Have The Floodgates Been Opened
Florida city considers eminent domain
By Joyce Howard Price
October 3, 2005
Florida's Riviera Beach is a poor, predominantly black, coastal community that intends to revitalize its economy by using eminent domain, if necessary, to displace about 6,000 local residents and build a billion-dollar waterfront yachting and housing complex.
Stay tuned folks. This should be most interesting.
By Joyce Howard Price
October 3, 2005
Florida's Riviera Beach is a poor, predominantly black, coastal community that intends to revitalize its economy by using eminent domain, if necessary, to displace about 6,000 local residents and build a billion-dollar waterfront yachting and housing complex.
Stay tuned folks. This should be most interesting.
Mr. Ducky, were they the same? Here in San Antonio I am reminded constantly of public takings that are also not the same. We have a major east-west freeway, and a major north-south freeway, that took hundreds of private dwellings. Traditional neighborhoods were divided permanently.
Somehow this one has a slight odor. Big Bubba is a firm believer that when the government claims that they are going to "partner" in a redevelopment scheme taxpayers need to run for the hills. We have had our share of those boondoggles. I have my eye on one right now.
Mr. Ducky you don't see the intellectual contradiction in your railings about religion staying away from government only to complain that the government doesn't act in a Christian manner?
Mr. Ducky you are fond of claiming that my religious beliefs are a "gutter religion." Because of that I am going to return to my fondness of correctly identifying you as the mindless twit that you obviously seem to be. A foul mouthed fowl with the thinking capacity of a billiard ball.
Defend Bill Bennett on what offense, Duck? His right to free speech? His use of an intellectual illustration that was beyond the thinking capacity of intellectual dimbulbs, like you, to comprehend? His fondness for gambling? His failure to dress in pretty party dresses like Hoover? Give me something specific, Duck.
I do not believe in an underclass, racial or otherwise. Americans do not believe in an underclass. The many zillionaires, multi zillionaires, billionaires and common millionaires who raised theirselves from a distressed background of poverty, in our great nation, to wealth are legend, and, just a guess that they also do not believe in a underclass. This is a land of opportunity allowing citizens to determine the upper limits of their own achievement, or wallow in self pity and poverty if they so desire. You can even be as stupid as you want to be, Duck, whether your hog wallow is wealth or poverty.
Again, just a guess, Duck, but I believe that intellect, not class, is more likely to be the limiting factor.
Again, you describe America in terms of what it used to be, a land of opportunity, not a land of welfare queen results. The State and the needs of the incompetent reign supreme in the "progressive" mind. Embrace the victim mentality and then you too will "see the progressive light"
The left helped do what, Duck?
I hate to break the news to you ducky, but opportunity was always been present for those with the desired abilities. Once, it was swordsmanship, archery, horsemanship, physical strength, and the martial arts.
Today it's primarily intellect. And intellect knows no racial and demographic boundaries. And the intellectual elites are slowly becoming a "new" aristocracy. Slowly but surely, they are also "separating" themselves to gated communities of "like" souls.
And in THIS environment, attempts to promote the intellectually incompetent OVER their superiors is but "vanitas". For the inner cities have become filled with intellectual dullards. Baltimore's average IQ is now LESS than 80. I suspect that New Orleans was less than 75.
A "re-distribution" of intellect across the country is necessary, NOT a redistribution of wealth. And that doesn't mean a "dumbing down". We need Iowa farm girls with 150 IQ's telling farm hands with IQ's in the 80's what to do next.
It's time to abandon the cities and move everyone into the suburbs. Katrina is just Step 1.
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