This Blog Is Still Alive and Well
Look at the last few posts on the previous thread to get up to speed. The Misanthropudit website is up and running with many bugs to work out. Become a pro bono consultant to The Big Bubba to work out the glitches and bugs. When I am done The Misanthropundit Forum will be far superior to Big Bubba's Big Blog. When I am done Big Bubba's Big Blog will take a new direction and The Misanthropudit Forum will be the place to go. I am hoping that The Misanthropundit will be, in general, a fun place to go.
Hey, Mr. Ducky, et al. I tried to publish this blog by FTP to The Misanthropundit and it didn't work. I then found out that Blogger had changed their software making it impossible to publish by FTP to many service providers. I forgot to change my settings back from FTP to Blogger publish. I couldn't figure out what had happened. I finally started looking at things a little more logically and figured it out.
Notice the Nav Bar that has been added to whisk you away to The Misanthropundit. Actually you can change your bookmarks away from this to and access this Blog from that home page.
At The Misanthropundit you can also access a phpBB2 forum. Now a need to work on adding to the navigation to integrate it to my site. I hope to have that done by tonight.
Tom DeLay will probably never go to trial, and, if he does justice will prevail and he will be found not guilty.
You cannot commit a crime before the law exists.
I knew I was going to get your attention, samwich. Be honest what really got your attention? Slug? Brigham Young Jr? Magic garmies?
Now that I have your attention you didn't visit my forum page (The Misanthropundit Forum)? Someone with a Washington IP was browsing around looking. Go register at the forum and post some messages to help me tweak it. Look for the post about Mr. Ducky and tell me what you think.
Mr. Ducky was the inspiration for at least half of what the site will be in the future. He's always going off about art. It made me think - San Antonio is full of art. We have our Spanish Colonial architecture, murals, monumental public art, interesting modern architecture, etc.
I wasted alot of time trying to figure out exactly what I did to screw up Big Bubba's Big Blog. Now I am working on adding navigation buttons for The Misanthropundit to the header of the forum. I hope to have it done very soon so I can get on with some other issues.
Y'all come. If you bookmark The Misanthropundit Home Page ( you can access this blog from there and click through the site if you so desire. Once I get these administrative issues out of the way I will add content. I guarantee you will be interested in the information I post about Brooks Field.
Big Bubba
One reader wanted your wisdom on my series on gun control. Most Bubba fans know your position and Samwitches.
Richard Poe sent me his book for my donation to FPM. I am still from Big Bubba and Samwitch territory but was always well away from the Rosie O Dumbell side.
I find it humorous that Poe traces current gun control laws to the effort to surpress Duckys Commie Pals in the UK and to surpress blacks in the USA. Maybe since the Duck likes sharia so much we can get him to live as a Dhimmi as well as a Dummy. Ducky should be only allowed to drive a moped. He should have to wear a dunce cap. He should give Big Bubba 80% of his salary in exchange for not kicking his tail. He must not ever own a weapon and faces death if he
lifts a hand to prevent Capitalists
from beating him. This sounds like Jim Crow to me. You will make a nice dhimmi
I have been so busy trying to put this site together and make it work I haven't had time to think about other issues.
My latest thoughts on gun control related topics was inspired by the cowardly muslim killer of women, children and innocents, usama ben laden and his latest taped threats. He told Americans that he was dispatching his cowards into American homes. Someone help me I have fallen on the floor laughing and I can't stop long enough to get up.
It would be usama ben ladens auto de fe for his loyal cowards to send them to walk through the door of a typically heavily armed Texan's home. Come in my home, pal, and you will be on the fast track for heaven and your seventy two Rosie O Dumbell look alike virgins.
There's a "Samwich" with a capital "S" registered at the least he's on the memberlist. Could that be fouling things up?
I think I'm beginning to see your vision now, BB. The articles you write in the "News" section now link directly to specific topics in the blog and also link to the news artcles that spawned them. And the blog engine you use has a LOT of really neat features for users that aren't available here.
Cool beans.
I can't imagine why you'd want to migrate the nonsense from this blog to your new home on the web, but it SHOULD be a simple process - at most, a cut and past job. Alternatively, you could just duplicate "feckless twit" a few thousand time - same effect.
Take care - good luck with the new one.
Hank Snow
Hank, sitting here at 2 o'clock in the morning and can't go to bed because I screwed up my navigation is not a simple job. Publishing my Blog on my web site was not an easy job. My service provider's helpdesk told me you could not publish, but, that's another story.
The feckless Hank Snow, ever the mindless twit, must have missed my Blog's nav bar to The Misanthropundit. Oh Well.
Most of the talk these days is in Bubba's "Misanthropundit Forum". Try one of the links on the previous page.
Still stupid after all these years.
Big Bubba he is upset because I busted his Meathead alias. Five years of work down the toilet. Never mess with your local Beaker Man
Good to see you are doing well BB
Kewanio Che Keekeru, Big Bubba!
Hi Big Bubba,
How is your new family?Do you still hav Bob the amazon puppet parrot?Anyways gotta go.
Memorial Day 2014
*Hand... SALUTE!*
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