Has Stanley Williams Fate Been Sealed?
This has now moved beyond the basic issue of whether or not Williams deserves clemency. It has now become a question of law or riot. The Los Angeles police authorities have said that there are no credible threats of violence that they know of at this time. Nevertheless somehow the talk of possible violence is out there on the street and in the media.
This leaves Governor Schwarzenegger no choice other than to refuse to commute Stanley William's lawful sentence.
Leaders urge calm if Williams dies
Some fear Los Angeles could see a repeat of 1992 riots
Saturday, December 10, 2005; Posted: 7:38 p.m. EST (00:38 GMT)
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Community leaders Friday called for peace in the city if convicted killer and Crips gang co-founder Stanley Tookie Williams is put to death next week as scheduled.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger heard arguments Thursday from Williams' lawyers seeking to spare his life but hasn't said if he will grant clemency to the death row inmate condemned for the 1979 killing of four people.
Prison Inmates Threaten Violence If Williams Denied Clemency
NAACP Steps Up Efforts to Save Stanley Tookie Williams
I'm with you Bud! Free him or fry him. And if you free him, stop all this nonsense about how evil the lynchings of the twenties were. Sometimes the civilian populace needs to satnd in the gap.
Mr. Ducky, I can understand why you would get all in a dither and have your feathers ruffled. I did use several fifty cent words that may have caused your condition, like "clemency," "commutation," and "subordinate." Get a dictionary, Duck. I know the meaning of clemency, but you don't seem to know the nuances of the word. I believe that you have the classic defective reading comprehension skills so common among the typical knee jerk pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracist. There are probably adult education courses available there in Boston that could help you with your borderline illiteracy.
Fry the SOB and deal with the threats quickly. We should not yield to threats and carry out the sentence. The left makes any black with good PR a cause celbre no matter how odious his crime is. They should kill Mummia twice and make Mike Farrel and co talk to the victims families.
A1fwdobsvr, we have to look at the big picture of what you are saying. It is not fair to generalize that there will be an "...increase of arrogant lawlessness among blacks and encourage more crime." Perhaps a segment of that population, however, the majority of blacks will not engage in such behavior. Black policeman and fireman will help control any lawless outbreaks in LA, or anywhere else.
You can bet a yankee dollar that there will be some behind the scenes string pulling of agenda driven, politically motivated white people who view rioting and civil disorder as an important tool to promote their radical politics.
Why does Tookie deserve mercy? Because he has "reformed"? Has he ever owned up to his crimes? Has he ever apologized for them? And so, how can you possibly believe that he has "reformed" or is deserving of mercy?
Preserve the social order. Fry Tookie, the unrepentant murderer!
Tookie maintains his innocence on the crimes he is condemned for. So who knows.
Some people talk about "reform" and "rehabilitation" and this may be one of those cases. Child murderer/rapists, though...you don't "rehabilitate" those.
I would ask Ducky: Tookie was also the leader of a large criminal organization and probably behind many murders. Would this, then, be a case of "preserving social order?"
Who knows???? Didn't the jury find him "guilty" beyond a reasonable doubt? Weren't there witnesses and evidence? Or is our system of justice incapable of any determination of guilt or innocence? And isn't this "system" the fondation of our social order?
Fry him. I don't care if he was innocent. Fry him or construct a new "social order".
I love polemics.
Anyone ever read Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery"? The book was based upon an ancient Greek practice of stoning an innocent at a particular festival to reinforce the social order and an acknowledgement that the justice system wasn't "perfect", and never could be.
For a Greek view of punishment and its' purpose... go here. Pay particular attention to the references on page 6 to the Thargelia rituals and their origins. One wonders if a similar ritual might prove useful here. It might offset the annual ritual where the president spares a single Thanksgiving "turkey".
Lets hope the Gropinator doesn't spare this turkey.
Roast Tookie for Christmas!
Just watched Stanley Tookie Williams news on TV. I thought there was a possibility that Schwarzenegger would grant clemency.
May G-d have mercy on Williams soul.
I have to leave comments to the delusional until later. I have errands to run.
To the delusional: I made a specific comment about Governor Schwarzenegger, predicted riots and Stanley Tookie Williams. I took one position and one position only. That position was that once violence was threatened if Stanley Tookie Williams were not granted clemency Governor Schwarzenegger had no choice but to deny the plea. I suggested the appearance of succumbing to the threat of violence was not acceptable.
It seems that the nuances of my position were much too complicated for those suffering from reading comprehension disabilities or other intellectual defects. Excuse me for bringing it up. It will be beyond discussion at 12:01 a.m., 12 December 2005.
One final point my delusional friends. I did not express any opinion about capital punishment, Texas, or religion.
samwich, I am always totally fascinated by the judgemental, or those who seem to think they have insider knowledge about how G-d will exercise his judgement on mankind.
Matthew 7:1 (King James Version)
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
"Their track record of Watts, Rodney King and New Orleans precedes your fantasy."
Tell us what their track record was, A1fwdobsvr.
samwich, yes I did make a judgement about your "war story" based on experience and knowledge gained in spending the first 36 years of my life in a military environment. I have heard a lot of war stories, my friend. G-d has nothing to do with this issue. I judge no one and especially believe in,
Romans 14:13 (New International Version)Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.
I believe that we have discussed this very basic intellectual concept before, samwich. The intransitive verb, "to judge," has two possible meanings "To form an opinion or evaluation" is one, and, "To act or decide as a judge," is the other.
"Bubba, where do you find these guys?"
samwich, Mr. Ducky has been around for years.
Mr. Ducky, hyperbole and polemics are two of the baser intellectual skills. Like drooling they require no practice or honing of skills. I defer to you in those areas, you are the master.
Mr. Ducky, please produce the proof of,
"You have in the past bragged about the "great state of Texas" being a mighty force for justice with its use of the death penalty."
The only Texas Law that is any kind of "mighty force" is our right to carry law. It has kept many a ne'er do well off our death row. They know in their heart of hearts that Joe Citizen and the little Ms. Citizeness will pull their piece and fire them up if they attempt robbery or mayhem. Of course that is nothing special of The Great State of Texas. Most states with right to carry have experienced significant reductions in many crime categories.
If Tookie's fate wasn't sealed before, it is now. RIP.
How about an encore lets send Mummia out to join Mr Williams. The far left is deranged and devoid of common sense. Any sympathy for the victims families or the communities Williams preyed upon.
Beakerkins, I knew who you were talking about, but the name Mummia was throwing me off. Yes, Mumia Abu-Jamal, would seem to be ready to go except for judicial activism and failure to consider the victim and his family.
Interesting Blogger piece about the Mumia Abu-Jamal case here.
samwich, h-u-m-o-r. Think about it. I knew to whom you were referring.
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