President Bush Not Only Smiles, He Goes Potty
Reuters Photog Captures Bush at U.N. With 'Bathroom Break' Note
By E&P Staff
Published: September 14, 2005 7:35 PM ET updated Thursday 9:30 AM
In what seems destined to become one of the most joked about photos of the month, a well-known Reuters photographer on Wednesday captured President George W. Bush scribbling a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a session at the United Nations. On the note is a message revolving around the need to take a "bathroom break."
The word favored by pretentiously ridiculous, pseudo intellectual mental defects, "gravitas,” comes to mind. Is this what they mean by "gravitas?" This is important news from the U.N.? Let's call it for what it is, folks. Juvenile potty humor intended to ridicule President Bush.
By E&P Staff
Published: September 14, 2005 7:35 PM ET updated Thursday 9:30 AM
In what seems destined to become one of the most joked about photos of the month, a well-known Reuters photographer on Wednesday captured President George W. Bush scribbling a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a session at the United Nations. On the note is a message revolving around the need to take a "bathroom break."
The word favored by pretentiously ridiculous, pseudo intellectual mental defects, "gravitas,” comes to mind. Is this what they mean by "gravitas?" This is important news from the U.N.? Let's call it for what it is, folks. Juvenile potty humor intended to ridicule President Bush.
The four traditional external estates of mankind that magnetically influence an individual's behavior...
Nobility, Clergy, Legislature and other people
Of course the Modern day "fourth estate" is thought to be almost entirely constituted by the "media/press" whose temporally limited opinions have technologically magnified the people's growing anti-authoritarianism. The mainstream New-s media/ press is also being subjected to external subversion as represented by the growing coverage of a leaders in a manner sympathetic to the so-called 5th estate.
Methinks these new savages born of the proclivities represented and inherent in the 5th estate are indulging the cannibal-istic instinct of symbolically rending and later consuming/ eating their "projected" Freudian father.
Tis not a pretty sight. And one sure to give us all a touch of Indigestion.
Mr. Ducky, as usual you missed/ignored my point in posting the potty note story. I am not surprised by your admission to not being widely informed on current events. That would seem to be in keeping with your head in the sand posture.
Farmer John, fortunately for us who are living in this modern connected, electronic era we can throw the fifth estate deadbeats right out the window. We are free to seek out news/news sources that fit our own sensibilities.
BB Amen!
It's about time some Balance was Lent to the Force
Electrons aren't exactly metaflorians, but they'll have to do...for now.
mr. ducky,
Good point about the broke part. How's the Government going to pay for the Infinite Do-Gooding that needs to be done in the world?
First the 9/11 victims. Now the Katrina victims. Are there no end to the victims of cruel, cruel Fate... Man-Made and/or Natural???
better make that "no ends, just government means"
Is there any way to make Italics Lean Left?
methinks the inhabitants of "Lesbos" and their worshippers require a font to represent the fount which has recently sprung forth most forcefully upon this great land of ours.
I don't understand it. I type my comments and the words are sometimes drawn and warped in directions I no longer understand.
It must be miserable, going through life with no sense of humor.
There are worse things, skidoo, like going through life intellectually limited.
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