Free Speech at UConn (An American Institution of Higher Ignorance)
Hecklers Disrupt Coulter's Speech At UConn
December 8, 2005
By GRACE E. MERRITT, Courant Staff Writer
STORRS -- Music that seemed to come from somewhere in the raucous audience that packed the Jorgensen Center at the University of Connecticut Wednesday night brought Ann Coulter's speech to an abrupt end about 15 minutes after she started.
After waiting with her bodyguard on stage for several minutes for the music to stop while a section of the audience chanted "You suck, you suck," an irritated Coulter said she would not finish her speech. She said she would go straight to questions and answers, suggesting the disruption was the best the liberals could do to counter her.
"I love to engage in repartee with people that are a lot stupider than I am," she said. `We're having a question and answer right now with the little crybabies."
December 8, 2005
By GRACE E. MERRITT, Courant Staff Writer
STORRS -- Music that seemed to come from somewhere in the raucous audience that packed the Jorgensen Center at the University of Connecticut Wednesday night brought Ann Coulter's speech to an abrupt end about 15 minutes after she started.
After waiting with her bodyguard on stage for several minutes for the music to stop while a section of the audience chanted "You suck, you suck," an irritated Coulter said she would not finish her speech. She said she would go straight to questions and answers, suggesting the disruption was the best the liberals could do to counter her.
"I love to engage in repartee with people that are a lot stupider than I am," she said. `We're having a question and answer right now with the little crybabies."
"I love to engage in repartee with people that are a lot stupider than I am," --Ann Coulter
Line up, Duck!
Yes, liberals are ever so tolerant. But wait, weren't they ever so "intolerant" of Ann Coulter? I guess that proves that the Left is no longer "liberal". Rather, they are rather "totalitarian" in that they wish to force their views and values upon everyone (and the operative word here is Force, for REAL liberals would use persuasion and rationale argument).
The New Left has nothing over the "Old" Left. They are a throwback to the politics of emotional irrationality and force.
Coulter is clearly a woman and your ahem proclivities are ambiguous. Lets see free speech for Commies but none for Coulter.
Coulter is great circus sideshow material, but the kids are letting the braying ass be the ringmaster. I think Mr. Ducky has the right idea:
"I wish someone had gotten creative and very politely asked:
'May I measure your Adam's apple, bitch?'"
Laugh-out-loud funny!
Norm, even funnier could be you and The Duck playing "I'll show you my IQ if you show me yours" with Miss Ann.
Mr. Ducky, did you even read the story. "The UConn College Republicans invited Coulter, a Connecticut native, in an effort to bring a well-known, provocative speaker to get students talking and thinking about the conservative perspective."
I don't read "talking and thinking" as "controversy and disruptions." May we assume from your comment that progressive liberal pseudo intellectual demoracists prefer controversy and disruptions to talking and thinking?
You had me going there for a minute, Bubba. I actually thought you were serious about portraying Coulter as a thought-provoking purveyor of the conservative perspective!
Norm, please give me a break. You are much too intelligent to feign ignorance of the meaning of "satire" to attempt to convince those of us who do that Miss Ann is in some way not a legitimate voice of the right.
I can understand the problem the pseudo intellectual progressive liberal crowd faces. The satire of Miss Ann is much more funny than the pseudo intellectual progressive liberal alleged comedian Alfranken.
...and bringing Cindy Sheehan to the campus to provide an alternative viewpoint didn't create any controversy. It certainly brought no disruptions. That's because conservatives aren't intolerant fascists. They're too "liberal" for that!
I completely agree, gentlemen. The students did not do a credit to themselves. If one must call Miss Coulter "bitch" in a roomful of people, one must do so in a creative fashion, without raising one's voice.
From the link BB posted in the original article...
To provide another viewpoint to Coulter's, the Progressive Students' Alliance had brought in Cindy Sheehan, the California woman who made headlines in August by camping out near President Bush's Texas ranch to protest her son's death in Iraq. Sheehan's speech Monday also was paid for with student government funds.
samwich, I don't watch them either so I don't know.
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