Has Big Bubba Missed Something Here?
Let me see if I understand the issues. Republicans are corrupt, money grubbers who are only interested in corporate profits. As for their lessers let them eat filet mignon at Ruth Chris'.
The pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracist party is home to the pure of heart led by St. Hillary on a white charger (followed by William Jefferson Clinton with his pooper scooper) are the defenders of mom, apple pie and the American way of life.
Child. You still believe in the tooth fairy, don't you? Bless your heart!
(Big Bubba Note: You may have problems loading the link above. Persistance and tricks of the trade will get you to this interesting article.)
The pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracist party is home to the pure of heart led by St. Hillary on a white charger (followed by William Jefferson Clinton with his pooper scooper) are the defenders of mom, apple pie and the American way of life.
Child. You still believe in the tooth fairy, don't you? Bless your heart!
(Big Bubba Note: You may have problems loading the link above. Persistance and tricks of the trade will get you to this interesting article.)
You are a hoot, Duck. It is extremely difficult for Big Bubba to suppress a snicker. My dear sainted, departed momma always told Big Bubba not to laugh at the mentally handicapped.
A few sinners in the Catholic Church make for a wholly corrupt and unethical organization.
Will you be voting for Shrillary, duck?
Evan Bayh???
"Mothers - especially single mothers - are heroic in their efforts to raise our nation's children, but men must also take responsibility for their children and recognize the impact they have on their families' well-being."
Yeah, he really has a grip. Which side of la-la land was he raised on? Heroic narcissim. Demonic self-interestedness. You guys on the left need a new paradigm. You needle's stuck in a "scratch".
mr. ducky,
Just make sure YOU never develop any values. You might have to "discriminate" in order to enforce them. Tax the RICH!
Sin, judgement, teachings of the church, responsibility, such lofty matters you consider. I will leave studies of sin to others, judgement to God, and teachings of the church to the theologians. As for Big Bubba I will sit down to my my next responsibility of enjoying my lunch of goulash and crackers with butter.
How callous of you not to join the members of the archdiocese of Boston in demanding a NEW covenant with G_d.
If you feel that way mr ducky, why don't you just cough it up and overpay this year? It might help fifty more women get abortions this year!
btw - I don't suppose YOU are responsible for all those damn amphibs running around Boston, are you?
Big Bubba wants to rewrite that old time song "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" in honor of our fiend, the Duck. "I'm forever blowing anecdotal bubbles up the lower rectal casing housing area of the unwary, anecdotal bubbles with no meaning up their..........." Does that rhyme?
There's something wrong with the old New Covenant?
Has anyone notified the Pope that some disgruntled member of a Catholic fringe sect in Boston is unhappy with the mainstream church. I am sure that he will immediately reverse the course of the church so that the Duck will not be so durn unhappy.
Mr. Ducky, your pocket change would probably limit you to the public courses here in the Great State of Texas. Membership in some of the more elegant clubs would be out of the question.
It's just getting too hard to be Catholic anymore. A new covenant is required to make things easier. I mean, those priests would have NEVER molested all those kids if they simply had a gay bath house for priests and allowed gay marriage. Ooops, no priests are allowed to marry are they? How come little girls weren't getting molested too? Ohhh, some were. I guess that makes hetero's JUST as bad.
PS - mr ducky, I COULD have been a millionaire. But I raised three kids and remained faithful to my wife instead. Then I wasted a WHOLE bunch of time reading books thousands of years old. Should have spent THAT time playing the DOW, huh duck? Just call me a sucker and a fool.
ps - Ever wish for a ten inch pianist? Would you get pianist envy if I told you I had one?
The priest problem is not that hard: get rid of the celibacy requirement and show some damned accountability. The celibacy thing is man-made, put in place for medieval necessity. Aside from being a ticket out of third world poverty (ha ha), what's in it for anyone anymore? Gone are the days when a calling to the priesthood is something to be desired, even among the most devout families. So you get guys straight out of a parochial setting (no girls, usually) straight into the seminary (no girls, definitely). How could it not be a hotbed for dysfunction? Make no mistake, Farmer--the problem is not just "a few bad apples." It is an institutional problem.
The Church is full of straight men willing to serve but can't, thanks to the old saw. My town's churches are full, but the priests barely have time to minister to their parishioners.
Of course the new Pope is a big disappointment so far. Like our Congress occupying its time with garbage like "freedom fries," yelping "under God" on the Capitol steps, and holding hearings on stupid baseball steroids, rather than deal with all the elephants in the room, Pope retreats to the cavern of dogma. I don't require a "liberal" church but I would like at least a responsive (and responsible) one.
"Bubba for instance is famous for sidling up to the public trough"
And therein lies the conundrum for the faithful disciples of the government conquers all true believers, like the Duck. How do you get people to serve in the government without having some type of trough arrangement to compensate the faithful servants. The dollar a year man thingy never really got off the ground.
Duck, your mindless hilarity just slays me!
"...but no marriage is legal unless licensed by the state."
You really believe that, Duck, don't you? Bless your heart!
"The priest problem is not that hard: get rid of the celibacy requirement........"
With such genius solutions how did the cardinals ever overlook Norm for Pope.
Here's a tip, Norm. When one becomes unhappy with ones church it is entirely possible to go elsewhere where one may possibly be happier.
I guess the duck has never heard of common law. Or a church marriage without a state license.
btw - When did the State take over the marriage business in this country anyway? It used to be a "people" thing.
What the left doesn't get, but attendee's of the Red Mass for Rehnquist (a non-Catholic) at the National Cathedral do Red Mass. What does form the foundation stone of morality in a completely relative world devoid of any absolutes? Change? Could be. Like the value of a human life. Here today, gone to Maui.
And the "other" thing they don't get is the whole "celibacy" thing. A reading of Nietzsche's Anti-Christ might help them "get it", but somehow, I doubt it. Plato's "Philebus" never could see past his 4 inch pianist.
Institutional problems are the things laymen don't like about institutions that don't allow them to do what they want. Awww too bad. G_d doesn't want to change the universe to make poor people rich. Awww, so sad for you. The new Pope, how insensitive of him not to embrace Atheism. So sad.
Well, Bubba, joining other churches is something Protestants do. I do have experience with these, as Papa Chompski's side of the family has a history of ministry in various denominations. It's fun to attend such a service every now and then.
The problem with being raised a Catholic is that everything else seems either "Christianity Lite" or numbs you into eternity by repeating "Jee-sus Christ" every other word. It's something of a curse; personally I like the Quakers theology, but religion is deep in the bones.
Dissatisfaction with the administrative part of the Church is a Catholic standby. Doesn't change the Mass, however.
Surprise surprise. Seems "civil" marriages in Europe were largely the result of the French Revolution. I knew there had to be "commies" (commoners) behind it. ;-) But I do here it was a "big thing" with Native Americans... L..LO...LOL!... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
And so we end another chapter of ...Revisionist History!
Farmer, I don't know what Fred "Nourishing sperm" Nietzche has to say about celibacy. I do know there were "worldly" "contemporary" reasons the Church established it; in fact, the Church is quite used to "change." The fact that this specific rule has calcified and indeed become a perversion of, ahem, "original intent" does not make it any rock of any tradition, which is merely rhetorical for you, anyway.
Also, please do try not to impute to me your version of what you imagine liberals want in the Church.
norm wishes to inflict the whiplash of a church responsive to the needs of its' members. To 'H with people performing G_d's Will. Who does He think He is, anyways? Upsidasium. Man OVER G_d. Extends to thoughts about church as well. Is there no end to the cool-aid supply?
Please read some church doctrine before you embarrass yourself anymore. Or didn't you get that whole Adam, Eve, Snake, and Fruit thing?
A history lesson for norm...
You should have read Augustine's "Confessions". He lived in 'sin' with a common law wife for many many many years and refused to join the church out of his need to "indulge". He even refused baptism until he felt he could "commit". Do you think he gave up sex and a cushy "lawyers" job for purely "earthly" "worldly" or "contemporary" reasons? Would YOU? Would anyone?
ps - The worldly "power" arguments are NOT made by church officials. They are an attempt by Atheists to understand the church. Divine "reasons" and meanings below the superficial escape them.
I get a kick out of lefties who laugh at Christian fundamentalists who take the Bible as "literal" truth. I'm afraid that to uncover the deeper meanings of scripture, it is the ONLY way to approach it.
The same goes for Plato. Only when you understand the "paradoxes" created from a naive and literal interpretation taken as truth can you divine the deeper allegorical and abstract meanings contained within the text.
Of course, moderns need everything "splained" to them. Streisand/Dylan. They're both just as good at making poetry. Ask the REAL Chomsky. LOL! LOL! LOL!
Oh I get it, the coverups, the relocation of bishops, the lack of responsibility--G_d's will, huh?
Wait, no--NOW we're in the realm of men and their errors. The Church makes no mistakes.
Of course, the Pope does have a provision that allows married Episcopals to become Catholic priests. Hey, a "change!" And it works, too. Oh, but heaven forbid ol' Normie should get all uptight about that little molestation epidemic. That's the "if it feels good, do it" Left's influence on culture.
Must be nice, farmer, having that cake and eating it too.
It's called having an unwavering and constant law-creating absolute Deity outside of our universe and therefore 'unlike' anything in it... in ADDITIONAL to a flawed and constantly changing "relative" universe. AN "intelligent designer" who used "fixed" laws. So Double your pleasure, and double your fun! It's two, that' right, two, mints in one.
You've only got one mint normy. gov'mint. And a universe created from chaos. And we all know how good that "separation of powers" was for the Constitution. Two kings for Sparta. Two Consuls for Rome. Two Tribunes of the Plebs for Rome. Three branches of gov'mint. Where did THAT come from?
It's hard to find a mid-point or middle path when you only acknowledge one end. Man.
And the left has stopped being utilitarians. They (the common men) now know that man's highest purpose is to serve his fellow man.
As for me, I'm no man's servant. My end, is NOT to serve man's ends.
So I DO get to have my cake AND eat it too. No eating for you though! Serve me my cake!
It was G_d's Will to give each man his own free will. It is man's will to have us serve our fellow men by force. It needs to be done by His Grace, not mommy gov'mints force. Otherwise, where's the "virtue" in it. Why didn't G_d just FORCE us to follow His Will in the first place? You deny Christians the ability to achieve true Charity and Grace. Congrats to the secular humanists and their "public serving" upsidasium drinking descendants.
The left has unhinged the principle of separation of church and state, making the state his new church.
Sharia for Christians. Force them to do "good works". Feed the poor. Cloth them. Employ them. Corrupt their morals, and their spirit. Make them "gov'mint" dependents. Make them thank gov'mint, not G_d.
Wow. Augustine had it wrong, and Julian was right. Why the outrage! Can you imagine?
And the article explicitly states the Church had economic (gee, doesn't that mean "worldly?") reasons for instituting mandatory celibacy.
And somehow this all has to do with God's plan, which neither He nor His Son ever stated? Hmm. Guess I'll take some guy's word for it--after all, he's been dead a long time; that magically confers "rightness" on a person. And somehow sex interferes with ministry. Sorry, protestants of the world! You're getting the short shrift! So sayeth all the worlds' Repressed Sticks in the Mud!
Neither you, fj, nor the Church, has a third leg to stand on with this issue. It is happily unmoored from truth. It is what is called "a crock of poopie."
Sure, fj--you're "right" either way you cut it. It's a cute bit of sophistry, I'll give you that. I thought it was the Left that had the problem with being "nuanced?"
Suddenly we're talking about gov'mints; don't recall bringing that up. But since you did, that's another thing you get to have it both ways: you get to take advantage of all the good things a gov'mint provides, all the while decrying the big bad Gov'mint that's oh so oppressing you. Regulations bad, unless regulations good. Good/bad--hey, I thought you were "beyond" that, thanks to Freddy "Will to power" Nietzsche?
A secular authors opinion norm... what does he say the "church fathers themselves" say? The exact opposite. That's your problem norm. You read "secondary sources" and then believe the revisionists and discount the testimony and actions of all the primaries involved.
As for the foundations for the existance of G_d, they rest on much higher logical grounds than your secular humanism. But pure dialectic is WAY beyond your ken normy. So don't bother tryin'. It isn't there... really. You can convince yourself. Not worth the effort.
And please, ignore the words of the Bible too. Who wants to read THAT old boring archaic manuscript either. He never tells us His plans in it ... really!
And really, all that religion stuff is as un-moored from truth as e=mc^2. But don't bother searching for truth, normy, you already know the truth! Mathmatics, and fixed laws of physics...it's all in your imagination, nothing to concern yourself with. There's no truth in it all. Really!
And if you don't know HOT and Cold, how ya gonna learn "warm". I guess "hot" will do for everything.
And me, I'm all repression, and you're all love. Ooops, that's not quite right is it. I'm BOTH, you're all love. Blind, that is and seeing only that which you want to see And living in the world of non-existance without so much as a sail OR a rudder. Just lots and lots of love for your fellow man. Then why do you hate me normy?
And how many times do I have to say that Nietzsche played Zeno to Plato's Parmenides? Are anologies beyond your ken too? No wonder they took 'em off the SAT's. Wouldn't want kids to have to think, right normy! LOL!
As for gov'mint normy...do you know the difference between negative and positive liberty and law? One form is VERY Christian. The other is NOT. Guess which one you're partial to?
Social justice comes from individual justice. It AIN'T the other way round.
And what was it that Einstein said that "foolish consistencies" were a sign of?
Mr. Ducky, it's common law not case law. I was looking at all the symbology on my marriage license for Ms. Big Bubbette and I. I was expecting to see the traditional Mexican Eagle, or at least a red, white and green banner. None, nada, zilch. Only the German Black Eagle national symbol on the lower left. Great!
Norm, moving right along, my grandfather (the Baptist Deacon and lay preacher) always cautioned against moving from one Baptist Church to another because of hurt feelings, anger or because things weren't done according to your personal expectations. His philosophy was that the next church would be more of the same for a religious nitpicker with a thin skin. After all isn't all abour\t YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God not your personal relationships with priests, preachers, bishops, popes, et al?
If entrance to heaven is in any way related to the marital status of a servant of God than why do I struggle with the free will given me by the Creator? Marry up all the priests and we all get a free pass to heaven?
Wrong again, Duck. You are on one heck of a roll. Common law marriages may, or may not, be recognized in a court of law. Our courts are the arbiters of what is common law, not some bureaucrat of the state.
mr. ducky,
What makes you think a descent into degeneracies like murder and necrophilia would help me? I've got enough trouble keeping my own personal forms of degeneracy in check. Do you think Neitzsche was a degenerate? They say he died of "syphillis". I can think of very few other vices or piccadillo's, except perhaps writing in a "polemical" style". A critic who not only criticizes, but offers his readers a viable approach for overcoming his dilemna and redeeming himself. Does Cormac do that? Does Dylan? Streisand?
Perhaps we've arrived at the point of the "high" art/ "low" art dichotomy mr. ducky...
"The fact that what came after couldn't do it as well isn't Dylan's fault."
It isn't??? Joyce's, successors also struggled. Why???
People educated in high art can readily create low art. But what about the reverse? A man might successfully imitate an ape, but can the ape successfully imitate the man?
Mr. Ducky, you'll notice it's rather cheeky to talk about "will to power" and "G_d's will" in the same breath. But our man, FJ, can do just that. Why, it's positively Clintonian.
But I get a great kick out of him and admire his liberalism. It's refreshing. I don't get enough such conversation in real life.
With a requisite tip of the hat to Big Bubba for the forum, here.
Pynchon didn't struggle too hard, Farmer. Granted he's not as consistent a genius. But he updated Moby Dick for us with Gravitys Rainbow.
Not sure who else I'd put up there; I don't read much fiction these days.
It isn't that hard to talk about G_d's Will and will to power in the same breath...
Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, on earth,
As it is in heaven
And give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom
and the Glory
and the Power
Forever and ever
See... well okay, so it takes seven or eight breaths.
Call me Ishmael, but can you tell me which Hollywood remake of King Kong surpassed the original Fay Rae version?
And sorry mr. ducky, I already speak Spanish, so Cuban jazz has no appeal except when I want to show off for friends. Now Carmina Burana, THAT's a different story.
Norm, do you really think "Opera" was all about the pretty music, or the need to speak Italian or German in order to REALLY enjoy it. Oh yeah, I forgot, they "dumbed it down". Supertitles.
Used to be that the people wanted to rub elbows with the elites, so they would do silly things like try and educate themselves. No more...our TV sets will translate for everyone!
I sometimes wonder where all the surplus brainpower we're saving through smart technology goes. Oh that's right...the laws of neurons... use it or lose it.
also mr ducky, please don't get me wrong, I DO enjoy the variety of music, arts, and entertainments availabale. It's when the leftist universities BURNED the educational bridges to western civilization and the "high arts" that I draw a line. It's not a celebration of diversity. It's a "dumbing down".
And Dylan's transition from "folk" to "rock" was a deliberate turning of his back on the old classical liberal & communist based "Apollonian" intellectual traditions to embrace a more populist, emotive, passionate, and non-thinking "Dionysian" form - Rock.
That's where he burned his bridges to the intellectual traditions that made him.
Gravity's Rainbow sounds like another "must read". The last thing I needed was another book to add to my reading list. Thanks for the head's up, norm.
Ducky, I did manage Gravitys Rainbow, and it was well-worth the trip. It took me 5 sincere tries, and I was between jobs then. This was the same time I read Ulysses. I can't say I absorbed everything. I'm a Pynchon fan. I would not recommend V. I would (and you probably have) The Crying of Lot 49. I know you'd get a kick out of Vineland (Farmer, Vineland is not for you) and I haven't managed Mason & Dixon yet--though there are passages that are deceptively mind-blowing.
Ducky, I'm not quite sure when you're just needling our conservatard pals, but you know Dylan's decision to "go electric" was not simply economic. Rock was his first love. He got it. He helped invent it. He advanced the form. And Dionysis was what the doctor ordered at that time.
The good doctor does not diagnose these things anymore. And Apollo has always been invited to these things.
Farmer John, I will be very interested to hear your reaction to Pynchon. Sorta like Ducky and Bubba's people, Pynchon is from the Olde Boate: his well-known ancestor was a Puritan judge. He was trained in physics, did some naval service, worked for Boeing for a bit. Studied writing under Nabokov (say what you will about him--the man was a virtuoso in prose, and English was not his native tongue.) This background is always a specter in his writing. Mason & Dixon is told entirely in the language of late 18th century America, and he has done homage-by-way-of-mimic to Benjamin Franklin in many ways, but specifically in the guise of homeless woman, Wanda Tinasky, in his local paper.
Haven't seen Peter Jackson's King Kong yet. So, not sure.
Foreshadowing Gravity's Rainbow...
The Greeks based their one truth upon nature. The cyclical nature of the stars and constellations, the recurring seasons, etc. This eventually lead to the discovery of ICBM's (ballistic trajectory of an ICBM - Gravity's Rainbow) and the atomic bomb. And that was bad.
Pynchon wants to base his civilization upon four new truths.
In the first (Tarot w/o the Fool's Card) is Gravity's Rainbow itself. Leftists wise men know the correct path.
So Pynthon moves to the second stage... a dark age and purging of the fascists.
In the third, Pynchon rapidly accelerates (@32 ft/sec/sec) his society to Hippie Communes and the early 1970's, but w/o any "repression" of sexuality or thought.
And in the Final Stage, we go back to the "ancient" ways based upon Greek truth and the twelve constellations.
Sounds like a plan... very Darwinian and "evolutionary".
It really is a shame that with each series of "new truth's" being introduced requires a complete "loss of memory" and destruction of the previous knowledge base.
Not to worry, say Dylan and Pynchon, we'll rediscover the old (Pynchonian) texts, and they'll put us on the right path.
Too bad he forgot to mention that his erasing of the modern mind for the "commoners" will likely get them killed UNLESS they've taken over the entire world before they start.
Putting the "nuclear demons" back into the bottle. How noble. Truth based upon three new fantasies. How stupid. But I promise to give it an "objective" read. Something no-one on the Left has probably EVER done.
Farmer, how about you wait to call it stupid after you've read it. Are there any contemporary arts or entertainment you do find worthy?
It seems to me you reject, or deny, or repress a key--maybe THE key--part of what might be called the American identity. New world. New possibilities. Begin the begin.
Supertramp "Fool's Overture"
History recalls
how great the fall can be
While everybody's sleeping,
the boats put out to sea
Borne on the wings of time
It seemed the answers
were so easy to find
Too late, the prophets cry
The island's sinking,
let's take to the sky
Called the man a fool,
striped him of his pride
Everyone was laughing
up until the day he died
And though the wound went deep
Still he's calling
us out of our sleep
My friends,
we're not alone
He waits in silence
to lead us all home
So tell me that you find it hard to grow
Well I know, I know, I know
And you tell me that you've many seeds to sow
Well I know, I know, I know
Can you hear what I'm saying
Can you see the parts that I'm playing
Holy man, rocker man, come on queenie,
Joker man, spider man, blue eyed meanie
So you found your solution
What will be your last contribution'
Live it up, rip it up, why so lazy'
Give it out, dish it out, let's go crazy, Yeah!
and normy, my commentary was based soley on the structure outlined in Wikipedia...tarot cards, Ghoerings holiday, 32 ft/sec, 12.
Just "contextualizing" the numerology inherent in the structure and trying to derive some "larger" implications and corresponding consequences. You know, pushing the "concept" to it's polemical extreme.
This book was nominated for a Nobel prize, but the larger "committee" didn't get it and found it "un-readable". I don't. I certainly don't think it's a "stupid" book. I simply think it trivializes the difficulties required to acxhieve its' end. It isn't as easy as it sounds to keep curved lines and straight lines separate. Especially when you whole epitemology depends upon it and you "dumb down" those who will be required to embrace it
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