Cranky Grandma, Texas Jew Boy and Texas Politics
I tired quite some time ago of the cranky grandma Carole Keeton Strayhorn who wants to be the next Governor of the Great State of Texas. Carole incessantly charges that Governor Perry has allowed judges to do his job in reforming school financing. Bad news Carole. You would not be able to do any better given the dynamics of the problem. Carole charges Governor Perry has fractured the state politically. I have absolutely no idea what she means by that statement. The state has always been "fractured" along Republican/Democrat lines. Is that what she means?
Don't believe for one moment that she is "fracturing" the Republican Party by leaving. She left the Democrat Party for the Republicans in 1985 and they seem to have survived. Now in 2005 she is leaving the Republican Party to be an Independent. When will she become a Green? Libertarian? When will she make up her mind about what she really believes in? She certainly didn't believe that she could beat Governor Rick Perry in the Republican Primary. That is her one and only reason to "fracture" the Republican Party. She seems to be unsure of what is good for Carole Keeton Strayhorn yet she wants to determine what is best for Texans.
I don't think that she clearly thought this one out. She must garner an estimated 60,000 petition signatures to get on the November ballot. The petition drive cannot begin until after the March 7 primary balloting. The petitions must be turned in by May 11. Citizens who voted for either party on March 7 may not sign the petitions. This will be very difficult to do for Strayhorn.
Did I mention the Texas Jew Boy? You know, Kinky Friedman, the quirky musician, writer and eminent Texan. He is running for Governor as an independent. I think that there is a very good probability that Kinky will succeed in gathering the necessary petition signatures. I think that there is an even better chance that "Independents" would vote for Kinky over Carole (if Carole gets on the ballot). I actually believe that Kinky is a far more serious candidate than Carole. If I had to choose between the two I would take my chances with Kinky.
Look for Rick Perry to be elected to a second term as governor. I know what you are thinking. What about the Democrats? Demo-who? There aren't any that are known on the level of a Perry, Strayhorn or even Friedman. This is going to be a very entertaining election year in Texas. Texas politics has always been the most entertaining game in town!
Don't believe for one moment that she is "fracturing" the Republican Party by leaving. She left the Democrat Party for the Republicans in 1985 and they seem to have survived. Now in 2005 she is leaving the Republican Party to be an Independent. When will she become a Green? Libertarian? When will she make up her mind about what she really believes in? She certainly didn't believe that she could beat Governor Rick Perry in the Republican Primary. That is her one and only reason to "fracture" the Republican Party. She seems to be unsure of what is good for Carole Keeton Strayhorn yet she wants to determine what is best for Texans.
I don't think that she clearly thought this one out. She must garner an estimated 60,000 petition signatures to get on the November ballot. The petition drive cannot begin until after the March 7 primary balloting. The petitions must be turned in by May 11. Citizens who voted for either party on March 7 may not sign the petitions. This will be very difficult to do for Strayhorn.
Did I mention the Texas Jew Boy? You know, Kinky Friedman, the quirky musician, writer and eminent Texan. He is running for Governor as an independent. I think that there is a very good probability that Kinky will succeed in gathering the necessary petition signatures. I think that there is an even better chance that "Independents" would vote for Kinky over Carole (if Carole gets on the ballot). I actually believe that Kinky is a far more serious candidate than Carole. If I had to choose between the two I would take my chances with Kinky.
Look for Rick Perry to be elected to a second term as governor. I know what you are thinking. What about the Democrats? Demo-who? There aren't any that are known on the level of a Perry, Strayhorn or even Friedman. This is going to be a very entertaining election year in Texas. Texas politics has always been the most entertaining game in town!
I notice that all the candidates websites looked like they were Independents. Being a member of either party looks to be a "disadvantage" this trip around. In fouling the RNC's rep, it would appear the democrats have also fouled their own nest.
Nobody from the DNC appears willing to jump in. I wonder why? Where's the Earles candidacy?
Mr. Ducky, Kinky is not a demoracist. He is an independent. Another day, another time I may vote for him. As for this election Rick Perry, Texas A&M Class of 1972, is the obvious choice.
Farmer John, remember two of the three are Independents. You are right about Perry's front page. There is no mention of "Republican." Delve into the site and it will be obvious.
anybody Imus likes that much can't be all good.
z I heard someone say it's funny Carville's not shooting his mouth off.....the suggestion being he doesn't want to associate himself with the Leftest part of the Dems, which is running the Dems right now.....interesting viewpoint and one, I think, that backed up your statement that they're 'fouling their own nest'..except I'd say "fowling", when it comes to them!! z
Big Bubba
What slogan could Kinky Freidman possibly use ?
Mr. Ducky, Rick Perry is a good Aggie even if he is an air crapper. The Texas A&M Corps of Cadets has been turning out men of Perry's caliber for over 100 years. He served his country honorably as an Air Force transport pilot. Today he is honorably serving the Great State of Texas as our governor.
Texas A&M students have a sense of devotion to God & Country that has been sadly lacking for decades from Eastern establishment schools. Pity.
Texas A&M
Code of the Corps of Cadets
To revere God, love my country, and be loyal to Texas A&M.
To always be faithful, honest, and sincere in every act and purpose and to know that honorable failure is better than success gained by unfairness or cheating.
To live by the Aggie Code of Honor even if it causes my friends or me disadvantage.
To perform every responsibility with dedication and determination.
To obey all orders and regulations of Texas A&M and of proper authority.
To be diligent in my academic studies and in my military training.
To take pride in my uniform and in the noble traditions of Texas A&M University and never do anything that would bring discredit upon them.
To be courteous in my conduct, bearing, and speech and to exhibit good manners on all occasions.
To cultivate dignity, poise, affability, and a quiet and firm demeanor.
To improve my mind by reading and participating in intellectual and cultural activities.
To keep my body healthy and strong by physical exercises and participating in sports activities.
To be generous and helpful to others and to endeavor to restrain them from wrongdoing.
To face difficulties with courage and fortitude and not to complain or be discouraged.
To be worthy of the sacrifices of my parents, and the generosity of the State, in order that I might receive an education, and to recognize my obligation to them.
To value right above gain and a reputation for integrity above power.
To treat all those with whom I have contact with respect and tolerance regardless of their race, creed, culture, color or gender.
To remember always that the honor of being a Texas Aggie imposes upon me a corresponding obligation to live up to this code.
Beakerkin, Kinky's campaign slogan would have to be a "slight modification" to a well known Friedman quote.
“If you elect me the first Jewish Governor of the Great State of Texas, I'll reduce the speed limits to 54.95!” --Kinky Friedman
That would be an absolute classic of the genre!
"anybody Imus likes that much can't be all good."
Problem with that, z, is as far as I can tell everybody loves Kinky. At least everybody here in Texas. I have never heard a bad word about him.
Mr. Ducky, I was thinking of trying to attract a higher class of loser in the coming New Year. After reading your latest diatribe I decided that you will do for now. You have a unique blend of mindless hyperbole, warped humor, and intellectual malaise that is probably not often found in the general population.
I do enjoy immensely your hyperbole as alternative entertainment. Not to the same level as I enjoy The Simpsons, or Seinfeld reruns, but, nevertheless very funny.
Does anyone know if there has been a final determination of who has the most ignorant senator. The two finalists were Schumer, D-NY, and Kennedy, D-MA. I think as ignorant as the bridge jumper is Schumer should be the hands down winner. Hilary is not even a close third with jugheads of this caliber.
Anybody else watch the opening of the Alito hearing?
With your posting of the A&M Code of the Corps of Cadets, I have a new respect for A&M that was perhaps lacking previously. Guess I never expected a "civilian" run school to exhibit the same level of integrity I'd expect from a West Point or VMI. Texas would appear to have a fine governor in Perry.
z, I think your right, democrats like mr. ducky have fowled their nest.
and mr. ducky, you call everyone "fascists". That's why your party has lost all credibility with the American people. You've been crying "civil rights wolf" for so long now, no one believes a word of it anymore. Your ability to distinguish a threat to civil rights from a wartime necessity is seriously impaired.
And BB, I think you left out a pair of estrogen laden candidate nutcases from California in your survey... and Chris Dodd from CT is hardly part of anyone's brain trust... and Carl Levin... talk about someone who mumbles to himself and then takes himself seriously...
Who do you favor for the title in the House? Pelosi? Rangel?
Texas A&M is the largest non-service military school in the Nation.
Texas A&M - 2,000
VMI - 1,300
The Citadel - 1900
USMA - 4000
USNA - 4000
USAFA - bet 3-4,000
Texas A&M was strictly a land grant college military school for 100 years. Participating in the Corps of Cadets was a condition of admission. One thing about the Corps of Cadets (Texas A&M, Citadel, and VMI) is not all participants are members of the ROTC unlike the service acadamies where almost all corps of cadet members are headed for military service.
Now that Texas A&M is not exclusively military the Aggie Corps of Cadets has been designated as the Keepers of the Spirit. Obviously all school traditions began in the Corps of Cadets and they are responsible for passing down those traditions to all students.
I would be hard pressed to choose between Pelosi and Rangel, but, I'll go with Pelosi.
Mr. Ducky, Texas A&M produced 223 general & flag grade officers during WWII. There were 5,000 Aggies trained and commissioned as Reserve officers during WWII. Another 7,000 officers who were partially trained at Texas A&M were commissioned through Army Officer Candidate School.
My distant cousin liked Aggies. Here is what he said about them,
"...Texas A&M is writing its own military history in the blood of its graduates... No name stands out more brilliantly than the heroic defender of Corregidor, General George F. Moore. Whenever I see a Texas man in my command, I have a feeling of confidence..." --General Douglas MacArthur (quote from early stages of WWII).
Sometimes I look at Rangel and see an E-6 mess sergeant. Looks can be deceiving since SSG Rangel served in the Army for four years, fought in Korea, and received the Purple Heart and Bronze Star.
I feel the same way you do, samwich.
Rangel probably needs a Section 8 discharge from Congress now...
(from Wikipedia):
On September 22, 2005, Rangel compared Republican President George W. Bush to Bull Connor, the former Public Safety Commissioner of Birmingham, Alabama, stating: ""George Bush is our Bull Connor." In response, Vice President Dick Cheney, during an interview on the Rush Limbaugh radio program on October 3, 2005, stated: "I'm frankly surprised at his comments. It almost struck me — they were so out of line, it almost struck me that there was some — Charlie was having some problem. Charlie is losing it, I guess."
You'll get no argument from me.
and here's a few droppings for mr. ducky,
vonHayek - "We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice.
Perhaps the fact that we have seen millions voting themselves into complete dependence on a tyrant has made our generation understand that to choose one's government is not necessarily to secure freedom.
......and Feinstein is looking for it.
Big Bubba
I will have to check but I think Rangel did compare the Iraq war to the Holocaust. I know he hosted parties for Castro and said zero about Cuban troops in Angola.
...perhaps because the Russians and Cubans were supplying the MPLA with weapons and advisors and troops trying to add Namibia and Angola to their list of "dominoes"...
Why were you silent against these act of foreign agression against Africans, mr. ducky?
Great story from my old company, B-1, Battlin' B.
Hmmm, brings back some fond(?) memories of my own. I understand that Hollyweird is going to soon release a movie about Annapolis... I wonder how much they'll distort it.
The Soviet Union was an agressive Hegemonic evil empire. Angola , Eithiopia and Afghanistan are still messes created by the Soviet Union.
Ducky the incursions you refer to did not create refugees or starvation. Angola is still a mess long after aparthied is a memorty.
South Africas economy is in the toilet after having a near European standard of living. The quickest way to ruin a country is to let commies anywhere near power.
People never starved in Rhodesia until Commie thugs destroyed the economy.
Hopin' all is well with you, BB and your on a sabbatical. Best Wishes.
We are doing a series on Poe and Gun Control. A reader asked for the wisdom and wit of Big Bubba
Tumbleweeds blowing through this place...
I posted earlier yet it isn't here. I don't know what happened
I am trying to convert this site to The Misanthropundit. That is where I have been. I have had difficulties. I have a phpBB there but I need a few hearty souls to post so I can make sure everything is working properly. Don't post the next great American novel there because I am thinking about replacing the phpBB with a newer version. I have problems linking that I need to correct. C'mon over to and help me tweak the site. You can access this blog from the Misanthropundit.
That is where I have been. I hoped to have The Misanthropundit running better by now and then let everyone know about it, but, it is not quite there.
Correction. There is a problem connecting from the Misanthropundit. It does not update from the frame. I will get this corrected. In the meantime if I don't stop pulling my hair out I will soon be bald.
I have to go to bed now. There is something seriously wrong with my template and I cannot publish. I will get it right eventually. Hang on friends.
Just a trial post through the Misanthropundit.
I suspect why nobody's found the new forum is because the only path to it in the Misanthropundit website seems to be to go into A Look at the News and then to link into the Misanthropundit Forum from there...
There could be other active paths... but thats the only one I stumbled accross. I'm still a little confused...
BB fyi...
Your "direct" link from your home page, and from the "inserted" BB's Big Blog Pages direct one to a "blank" and seemingly "inactive" template.
Thanks for the input Farmer John. I realize now that I need some help. It seems that browsing the internet website with the same computer that creates/publishes causes my view to have some inexplicable anomalies.
An example is the home page, There is supposed to be an animated ix webhosting graphic that will click to their welcome page. I had alot of difficulty with it. I have been told by my provider that they checked the page and it was there yet I still don't see it. What do you see?
Major problem. I have somehow either corrupted my blogger template or done something elsewhere on the internet to screw it up. When I go to my Blog the main page does not refresh this blog is "stuck" on 34 replies rather than the 46 it should be when I post this.
In order to eventually "lose" this blog and have a strictly stand alone site I need to work on phpBB. As it stands right now I cannot link to a specific forum. I need to modify the code to place some new hot links across the top of the forum box. I am having difficulty spotting exactly where in the code I have to go to modify. The problem is that in my editor the code lines are not numbered and there is not a search function. If I could overcome those two problems I could quickly modify the code. I will be working on it.
In the meantime back at the ol' rancho I had to go to the VA yesterday afternoon and have to return again this afternoon. So that has affected my solving problems in a timely manner.
I would really appreciate more feedback from you, Farmer John, or anyone else. I think I have some good ideas for looking at the news and commenting in a forum. To be honest I am out to personally have fun. If y'all come along for the ride, God Bless You, if not, God Bless You, I will still have my fun.
In the meantime, witness the birthing of a new website.
"Your "direct" link from your home page, and from the "inserted" BB's Big Blog Pages direct one to a "blank" and seemingly "inactive" template."
Farmer John, could you be a little more specific? Here is what I "see." When I click, from the home page, "The Misanthropundit Forum" I go to a blank page (Except for the heading). When I click (from the home page) "Big Bubba's Big Blog" it takes me to a page with a heading, nav bar, and an inline frame containing the Blogger Blog.
What would really help me is that any page you mention has the address, ie
I cannot post a new article or update the Blog template. This problem will not be solved prior to 3, 4 p.m. San Antonio time.
Thanks for registering at my forum, Farmer John. I know that that slug, samwich, was actually the first visitor. He did not, however, register and post. His tin foil hat must have been out of adjustment. Get with the program, samwich, or I will use my "connected to Brigham Young, Jr." pull to get your magic garmies privileges revoked.
Looks like the forum doesn't give a tree view. I don't have the latest program for phpBB2. Perhaps there is a tree view in the newer program. I plan on updating to the newer program anyway. I really like phpBB2 for many reasons not the least of which it is an open source code program. So, tree, or no tree, I will probably stick with it.
I see the ix webhosting advert on your Main page... it blinks and looks pretty "active". I'm using Microsoft's Internet Explorer for a browser.
...and I get the same results you do when trying to link in from your Misanthro Home page... a blank sheet with a title comes up... but the BBpgp forum isn't there. And yes, I also get to your Big Bubba big blog (this blog) when I click on the link to the BB's bblog.
But like I said before, the only way to get to the "other" new blog is through the "A Look at the News" page.
Hope this helps some.
...and what "browser" are you using to access your web page? I know there are still some differences between IExplorer, Netscape, and that new Mozilla browser. It used to drive me crazy when I once maintained a website. The Netscape guys were always complaining that they couldn't see stuff. Microsoft had "hijacked" and changed a lot of HTML.
ps - and yes, this blog is still stuck at 34 comments. Perhaps something got disabled when posting via the Misanthropundit link to this site??
Farmer John, I think that basically I understand exactly what you are talking about with one small reservation. It must, however, wait until late afternoon because I need to go to see the nurse at my VA clinic.
Did you get my two e-mails? One to your e-mail address and the other through the forum?
Yep, I got both of them... and also an "automatic" response to my hotmail account when I initially registered.
Did you get a response from me via the forum? You should have... I've got a copy in the forum's "out" box under my profile.
Oh thats good about the registration e-mail response. I was going to ask you about that. I saw your e-mail on the forum and responded - that's good.
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