The Real And Present Danger
Throw the posse comitatus law in the ditch. Put the Federal Government in absolute control and take away the states' right to govern their own affairs. This is a prescription for disaster right up there with attempts to make us unarmed and docile citizens. Despite what the pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracist social engineers believe the Federal Government and Godless schools are not the answers to what ails this nation.
The co-conspirator's in this ridiculous scenario is the media. Yeah, right, like they have a clue as to what is going on in the world. The demoracists and the media are a Category 6 storm of ignorance threatening this great Nation.
The progressive liberal demoracists and the mindless media are purposely overlooking the difference between the Great State of Texas' responses to Hurricane Rita versus the State of Louisiana's response to Katrina. Don't tell me that Texans learned from Louisiana. That would be obviously true, but, it still does not explain the difference. We have been responding, effectively, for decades to threatening hurricanes. Big Bubba during the 1970s was a member of the staff at Hq, Fort Sam Houston. One season I participated in our operations to support the evacuation of Corpus Christi Naval Air Station. I was aware of specific details of other evacuation plans. I attended Austin meetings of state and local officials for disaster planning. I mention all of this not as a brag, but rather to support my statement that Texas has been doing it right for a long time.
Just because a herd of progressive liberal demoracist Louisiana politicians had their head stuck up where the sun don't shine is not a valid reason to change our National policies, criticize President Bush, or claim FEMA was responsible for all the failures.
Note: At this very moment I was listening to Fox News Live. The Fox News talking head was repeating many of the unproven allegations mentioned in the story at the link above.
The co-conspirator's in this ridiculous scenario is the media. Yeah, right, like they have a clue as to what is going on in the world. The demoracists and the media are a Category 6 storm of ignorance threatening this great Nation.
The progressive liberal demoracists and the mindless media are purposely overlooking the difference between the Great State of Texas' responses to Hurricane Rita versus the State of Louisiana's response to Katrina. Don't tell me that Texans learned from Louisiana. That would be obviously true, but, it still does not explain the difference. We have been responding, effectively, for decades to threatening hurricanes. Big Bubba during the 1970s was a member of the staff at Hq, Fort Sam Houston. One season I participated in our operations to support the evacuation of Corpus Christi Naval Air Station. I was aware of specific details of other evacuation plans. I attended Austin meetings of state and local officials for disaster planning. I mention all of this not as a brag, but rather to support my statement that Texas has been doing it right for a long time.
Just because a herd of progressive liberal demoracist Louisiana politicians had their head stuck up where the sun don't shine is not a valid reason to change our National policies, criticize President Bush, or claim FEMA was responsible for all the failures.
Note: At this very moment I was listening to Fox News Live. The Fox News talking head was repeating many of the unproven allegations mentioned in the story at the link above.
There is a wide divergence, often, in what a person wants and what he is actually able to do. News flash, Duck, President Bush will be President until 2008. Afterwards he will have a hugely popular legacy for the world to admire.
It also produces Presidents and Presidents who are fond of the State and call it home. Four at last count. Tell me again. How many has Taxasuckschusett produced?
Mr. Ducky, who really cares? Real men know that Texas has more Division I football teams than any other state. When you have a Texas A&M it doesn't really matter what other schools that you may have.
Big Bubba encourages your delusions so that you and your ilk will stay away from the Great State of Texas.
JFK - now there's a role model for you. William Jefferson "I didn't have sex with that woman" Clinton was a JFK hero worshiper. Was it because of the politics or the sex? Honestly, who knew about the sex way back then. I will give you credit that JFK's legacy is greater than William Jefferson "It depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is." Clinton. He could not rise (oops) beyond boinking the office help where JFK rose to the occasion (oops again) by boinking Marilyn Monroe. What a man!
"Why not use our strategy, building them and their infrastructure to our level instead of reducing our level to theirs???"
You do understand that anything originating from north of the border is considered to be an affront to the Mexican psyche portending American attempts to take over Mexico?
Katy is home to one of Cabela's Super Stores. One of many stores at Katy Mills. Personally I have been wanting to visit "Sweet Tomatoes" there. I have been jonesing for "Soup Plantation", but, here in Texas "Sweet Tomatoes" is as close as it gets.
I can't agree with everything Albert Einstein ever said, but I will mention a few areas in which we agree...
"All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field."
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
"Confusion of goals and perfection of means seems, in my opinion, to characterize our age."
"Human beings must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it."
"Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them."
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
"The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives."
"Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves."
"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school."
"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."
"God does not play dice."
Speakin' of JFK, wasn't he JF'nK's hero too, Mr Swifty PT-109 wannabe complete w/home movie camera?
And BB, LBJ wasn't exactly the best president this country ever produced.
Virginia, now that's a model 8 Virginia Presidents
But I do have to admit, the farther we get from the founding, the worse the Virginians seem to get...
mr ducky… it is evident that Einstein understood Plato’s “divided line” and YOU do not. I guess it’s too boring for you. How sad. The line divides things of “this universe” and it’s “source”. It also divides the mathematics of language, and the language of mathematics and attributes them to the “divine” sphere, where straight arrows fly, and are not bent by the gravitational and emotional forces which warp objects and men in THIS universe.
“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”
“God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically.”
“Occurrences in this domain are beyond the reach of exact prediction because of the variety of factors in operation, not because of any lack of order in nature.”
“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.”
“Quantum mechanics is very impressive. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory yields a lot, but it hardly brings us any closer to the secret of the Old One. In any case I am convinced that He doesn't play dice.”
“The more success the quantum theory has, the sillier it looks.”
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
“Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.”
“The grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms.”
“The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.”
“The road to perdition has ever been accompanied by lip service to an ideal.”
“The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service.”
And finally for lovers of “progress” and Heisenberg "realities" like el duque..
“The faster you go, the shorter you are.”
Anyone doubt that Einstein believed in "intelligent design"?
There's "intelligent design"--and then there's the maniacs who want to teach children that the world was created 6000 years ago in 6 days.
mr ducky,
Like Einstein, for only $2.22 you could become a Straussian Neocon and begin thinking like a rational person. Proof that "the faster you go, the shorter you get". Giants and Dwarfs by Allan Bloom ("Closing of the American Mind" and ardent disciple of Leo Strauss.)
yes norm, they call 7 dayers "creation theorists", and they are not the same as advocates of "intelligent design". If you can't accept their differences, shame on you. I know, slippery slope paranoia. One group belongs in the category called "Theology", the other to "Philosophy". And no, I know that Philosophy is NOT Science or Art. It is merely their "source".
Perhaps your "classification" system for knowledge of categories is "lacking". Perhaps you should try using a "structured approach" as exemplified by Plato's "Statesman" or his "Sophist" and learn how to categorize as Aristotle did. Or perhaps modern's should read his "Categories" and "Topics".
But then again, maybe not. You seldom learn and accept things that get "splained" to you. Better derive the answers yourself from Plato's questions and thereby acquire "intelligence". But if intelligence cannot be acquired by any means (since there was no intelligent design to begin with) then perhaps we should just give up language and mathmatics and return to eating from the "Tree of Life". To begin the process, do as Voltaire suggested to Rousseau and begin crawling on all fours again.
mr ducky,
The paintings did not survive to modern day. But I have seen some very good mosaics. And perspective? What do you call the Parthenon ~550 bc. And who invented "optics" anyway?
Ignorance is bliss sr. duque.
Tom DeLay's indictment is a political vendetta because Texas Republicans exercised their right (of majority) to redraw voting districts. The Travis County DA Ronnie Earle has an established track record of politically driven indictments. The dimbulb Earle will thrill the dimbulbs for a season with this fol-de-rol and go away.
Some illumination for mr. ducky's cave Euclid's "Optics"
As for the Egyptian's, their art was regulated by LAW so it couldn't change. Perhaps THAT is why you find them so "interesting".
Plato "Laws"...describing a place I'm sure only mr. ducky could really appreciate, as every "creative" soul deserves a purgatory of his own making...
"ATHENIAN: Then in a city which has good laws, or in future ages is to have them, bearing in mind the instruction and amusement which are given by music, can we suppose that the poets are to be allowed to teach in the dance anything which they themselves like, in the way of rhythm, or melody, or words, to the young children of any well-conditioned parents? Is the poet to train his choruses as he pleases, without reference to virtue or vice?
CLEINIAS: That is surely quite unreasonable, and is not to be thought of.
ATHENIAN: And yet he may do this in almost any state with the exception of Egypt.
CLEINIAS: And what are the laws about music and dancing in Egypt?
ATHENIAN: You will wonder when I tell you: Long ago they appear to have recognized the very principle of which we are now speaking--that their young citizens must be habituated to forms and strains of virtue. These they fixed, and exhibited the patterns of them in their temples; and no painter or artist is allowed to innovate upon them, or to leave the traditional forms and invent new ones. To this day, no alteration is allowed either in these arts, or in music at all. And you will find that their works of art are painted or moulded in the same forms which they had ten thousand years ago;--this is literally true and no exaggeration,-- their ancient paintings and sculptures are not a whit better or worse than the work of to-day, but are made with just the same skill.
CLEINIAS: How extraordinary!
ATHENIAN: I should rather say, How statesmanlike, how worthy of a
legislator! I know that other things in Egypt are not so well. But what I am telling you about music is true and deserving of consideration, because showing that a lawgiver may institute melodies which have a natural truth and correctness without any fear of failure. To do this, however, must be the work of God, or of a divine person; in Egypt they have a tradition that their ancient chants which have been preserved for so many ages are the composition of the Goddess Isis. And therefore, as I was saying, if a person can only find in any way the natural melodies, he may confidently embody them in a fixed and legal form. For the love of novelty which arises out of pleasure in the new and weariness of the old, has not strength enough to corrupt the consecrated song and dance, under the plea that they have become antiquated. At any rate, they are far from being corrupted in Egypt.
CLEINIAS: Your arguments seem to prove your point."
mr. ducky,
Perhaps you could illustrate with some examples of the tremendous differences in painted art forms between the two periods?
But then, perhaps Plato, even though he was "rumoured" to have travelled to Egypt and spoken with their priests to learn sacred geometry, was misinformed as to the actual longevity of their institutions.
Wouldn't Egypt had to have been literally frozen in a time warp not to have changed ANYTHING?
And wouldn't their "original models" have to have been given to them by Isis and their gods NOT to have evolved up to the point in which the forms got adopted?
Is it even possible to believe that possible in a "relative" world of constant change, with the only things that can be "frozen" are "mental" symbols and forms or "laws". And even those can "degenerate" aka - definition of marriage or an interpretation of the US Constitution?
Grow up. You are so hung up on the "literal" truth, you wouldn't recognized a higher truth like e=mc^2 if it bit you.
And why do you think they separate Egyptian history into distinct "chunks" like "Middle Kingdom". There were 100 years of anarchy and dozens of new states established between the two periods you mention. And don't get me started on the origins of monotheism, and the "revolt" that followed.
Perhaps we could agree that without a certain "consistency" of forms, the Rosetta Stone would have been irrelevant to the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphs. And perhaps that consistency and predicted longevity lies rooted in nature itself, and how well a form corresponds with nature's laws. And so perhaps the "good" legislator would be wise to take heed of and follow these "natural laws" if he wished to achieve ANY longevity for his "city-state".
Here we are 2,000+ years after Plato, and we're STILL discussing "natural law". Why is that? The cultures, totems and taboos of mankind all bear striking similarities. Human nature...Human don't believe that there's anything to it, do you?
Plato is illustrating the relavance of the culture war to the legislator.
The 60's counter-culture was a direct assault on the nations established laws and institutions. The "beat" poets like ducky and his favorite musicians have been "charming" their audience with upsidasium for well nigh on fifty years nows. Should we be surprised at the emergence and accelerated rate of change in our established institutions as evidenced by judicial activism and expansion of government roles and responsibilities?
Children took over and were allowed to dominate the culture. And now those children need a mommy. Auntie Sam. How "progressive".
Apologies to Ixion
Blood Sweat and Tears...
What goes up
must come down
Spinnin' wheel
got to go 'round
Talkin' 'bout your troubles
it's a cryin' sin
Ride a painted pony let the spinnin' wheel spin
You got no money
and you got no home
Spinnin' wheel all alone
Talkin' 'bout your troubles
and you never learn
Ride a painted pony let the spinnin' wheel turn
Did you find
the directing sign
on the Straight and narrow highway
Would you mind
a reflecting sign
Just let it shine
within your mind
And show you
the colors
that are real
Someone is waiting
just for you
Spinnin' wheel,
spinnin' true
Drop all your troubles by the riverside...
etc. LSD induced suicide. Jim Jones, your followers will soon be knocking at your gate.
The success of the 60's counter-culture lies rooted in a deeper part of nature's truth about man. Men were animals driven by non-thought related instincts like sex, pleasure, and their stomaches long before they stood upright and became civilized. And so an "appeal" to baser instincts is difficult to resist. Especially when accompanied by mind altering substances and a "herd" of hypnotizing "socializing" cultists.
But if we are to retain any aspect of humanity, resist we must.
or we will...
Ride a "painted" pony
and let the spinning wheel spin.
kinda sounds like...Russian Roulette for a Deer Hunter
I can accept "intelligent design" just fine, as Einstein and indeed, Darwin, did. The modern should have no problem either synthesizing these ideas or at least holding them separately for contemplation. There are a number of paradigms, after all, that can be applied to "intelligent design". Lock your doors, here come the New Agers.
As long as the creation story is not told in lieu of science.
Bob Dylan must have been one such "divine person."
Dylan divine??? Try "reflecting" a little more on that norm.
mr ducky,
Points taken.
The Athenian's comment on music seems to fit Dylan to a "t."
Perhaps you miss the fact that the wisdom inherent in the desire for the "snake" in Isis was loyal to her husband Osirus, and Dylan is a poet and servant of Set, who wishes to entrap Osirus in a tomb.
And so the tunes that Isis handed down to Egypt in love of Osirus are the ones Plato says must be preserved, not a partial evolutionary descent and replacement w/Set's tunes.
For that way we can remain "human" and can consciously "blend" life in a manner that doesn't require us to descend on the evolutionary scale to half-man/ half-beast satyres. (or mammals)
Isis and Osirus Myths
Isis Myth
Set's tunes may appear to be and indeed are more natural than Bach's, but that is only true in the same way as the mammalian brain in man is older and more natural to earth than the newer human brain as adapted by man. Do you really desire a return to the age of mammals, norm? Warm blooded killing? No foresight?
Because I, along w/Isis, am willing to take you a step even farther "down" that path , down to the "reptilian" brain where cold blooded and remorseless killing resides.
That is where the Isis snake wisdom REALLY dwells, and what turns many mammals into predators and others merely their prey. For once foresight is lost, do you think it easy to get back?
The leopards will chase you and your fellow primates into the trees norm. You'll become part of the food chain again.
Perhaps a few more natural and trancendental thoughts from Emerson might help norm "see the light"...
"Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact."
"The senses collect the surface facts of matter... It was sensation; when memory came, it was experience; when mind acted, it was knowledge; when mind acted on it AS knowledge, it was thought."
"We aim ABOVE the mark to hit the mark"
"If you would lift me up you must BE on HIGHER GROUND."
"We gain the strength of the temptation we RESIST."
"Reality is a SLIDING door."
"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
"The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization."
"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding."(not innebriation and taking drugs or hypnotism)
"There are two classes of poets - the poets by education and practice, these we respect; and poets by nature, these we love." (just keep in mind that Emerson said that love sees only what it wants to see)
You give always give Art the short shrift, Farmer John (though I know you probably don't in real life). You talk as if you prefer propaganda. Or maybe you're just hung up on Plato's Book X. Understandable. If the poets killed my teacher I suppose I'd hold a grudge, too.
Does quoting Emerson keep you from feeling wholly unAmerican?
No norm, but singing Sousa tunes does...
I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy,
A Yankee Doodle do or die.
A real life nephew of my Uncle Sam
Born on the Fourth of July!
I got a Yankee Doodle Sweetheart,
She's my Yankee Doodle joy!
Yankee Doodle went to town
Just to ride the pony,
I am that Yankee Doodle Boy!
Baum, "Wizard of Oz"...
Dorothy: "What kind of a horse is that? I've never seen a horse like that before!"
The Carriage Driver: "No — and never will again, I fancy. There's only one of him, and he's it. He's the 'Horse of a Different Color' you've heard tell about."
Now do you feel at home, normy?
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