguard of that battle, as they were some 40 years ago, are the POWs; some of America’s greatest heroes; men and their wives, fathers and mothers, many of them grandparents, who have already paid a heavy price for their loyalty and devotion to America and, sadly, find they must do so again today.
They deserve our respect, admiration and gratitude, but most of all our support, even as they try to protect and preserve the honor and reputations of an entire generation of American troops vilified by the extreme Left.
Won’t you stand up once more to defend our troops and veterans? Please give what you can to help the Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation continue the still-unfinished task of setting the record straight about the Vietnam War and Vietnam vets.
This is every bit as important as our effort last year. If you’d like to stay informed about the VVLF’s ongoing work, please sign up for updates at the website.
Thank you again and God bless you and America.
John O’Neill
The pirates don't like losing, so they've put to sea and set a blockade aboard the "HMS Revenge". I recommend all swabees pack their sea bags and board a whaler. At least that way, there's a chance of grounding Blackbeard on some bloated Hump-back's carcass or some Yankee torpedo.
Heck, who knows, you might even spawn an Aheb capable of harpooning the whale himself. But even that story had an un-happy ending. As is likely to be your own.
For it sounds as if you intend to simply respond by sailing around in their blockaded harbors, so it ain't going to be pretty. Before you know it, you'll all be deadmen protecting a some pirate's treasure. You know "Fifteen men on dead man's chest, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum."
You need to find some Nelson and sign articles. Become a true son of a gun and learn to cross the tee whenever and wherever the windgauge favors.
These slugs are plumb amazing. No matter how many times they get kicked in the teeth they pop back up smiling with gaps and all.
Have at him Tatooed man!
mr. ducky,
Perhaps if you had an hour to spare you might contemplate Nietzsche's Use and Abuse of History for Life to learn about the nature of "forgetfullness" and the reasons why Marx's "Historical Determinism" theories were so harmful.
And then perhaps learn that the American University system adopted the German educational system through John's Hopkin's, which rapidly spread through the Ivy Leagues and led to the socialist ideals our country now embraces. There was an excellent article posted at FPM on the subject... I doubt many read it... about a week or two ago.
The article was called The Left University
And is the very system Nietzsche is denouncing (he had been, after all, a teacher in it before his health went south and he became more "philosophically" bent).
Mr. Ducky, you look for Karl Rove under your bed at night, right? If the progressive liberal demoracists had a Karl Rove perhaps they could rebuild the party. Unfortunately, for the demoracists, you have a hard core cadre of losers whose main appeal is to the northeastern parts of this nation. These lunatics at the same time are bent on antagonizing the people of the Old South, Midwest and Western areas of this nation. That dog ain't gonna hunt, duck.
As for the issues revolving around Kerry, Vietnam, military service, etc. they all make sense to Veterans, like Big Bubba, who served their country honorably and did their twelve month tour of duty in Vietnam. The haters who refused to join up because they couldn't wear pink undies just don't get it.
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