George W. Bush National Hero, Savior of His Nation
Governor Kathleen Blanco diddled while Mayor Ray Nagin dawdled and the national media geniuses, pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracists, and professional Bush haters blamed President Bush for the Louisiana Hurricane Katrina disaster. Now with Hurricane Rita looming large over the coast of Texas, the government officials and good citizens of the Great State of Texas seem to be doing everything right. With evacuations, closures and shutdowns proceeding apace the only remaining President Bush accusation is that he caused it all because he (and about 80 percent of the sane population of this nation) are not Global Warming True Believers.
Big Bubba will be the first to admit that the Great State of Texas has a leg up on our next door neighbors in Louisiana. Unlike the coon asses we do not have a long standing history of government corruption, incompetence and blame shifting. We know that our Aggie governor, Rick Perry, is going to be right in the thick of it making the right decisions for Texans. The governor making the right decisions and government officials right on down the line to mayors like Galveston Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas are all making the right decisions. Is President Bush a genius or what? Lyda Ann Thomas had Galveston school buses lined up to carry an estimated 900 poor or homeless citizens to safety. Gulf Coast nursing home residents are being air evacuated to safety. Genius, George, sheer genius!
I admit that I am not sure what President Bush had to do with all of this, but, I was equally unsure what he had to do with the poor decisions of the Louisiana clowns. Fair is fair. If President Bush is blamed for everything that went wrong with Hurricane Katrina he should receive credit for everything going right with Hurricane Rita.
Big Bubba will be the first to admit that the Great State of Texas has a leg up on our next door neighbors in Louisiana. Unlike the coon asses we do not have a long standing history of government corruption, incompetence and blame shifting. We know that our Aggie governor, Rick Perry, is going to be right in the thick of it making the right decisions for Texans. The governor making the right decisions and government officials right on down the line to mayors like Galveston Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas are all making the right decisions. Is President Bush a genius or what? Lyda Ann Thomas had Galveston school buses lined up to carry an estimated 900 poor or homeless citizens to safety. Gulf Coast nursing home residents are being air evacuated to safety. Genius, George, sheer genius!
I admit that I am not sure what President Bush had to do with all of this, but, I was equally unsure what he had to do with the poor decisions of the Louisiana clowns. Fair is fair. If President Bush is blamed for everything that went wrong with Hurricane Katrina he should receive credit for everything going right with Hurricane Rita.
Mr. Ducky, I have no idea what THE answer is about the evacuation routes. This is my best guess about what may be the answer. The first thing to understand is that the Texas expressway system is possibly the best (Aggie) engineered highway system in the nation. Expressways, in town and in the country, have access roads on both sides. Some access roads are one way, many are two way. A change in flow of traffic, without sufficient supervision, may be hazardous. Louisiana highways are different in their engineering.
During the 1970s while I was still in the Army I worked with state and local officials on disaster planning. I know that using both "sides" of the expressway to evacuate was in the plans. Different scenarios that may cause an evacuation affect how the roads can be safely utilized. Roads must be kept open in both directions (one or two lanes at least in the direction counter evacuation). The problem is emplacing resources, having sufficient personnel to emplace resources and most importantly having the law enforcement assets sufficient to police the change in traffic patterns. The roads are clogged, but one accident caused by a driver unaware of the changes could make them impassable.
Ted Poe sounds like a warm, wonderful human being to me.
"As elected officials, state judges know that few things please the public as much as hoisting a wretch in public. One Texas state judge, Ted Poe, was known as "The King of Shame" for his signature use of punishments like shoveling manure. Poe said that he liked to humiliate people because "[t]he people I see have too good a self-esteem." Poe was so popular for what he called "Poe-tic Justice" that he literally shamed himself right into Congress and is now serving as a member of the House of Representatives."
You don't understand the misuse of government largesse for those in need? You probably also don't believe that food stamps have been used to pay for lap dances not to mention sex and drugs. You are a naive Duck, Mr. Ducky.
Samwich, I assume a sharp cookie like you knows how our government cooperated with the rooskie weather people to eliminate competition with Operation Rain Dance.
"Can you not see that the seeds of destruction is laid in the unrighteousness of judges and lawyers?"
Perhaps, but that has nothing to do with "the end times." Why? Because the unrightousness of judges and lawyers has been there since time immemorial.
On shame and hunting jackrabbits from Plato's "Laws"...
"ATHENIAN: Enough of laws relating to education and learning. But hunting and similar pursuits in like manner claim our attention. For the legislator appears to have a duty imposed upon him which goes beyond mere legislation. There is something over and above law which lies in a region between admonition and law, and has several times occurred to us in the course of discussion; for example, in the education of very young children there were things, as we maintain, which are not to be defined, and to regard them as matters of positive law is a great absurdity.
Now, our laws and the whole constitution of our state having been thus delineated, the praise of the virtuous citizen is not complete when he is described as the person who serves the laws best and obeys them most, but the higher form of praise is that which describes him as the good citizen who passes through life undefiled and is obedient to the words of the legislator, both when he is giving laws and when he assigns praise and blame. This is the truest word that can be spoken in praise of a citizen; and the true legislator ought not only to write his laws, but also to interweave with them all such things as seem to him honourable and dishonourable.
And the perfect citizen ought to seek to strengthen these no less than the principles of law which are sanctioned by punishments. I will adduce an example which will clear up my meaning, and will be a sort of witness to my words.
Hunting is of wide extent, and has a name under which many things are included, for there is a hunting of creatures in the water, and of creatures in the air, and there is a great deal of hunting of land animals of all kinds, and not of wild beasts only. The hunting after man is also worthy of consideration; there is the hunting after him in war, and there is often a hunting after him in the way of friendship, which is praised and also blamed; and there is thieving, and the hunting which is practised by robbers, and that of armies against armies.
Now the legislator, in laying down laws about hunting, can neither abstain from noting these things, nor can he make threatening ordinances which will assign rules and penalties about all of them. What is he to do? He will have to praise and blame hunting with a view to the exercise and pursuits of youth. And, on the other hand, the young man must listen obediently; neither pleasure nor pain should hinder him, and he should regard as his standard of action the praises and injunctions of the legislator rather than the punishments which he imposes by law.
This being premised, there will follow next in order moderate praise and censure of hunting; the praise being assigned to that kind which will make the souls of young men better, and the censure to that which has the opposite effect.
And now let us address young men in the form of a prayer for their welfare: O friends, we will say to them, may no desire or love of hunting in the sea, or of angling or of catching the creatures in the waters, ever take possession of you, either when you are awake or when you are asleep, by hook or with weels, which latter is a very lazy contrivance; and let not any desire of catching men and of piracy by sea enter into your souls and make you cruel and lawless hunters.
And as to the desire of thieving in town or country, may it never enter into your most passing thoughts; nor let the insidious fancy of catching birds, which is hardly worthy of freemen, come into the head of any youth.
There remains therefore for our athletes only the hunting and catching of land animals, of which the one sort is called hunting by night, in which the hunters sleep in turn and are lazy; this is not to be commended any more than that which has intervals of rest, in which the wild strength of beasts is subdued by nets and snares, and not by the victory of a laborious spirit.
Thus, only the best kind of hunting is allowed at all--that of quadrupeds, which is carried on with horses and dogs and men's own persons, and they get the victory over the animals by running them down and striking them and hurling at them, those who have a care of godlike manhood taking them with their own hands.
The praise and blame which is assigned to all these things has now been declared; and let the law be as follows: Let no one hinder these who verily are sacred hunters from following the chase wherever and whithersoever they will; but the hunter by night, who trusts to his nets and gins, shall not be allowed to hunt anywhere. The fowler in the mountains and waste places shall be permitted, but on cultivated ground and on consecrated wilds he shall not be permitted; and any one who meets him may stop him. As to the hunter in waters, he may hunt anywhere except in harbours or sacred streams or marshes or pools, provided only that he do not pollute the water with poisonous juices.
And now we may say that all our enactments about education are complete.
CLEINIAS: Very good."
Ben Franklin quotes - "A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats."
"A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one."
"All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move."
"God works wonders now and then; Behold a lawyer, an honest man."
"Half a truth is often a great lie."
"I conceive that the great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by false estimates they have made of the value of things."
"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins."
"In the affairs of this world, men are saved not by faith, but by the want of it."
mr. ducky,
Soylent green is people. The fish stocks are gone now.
"jobs eliminated or moved to another country"
I was watching a TV piece about China (our biggest competitor/largest market). The talking head said that when he was a child his mother admonished him to eat all the food from his plate because children were starving in China. He said that today's parents need to admonish their children to study hard, and learn, in school because China is bursting at the seams with young students studying hard, and learning, and they want your future job.
Our ability to compete is problematic since the secular humanists have seized control of our educational system, kicked out God in favor of their religion and instituted their social engineering. Did I forget there is no longer any discipline taught/implemented in our schools? These pseudo intellectual fools are opening the Chinese floodgates wide by teaching that all the world's woes are caused by the greedy capitalists who are stealing money from the poor and transfering the wealth to the silver tongued thieves.
"Bubba, can Bush save us from $80-$85 per barrrel oil???"
You should pray that oil hits $170 per barrel so that the process of ending our dependency on oil will really accelerate. I have full faith and confidence that when the time comes we will figure things out.
We see a slow but sure process already. Hybrid autos are on the road, solar panels tied in to the power grid, and other new technologies are slowly edging us away from oil dependence. If the process hit a catastrophic loss of oil how long would it take to electrify the national railroad grid? Of course the real question will be where will the electricity come from? With our national policies driven by children descended from ancient mariners who believed that they could sail their ships, with all souls aboard, over the edge of the flat earth our progress is considerably slowed by pure ignorance with the fires fanned by pseudo intellectual fools. When was the last nuclear power plant built? The last oil refinery? When will we drill for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. Will we ever again rely on our science and engineering professionals? Our heirs are going to be scratching their collective heads and wondering, "what were they thinking?"
You need to spend less time on the "end times" and spend more time praying about impatience and faithlessness.
Romans 8:28 (King James Version)
28And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
I am watching the media "gotcha blame game" playing out on TV. A reporter is almost harrassing President Bush with repeated questioning about whether he will be getting in the way with his visit to the Gulf Region. Anyone care to guess what the question would be if he "rode it out" in the White House watching events on TV like the rest of the nation?
Big anti-war march in DC this weekend. You gonna be there duck?
Law of "one" price??? or "Low" price??? Which economics books are you getting your formula's from. Oxford, Cambridge, or Marx?
Why don't we start with the law of why Walmart shoppers voted for made in China goods. Walmart started out emphasizing their buy American policy (whenever possible). The consumers (presumably mostly Americans) would not allow Walmart to become a market force unless they succumbed to buying from China. This had nothing to do with evil government, evil capitalists, or evil economic policies. This was all about mom, apple pie and All-American shoppers.
As usual, Duck, you tend to throw up a smoke screen with things meaningless to the discussion. I think that most people would agree that the Law of One Price is more applicable to commodities than consumer goods. I don't stay up late studying China, but, I strongly suspect that their trade position for commodities is radically different than that for consumer goods. I may be wrong if you can prove to me that there is another nation that produces more rice, wheat and several other basic commodities than the United States.
I am always amazed by the number of commodity rail cars going to the Port of Corpus Christi and to Mexico passing through San Antonio.
You always seem to take simplistic positions clouded by a puff of pseudo intellectualism, Duck. You do a fine job at that.
"Guess Plato didn't anticipate factory ships depleting the worlds fish stocks and destroying a critical source of protein for the poor."
What does this have to do with the price of rice in China. The factory ships are solely provisioning the rich? Nations like Russia and Japan seem to be the biggest offenders. What do you suggest, Duck? The nuclear option.
Yes, when a trade is made there is but "one" agreed to price. But that price fluctuates every nano-second. It's an absolute swimming in a stream of relatives.
And all "instantaneous" snapshots are false. Just remember Zeno's Paradox. Achilles will never catch the turtle. He's a prisoner of "infinite instantaneous snapshots"
Evidence of the falsity of the "Law of One Price"...
Balassa-Samuelson Effect
"But that price fluctuates every nano-second."
Especially true of commodities.
btw - Plato didn't give a whit about the oceans. Magnesia was supposed to be a "land-locked" country, without any foreign commerce or significant trade with the outside. It was to be totally self-reliant. It also had a fixed population that rely upon illegal aliens and immigrants to fund a social security Ponzi scheme.
But seeing how you mention it, Garret Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" (i.e. fisheries) is probably the strongest argument against socialism and for private property that can ever be argued.
Tragedy of the Commons
But there are commons that do need regulation. Cow flatulence is not one of them.
Mr. Ducky, I found Farmer John's passage from the ancients about hunting and fishing to be very relevant to our modern circumstances.
We, here in the Great State of Texas, may not call the Laguna Madre a "sacred pool," but that is how we treat it (as if it is sacred). While fishing is permitted it is highly regulated because of the understanding that it is the Laguna MADRE to many species for breeding, feeding and growing.
Many of our hunting regulations are to ban methods that are not sporting (manly) for specific species like banning traps, dogs and certain types of projectiles.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 (King James Version) 9The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
"oil "BROKERAGE" business" - no matter what you call the milch cow its purpose is to produce milk. No matter what little nitpicking point is made about big petroleum their purpose is profiting while filling a consumer need.
wind power - nice and effective in certain areas where winds are sufficient. Unacceptable for use in urban areas because of their noise.
"I trade wheat OPTIONS" - that doesn't make you a rocket surgeon, Samwich. One of the most famous investment anecdotes is called "the message from the tomb." Have you heard the tale?
"Soybean diesel fuel oil" - Lots of things "work", Samwich. The key to all these things "working" in competition to oil is cost effectiveness. It just won't happen until it is cost effective.
"Oil producers are vultures" - One branch of my family made millions in the oil patch with their production company. I must confess I have never seen any of them sitting on telephone poles looking for scavage.
"I will drop wisdom and learning in your path." - more likely it would make the unwary trip and fall.
I went to Home Depot for some supplies for plumbing repair. The previously vacant Walmart next door was sheltering evacuees and the parking lot was full. Fire Department vehicles were there because the city always stations EMS personnel at shelter sites. On the way we were passed by a vehicle with a sign on the door, "Galveston County Veterans Service Officer." My wife told me that the stations close to her house at an intersection about two miles off of IH 10 were out of gas last night. In my neighborhood we passed an over the road bus with a sign in the window listing three local schools. One of them was my granddaughter's middle school so I figured the bus must be shuttling evacuee students. My granddaughter had previously told me they were expecting evacuee students at her school and her school was one of the three on the sign.
The City of San Antonio has opened wide its heart and doors to all evacuees. Everybody is donating time, money or other goods. I wish that I was strong enough to volunteer my services. I did donate a paltry amount. I am very proud of San Antonio and its people.
Get on top of the action, folks, at the Texas Department of Transportation. If you want to really get into it look at Houston traffic signs on IH 45 North to Dallas. They even have cameras for those really in to it.
Welcome to San Antonio. Coming in from Houston you will see these welcoming signs. If you know your way around town you can look at the pictures.
While preparing this I noticed my weather bug blinking red at me. First of all it "says" 102 and that is very hot. We are now under a wind advisory for wind in the 25 to 35 mile an hour range until tomorrow at 4:00 P.M. Sustained winds at that level make driving difficult.
I am spending the week end at Mrs. Big Bubbette's house. She doesn't have a high speed connection. I'll check e-mail when I escape back to my house.
There is one group directly responsible for high Gas prices Ducky and his neo Communist Greens.
Last we checked refinery and oil drilling jobs were unionized well paying jobs.
The technology to perform these tasks cleanly has changed . Yet the environmentalist zelotsm who are really Commies disguised block every effort at progress.
Want a better economy out with the Greens and in with progress.
Obviously reading comprehension is not the forte of the neo wahabi communist fowl mouthed bird brained Duck. My comments clearly stated that you and your seditious bretheren have blocked all attempts at domestic drilling.
Lets see well paying union jobs and energy independence from your Wahabi brothers vs the life of a few Loons and swamp grass. The American people know a con game and the enviromentalist are out to lunch.
FYI Duncy if the price goes too high your OPEC theiving swine know Colorado shale oil becomes an option. The future does not belong to Opec. Lets see how much the world cares about fake indigenous people if and when OPEC is irrelevant.
BB, I think you've finally met your match...
The ramblings of an autophile
Babbling Babs
mr. ducky,
I've got nothing against unions provided they actually try and help ALL their members, and not only the most stupid and incompetent members. In other words, provided that don't ascribe to the same Rawlsian Theories of Justice you do.
Can you explain the Trojan Horse to us again samwich. I'll admit you even fly over my head once and a while.
The US doesn't need a constitutional convention, or even a limited constitutional convention to pass an ammendment to the US Constitution banning homosexual marriage. 1786 was a LONG time ago samwich. They dumped the Articles of Confederation at it, but nobodies gonna give 'em another shot at re-writing the American script. The 2nd amendement is going nowhere. The delegates wouldn't ever make it to their meeting place, if they even managed to call one.
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