Rocket over to The Misanthropundit
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Big Bubba The Misanthropundit
Go and check it out. Give me your feedback.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Cranky Grandma, Texas Jew Boy and Texas Politics
Don't believe for one moment that she is "fracturing" the Republican Party by leaving. She left the Democrat Party for the Republicans in 1985 and they seem to have survived. Now in 2005 she is leaving the Republican Party to be an Independent. When will she become a Green? Libertarian? When will she make up her mind about what she really believes in? She certainly didn't believe that she could beat Governor Rick Perry in the Republican Primary. That is her one and only reason to "fracture" the Republican Party. She seems to be unsure of what is good for Carole Keeton Strayhorn yet she wants to determine what is best for Texans.
I don't think that she clearly thought this one out. She must garner an estimated 60,000 petition signatures to get on the November ballot. The petition drive cannot begin until after the March 7 primary balloting. The petitions must be turned in by May 11. Citizens who voted for either party on March 7 may not sign the petitions. This will be very difficult to do for Strayhorn.
Did I mention the Texas Jew Boy? You know, Kinky Friedman, the quirky musician, writer and eminent Texan. He is running for Governor as an independent. I think that there is a very good probability that Kinky will succeed in gathering the necessary petition signatures. I think that there is an even better chance that "Independents" would vote for Kinky over Carole (if Carole gets on the ballot). I actually believe that Kinky is a far more serious candidate than Carole. If I had to choose between the two I would take my chances with Kinky.
Look for Rick Perry to be elected to a second term as governor. I know what you are thinking. What about the Democrats? Demo-who? There aren't any that are known on the level of a Perry, Strayhorn or even Friedman. This is going to be a very entertaining election year in Texas. Texas politics has always been the most entertaining game in town!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Big Bubba Diogenes and His Trusty Lantern
Most media sources are depicting this whole scandal as Republican from top to bottom, inside out. They take their cue from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi who said Abramoff's confession in court was "not a surprise because this Republican Congress is the most corrupt in history and the American people are paying the price." You have to look hard in the media to find any demoracists ties to the scandal.
I don’t think party affiliation is the most important point about the political contributions of scam artist and crook, Jack Abramhoff. Here are some names, without comment, that I have found.
Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., announced he would donate to charity $11,000
House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., $69,000
Rep. Jerry Weller, R-Ill., said he would donate a $500 contribution to a local charity
Rep. Don Manzullo, R-Ill., said the congressman would return a $2,000
Rep. Lane Evans, D-Ill., said he would give to a Rock Island, Ill., charity $2,000
Bush's re-election campaign is giving the American Heart Association $6,000
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, R-NY
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said it planned to return $2,000
Sen. Max Baucus, R-Mt
Byron Dorgan, D-ND
Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the minority leader, gave no indication that he'll give back a $5,000 contribution.
Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., won't return received contributions of more than $40,000
Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-RI, citing his support for American Indian causes, says he has no plans to return any of the $42,500 he took from tribes represented by GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
"He's proud to have their support," Kennedy chief of staff Sean Richardson said Wednesday. "He's got direct personal relationships with tribes. ... He looks at it as a human and civil rights issue, the fact that they're still not treated with the dignity and respect they deserve."
Kennedy, D-R.I., was the top congressional Democratic recipient of Abramoff-linked funds, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a campaign watchdog group that analyzed contributions from 1999 to 2005.
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-Harlem) topped the list (New York elected officials) at $36,000
Rep. Tom Reynolds (R-Rochester) at $7,000
Rep. Nita Lowey (D-Westchester) at $2,000 .
Sen. John Thune, R-SD, said he will donate $2,000 to charity
Democrat South Dakota Sen. Tim Johnson, said he will return $8,250
Former minority leader Tom Daschle received Abramoff contributions
Other prominent Democrats receiving money from Abramoff include
Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)
Mary Landrieu (D-LA)
Barney Frank (D-Mass)
Fritz Hollings (D-SC)
Look Here for a table breaking down the Abramoff contributions.
Before you go getting all judgmental on demoracist involvement be sure that you understand how to interpret their involvement. Ms. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, cautions, "Do not fall into a Republican trap of equating technicalities on reporting, timing of reporting with not upholding an ethical standard of the House."
That would be Republicans B-A-A-A-A-D, demoracists GOOOD. Also remember that the demoracists love their Indian brothers and sisters and will do anything possible to help spread their money around for the common good even if it does involve occasional technical violations and/or poor timing of required reports. How could any progressive thinker believe that demoracist politicians who are known to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent could possibly be involved in this scandal? Even if progressive liberal demoracists were involved they have pure hearts and only want what is best, and more important know what is best for America. That just is not the same as Republicans who are motivated by greed and power. Republicans B-A-A-A-A-D, demoracists GOOOD.
What a crock. These people are getting to be so far out ridiculous they are even starting to believe theirselves. Jack Abramoff is a soon to be convicted felon because of his plea bargain. The plea bargain specified Abramoff’s guilt, the involvement of an elected official (probably Rep. Bob Ney, R-OH), and two low level staffers. At this point everything is idle speculation and wishful thinking on the part of the progressive liberal demoracists and their media allies. Regardless of which way this scandal goes make no mistake about it. There are progressive liberal demoracists fingers in the pie right along with Republican fingers. The bottom line will be what indictments will be forthcoming for who and will they be convicted.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
This Marion Barry Story Is A Hoot
You go Marion Barry! The stringent gun control laws of Washington, D.C. have done nothing to remove guns from the hands of criminals. It never will, Mr. Barry, because criminals do not obey the law. They violate laws, which is what they do. That is why they are called criminals. Your gun control laws have made it difficult for private citizens to protect their life and property. Your citizens are in more danger of becoming a victim because of your gun control laws.
So you think right to carry doesn’t work. (Big Bubba Big Note: Look for the statement, "In general, permit-holders were model law-abiders. Even off-duty police officers in Florida were convicted of violent crimes at a higher rate than permit-holders."
The criminals are not as dumb as gun control advocates. They are all moving to Washington, D.C. and other defenseless areas.
Bad news for the progressive liberal pseudo intellectual demoracists. Right to carry laws in Texas work! So who is surprised? They are working in every other right to carry state also. I guess that leaves the denizens of Washington, D.C. at the mercy of the cruelest of all population controls - prohibiting firearms.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Judgement Day
"The state's appeal is intended to perpetuate legally baseless charges in order to deprive Congressman DeLay of his elected position as majority leader of the United States House of Representatives."
Ronnie Earle wants to prosecute Tom DeLay for an alleged violation of a law that was enacted after the alleged violation. Isn't that what they call ex post facto? You don't need to be a Clarence Darrow to figure this one out.
Tom DeLay is totally innocent of all charges brought by the demoracist enforcer, Ronnie Earle. It is just a question of when justice will be finally done.
How Smart Are Liberals?
Matthews received the coveted "Crazy Chris Award for Chris Matthews' Left-Wing Lunacy," for the classic pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracist observation that anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, "sound[s] more informed than most U.S. Congress people.” He also suggested that she run for office. This award was part of the annual "Best of Notable Quotables," from Brent Bozell's Media Research Center.
We go to the criticism of the "left" to answer the question of "how smart are liberals?" Media Matters for America awarded Matthews the "Misinformer of the Year" award. Obviously out of concern for the limited intellectual capacity of knee jerk liberals they harpooned Matthews for not making clear that a guest may be a dreaded Republican while emphasizing progressive liberal guests’ credentials. Are they saying that progressive liberals have difficulty identifying who is "left" and whose "right" without help?
Even more critical to answering the question are the Media Matters for America's criticisms of some Matthew's quotes about President Bush that are taken out of context. These people are a hoot. Go read the article for yourself to answer the question and have a good laugh.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Christmas With Big Bubba
Sunday we will all gather to celebrate the holiday at the Brooklyn wiseguys apartment. The Jewish Doc, the South Texas Mexican, the Boston dimbulb who never contributes money, my sister and I. If you wondered about the lasagna on the menu it's not for the Brooklyn wiseguy, it's for our good friend the Doc. The Big Trucker Boy won't be there since he is on the road with Werner Enterprises somewhere unknown.
It should be a great New Year for all. The Big Trucker Boy has a new job, the Doc's new house construction should be done, the Brooklyn wiseguy may possibly have a few winning bets, my sister is off parole, the Mexican Kid will complete his real estate deal and the Boston dimbulb will continue to sponge. Big Bubba has had sixty straight good years and I know this one will be yet another.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All!
Feliz Navidad y Prospero Nuevo Ano a Todos!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to All
From a Christmas long ago this card from the Korean DMZ. This card is being widely circulated this Christmas amongst Imjin Scouts and other veterans of the Second Infantry Division, the Second to None Division (2-2-0).
From the distance of time those were some very special Holiday times where we were privileged to serve our country.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Take Your Pick - War Against Christmas or Ignorance
"[A] father asked the principal, 'What is that tree down the hall?' The principal beamed proudly. 'That is our friendship tree.' 'Why don't you call it what it is: a Christmas Tree?' the father asked. 'Oh, we're trying to make sure we don't offend people. It's better to call it a 'friendship tree,' the principal replied. Thinking back on the incident a few months later, the father took a grim satisfaction that he had changed the outlook of the principal of this expensive private school in the New York City suburbs. But not by argument or persuasion. 'I told him if that tree wasn't a Christmas tree tomorrow, I would be taking my son out of the school, and I would be making certain the other parents I know, who also pay tens of thousands of dollars to the school, would learn how their children were being taught incorrectly. We all know what a Christmas tree is, and I want my son to know what a Christmas tree is. I have no idea what a friendship tree is and I'm [quite] certain that principal didn't either." —John Gibson
From The Federalist Patriot (FederalistPatriot.US). Make this great E-publication part of a happy, informed New Year. Go here to subscribe.
Washington's "Vision" Everywhere on the Internet
Monday, December 19, 2005
William Jefferson Clinton Day
William Jefferson Clinton’s comment on that very special day could have been,
"Sometimes I feel like a fire hydrant looking at a pack of dogs." --Bill Clinton
Fortunately he was able to exercise selective amnesia because he did state,
"If a president of the United States ever lied to the American People, he should resign." --Bill Clinton
He further regaled us during that time with several more classic quotes,
"It depends on what the meaning of the words 'is' is." –Bill Clinton
"It depends on how you define alone…" –Bill Clinton
"I did not have sex with that woman " –Bill Clinton
"What's a man got to do to get in the top fifty?" –Bill Clinton, when informed that a survey of journalists ranked as the 53rd most significant story of the century the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
William Jefferson Clinton, at the U.N. global warming summit,
"There's no longer any serious doubt that climate change is real, accelerating and caused by human activities. We are uncertain about how deep and time of arrival of the consequences, but we are quite clear that they will not be good,"
William Jefferson Clinton offered rock solid proof of global warming from his private collection. Here it is,
Here are some more classic William Jefferson Clinton quotes,
I like to play saxophone because you don't inhale. --Gov. Bill Clinton
When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn't like it and didn't inhale and never tried it again. --Gov. Bill Clinton
"The United States can't be so fixed on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans..." --Bill Clinton
"I ask that all Americans demonstrate in their personal and public lives...the high ethical standards that are essential to good character and to the continued success of our nation." -- Bill Clinton
"You know, if I were a single man, I might ask that mummy out. That's a good-looking mummy" —Bill Clinton
"You live in a country that makes it harder to raise children than any other country in the world. You vote for me and I'll give you family values." -- Bill Clinton
"I've been in politics long enough to expect criticism and hostility. But I was unprepared for the hatred I get from Christians. Why do Christians hate so much?" --Bill Clinton
"I am opposed to abortion and to government funding of abortions." -- Bill Clinton
"Usually briefs." –Bill Clinton, responding to MTV 1994 town hall question
"The Bible is the authoritative Word of God and contains all truth" --Bill Clinton
"I may not have been the greatest president, but I've had the most fun eight years." –Bill Clinton
And one final quote from former First Lady Barbara Bush,
"Clinton lied. A man might forget where he parks or where he lives, but he never forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is." --Barbara Bush
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Big Bubba's Take On War Heros in the News
I have not been able to determine very much specific information about Senator Murtha's military service. He volunteered for the Marine Corps in 1952. He rose through the ranks to Captain. He left Marine Corps active duty in 1959 for the Marine Reserve.
He remained a Marine Reservist until he volunteered for a tour of duty in the Republic of Viet Nam. It appears that unlike Hanoi John he actually served for 12 months and then returned to the Marine Reserves.
Senator Murtha retired from the Marine Corps Reserves in 1990 as a Colonel. I very much admire the fact that Colonel Murtha volunteered for an active duty tour in the Republic of Viet Nam.
What is significant about Senator Murtha's service? Most of his service was spent in the Reserves. He was a Colonel, a rank of special trust and responsibility. But, that was in the reserves. Old soldiers often joke that at the Pentagon the Lieutenant Colonels' job is to make the office coffee. Senator Murtha rose above that level, but never served at the Pentagon or any high position of trust and responsibility.
I don't believe that it was ever reported that Colonel Murtha was sighted conferring with Abrams, MacNamara, President Johnson or any other President or high ranking official about military affairs when he was in the Marines. I am sure that he was never responsible for proposing national policy and strategy. His command level would be brigade which is not remarkable.
I respect Senator Murtha and admire his accomplishments, however, basically he did what a few million other guys did. He served in uniform.
Senator Daniel Inouye, D-Hi, is a genuine war hero. He also rose through the ranks from Private to Captain in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the famous "Go for Broke" regiment. The 442nd RCT will always have a special place in the heart of members of The Great State of Texas' Fightin' 36th Infantry Division because of their famous rescue of the "Lost Battalion" in Italy during WWII.
The 442nd was an all Japanese unit that not only had to avoid death in combat, but also the racism of the Army of that day. Senator Inouye endured specific acts of racism best exemplified by being the recipient of a Distinguished Service Cross for an act of bravery that was absolutely incredible. He should have received a Medal of Honor. Senator Inouye was awarded the Medal of Honor for that act of bravery in 1990.
His act of bravery cost him his arm and twenty months in military hospitals before he was discharged back to civilian life. Senator Inouye became a lawyer and has spent his life in the service of his country.
He did serve, however, he was not on General Marshall's staff at the Pentagon. He didn't sit down with Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at Yalta. He was a foot soldier in Italy like many, many others.
It is being reported that Senator Inouye in a press release critical of the Republican "white flag" advertisement stated ,"As a Veteran of World War II, I know what it’s like to fight a war and put your life on the line every day. I also know what it takes to win a war, and I know that politics and an attack machine like the President’s plays no part in it."
Senator Inouye is either very naive, or he thinks we are very naive, if he believes that politics do not play a part in winning any war. If Senator Inouye had attained high military office he undoubtedly would have been introduced to Vom Krieg by General Carl Phillip Gottfried von Clausewitz (1780-1831). General von Clausewitz tells us that,
"War is not merely a political act but a real political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse, a carrying out of the same by other means."
Senator Inouye and Murtha are fine gentlemen and I respect their military service. They undoubtedly have insights into military service that only those who have served will have. That is all very special, however, if this country ever had to depend on Captain Inouye, Private Kennedy, Colonel Murtha, Sergeant Rangel, or Captain McCain for the military expertise necessary to conduct the operations of our military forces we would be in trouble.
It is a dangerous trend that we are on to worship at the feet of those who merely served and treat them as sacred cows beyond reproach or questioning. Military service remains an asset when seeking a job in civilian life, or in running for political office. We need to keep such service in perspective for what it actually represents.
Today's Teapot Tempest Courtesy Senator Barbara Boxer
Feel blessed that your son has been returned to you. Prior to the Korean War the dead were not routinely returned home. Your son had a military escort from Dover Air Force Base to San Diego. This has been the procedure of the military for years. Fifty years ago my father escorted a coffin from Elmendorf Air Force Base to the states. Here’s another news flash for you Barbara. Coffins are routinely returned home in this country by commercial airline. No one is going to pay for a cross country hearse.
What has cheapened this whole affair is Barbara Boxer’s mishandling of this affair. First of all Senators normally turn requests for assistance over to the Representative of the district the requestor resides. Obviously Barbara Boxer’s hatred of George Bush, his policies and the Iraq situation caused her to violate protocol and attempt to cause an embarrassing incident. The only embarrassing incident here is Barbara Boxer.
Army defends transporting of dead to U.S. on commercial flights
By Leo Shane III, Stars and Stripes
European edition, Wednesday, December 14, 2005
WASHINGTON — Defense officials confirmed this week that the bodies of deceased troops are usually transported as freight on commercial airlines, but they insisted the practice is not unusual or disrespectful.
The practice came under scrutiny this week after Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., helped arrange an honor guard to welcome the body of a San Diego soldier, Spc. Matthew Holley, killed in Iraq in mid-November.
Those Wild and Crazy Canuck Politicos
Prime Minister Martin, and the other liberals, are shocked that criminals are still obtaining guns and using them in their criminal activities. Can you imagine that? Criminals engaging in criminal conduct and breaking a law? Honest citizens who complied with ridiculous Canadian gun laws are like lambs at the slaughter. Who could be surprised at that turn of events?
What's next for Prime Minister Paul Martin? Advising us how to set up a total failure National Health Plan so that the Canadian model doesn't look so ridiculous? Here is an interesting story, from up North about politics and gun control.
Don't blame American guns
John R. Lott, National Post
Published: Friday, October 28, 2005
With Canada's murder rate rising 12% last year and this year's high-profile rash of gang murders (six shootings just this week in Toronto), politicians are looking for someone to blame. The bogeyman, as usual, is America: On Monday night, during his dinner with Condoleezza Rice, Prime Minister Paul Martin claimed Canada's gun crime problem was being caused by weapons smuggled in from the United States.
But Paul Martin doesn't have the facts to back up the claim. Despite the $2-billion committed to the Liberals' gun registry, the government does not even know the number of guns seized from criminals, let alone where those guns came from. Nor does Martin's government have any evidence that gun smuggling has recently gotten worse. (In Toronto, which keeps some data on guns, Paul Culver, a senior Crown Attorney, claims U.S. guns are a "small part" of his city's problem.)
Recent E-Mail from the Big Bubba's Cousinette
Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washington D.C.
In God We Trust
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Has Stanley Williams Fate Been Sealed?
This has now moved beyond the basic issue of whether or not Williams deserves clemency. It has now become a question of law or riot. The Los Angeles police authorities have said that there are no credible threats of violence that they know of at this time. Nevertheless somehow the talk of possible violence is out there on the street and in the media.
This leaves Governor Schwarzenegger no choice other than to refuse to commute Stanley William's lawful sentence.
Leaders urge calm if Williams dies
Some fear Los Angeles could see a repeat of 1992 riots
Saturday, December 10, 2005; Posted: 7:38 p.m. EST (00:38 GMT)
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Community leaders Friday called for peace in the city if convicted killer and Crips gang co-founder Stanley Tookie Williams is put to death next week as scheduled.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger heard arguments Thursday from Williams' lawyers seeking to spare his life but hasn't said if he will grant clemency to the death row inmate condemned for the 1979 killing of four people.
Prison Inmates Threaten Violence If Williams Denied Clemency
NAACP Steps Up Efforts to Save Stanley Tookie Williams
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Free Speech at UConn (An American Institution of Higher Ignorance)
December 8, 2005
By GRACE E. MERRITT, Courant Staff Writer
STORRS -- Music that seemed to come from somewhere in the raucous audience that packed the Jorgensen Center at the University of Connecticut Wednesday night brought Ann Coulter's speech to an abrupt end about 15 minutes after she started.
After waiting with her bodyguard on stage for several minutes for the music to stop while a section of the audience chanted "You suck, you suck," an irritated Coulter said she would not finish her speech. She said she would go straight to questions and answers, suggesting the disruption was the best the liberals could do to counter her.
"I love to engage in repartee with people that are a lot stupider than I am," she said. `We're having a question and answer right now with the little crybabies."
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Big Bubba Intrepid Shopper
I immediately encountered him upon making my U-turn. His tag actually said "Iraqi Army" and he by then was with another Iraqi soldier. Anyone who knows Big Bubba knows that I had to verbally interrogate for more useful information. I already knew one thing for sure about the pair. They were attending the Defense Language Institute, English at Lackland Air Force Base. They both had the DLI unit crest on their right breast pocket flap like all DLI students have.
I asked them if the heat of South Texas compared favorably with that of Iraq. They affirmed that it did despite today being a very cold day in South Texas. I commented that one of them spoke very excellent English. He told me that he had been working with Americans for five years prior to coming here. I guess that means he started working for us prior to the start of the war.
I congratulated them for being very brave men. I said that anyone could join the American Army with no one to fear but our enemies. Certainly no fear for a fellow American citizen. In Iraq they are killed by the terrorists trying to intimidate them. They are indeed very brave. Big Bubba certainly admires them.