Those Wild and Crazy Canuck Politicos
Seems Prime Minister Paul Martin got a little petulant with Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice about "American guns" causing problems for Canada. Canada has thrown billions down the rathole pursing their national policy of gun confiscation and restrictive gun ownership laws. The whole process is totally broke down and not working.
Prime Minister Martin, and the other liberals, are shocked that criminals are still obtaining guns and using them in their criminal activities. Can you imagine that? Criminals engaging in criminal conduct and breaking a law? Honest citizens who complied with ridiculous Canadian gun laws are like lambs at the slaughter. Who could be surprised at that turn of events?
What's next for Prime Minister Paul Martin? Advising us how to set up a total failure National Health Plan so that the Canadian model doesn't look so ridiculous? Here is an interesting story, from up North about politics and gun control.
Don't blame American guns
John R. Lott, National Post
Published: Friday, October 28, 2005
With Canada's murder rate rising 12% last year and this year's high-profile rash of gang murders (six shootings just this week in Toronto), politicians are looking for someone to blame. The bogeyman, as usual, is America: On Monday night, during his dinner with Condoleezza Rice, Prime Minister Paul Martin claimed Canada's gun crime problem was being caused by weapons smuggled in from the United States.
But Paul Martin doesn't have the facts to back up the claim. Despite the $2-billion committed to the Liberals' gun registry, the government does not even know the number of guns seized from criminals, let alone where those guns came from. Nor does Martin's government have any evidence that gun smuggling has recently gotten worse. (In Toronto, which keeps some data on guns, Paul Culver, a senior Crown Attorney, claims U.S. guns are a "small part" of his city's problem.)
Prime Minister Martin, and the other liberals, are shocked that criminals are still obtaining guns and using them in their criminal activities. Can you imagine that? Criminals engaging in criminal conduct and breaking a law? Honest citizens who complied with ridiculous Canadian gun laws are like lambs at the slaughter. Who could be surprised at that turn of events?
What's next for Prime Minister Paul Martin? Advising us how to set up a total failure National Health Plan so that the Canadian model doesn't look so ridiculous? Here is an interesting story, from up North about politics and gun control.
Don't blame American guns
John R. Lott, National Post
Published: Friday, October 28, 2005
With Canada's murder rate rising 12% last year and this year's high-profile rash of gang murders (six shootings just this week in Toronto), politicians are looking for someone to blame. The bogeyman, as usual, is America: On Monday night, during his dinner with Condoleezza Rice, Prime Minister Paul Martin claimed Canada's gun crime problem was being caused by weapons smuggled in from the United States.
But Paul Martin doesn't have the facts to back up the claim. Despite the $2-billion committed to the Liberals' gun registry, the government does not even know the number of guns seized from criminals, let alone where those guns came from. Nor does Martin's government have any evidence that gun smuggling has recently gotten worse. (In Toronto, which keeps some data on guns, Paul Culver, a senior Crown Attorney, claims U.S. guns are a "small part" of his city's problem.)
Mr. Ducky, I applaud yankee efforts to control guns in their own states. Between your fondness for killing the unborn and allowing criminals to kill unprotected innocents it is a splendid control on the numbers of the intellectually defective.
I can't help but think there must be some sane people up there in Massachusetts. Big Bubba's great grandfather was a Harvard graduate and the first pastor of the Rehoboth Congregational Church. Big Bubba is sane. What happened to the Duck? One may only speculate.
Undeserving? I say they defend themselves against those deserving of an accute case of lead poisoning. People don't break into your home to hold an impromptu prayer meeting mr. ducky. Besides, in the 'burbs, unless you live next to a donut shop the cops are at least 15 long minutes away.
No donut shops in Big Bubba's neighborhood. But, we live in a really bad neighborhood so the police are usually handy when needed. There are several houses on my street that seem to have a permanent patrol car outside.
We have really great coverage. Heck, we may even have extra coverage we keep the police so busy.
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