Today's Can of Worms
Breaking America's grip on the net
After troubled negotiations in Geneva, the US may be forced to relinquish control of the internet to a coalition of governments
Kieren McCarthy
Thursday October 6, 2005
The Guardian
You would expect an announcement that would forever change the face of the internet to be a grand affair - a big stage, spotlights, media scrums and a charismatic frontman working the crowd.
After troubled negotiations in Geneva, the US may be forced to relinquish control of the internet to a coalition of governments
Kieren McCarthy
Thursday October 6, 2005
The Guardian
You would expect an announcement that would forever change the face of the internet to be a grand affair - a big stage, spotlights, media scrums and a charismatic frontman working the crowd.
How about a rotating chairmanship for the new European Union/United Nations committee to control the internet? This year France, next year Red China, then........... Yeah, right, like that is going to work for the benefit of all.
Hey, they want it, they can have it. Hook me up to the "new" internet, then cut all international connections.
Your link to the original article appears "dead". What does "control of the internet" really mean though? The routers are everywhere. So are the "standards committees". I don't get it. Does France get to ban "hate speech"? Would China ban "domocratic ideas"? Would Vatican City ban porn?
I was reading the story trying to recall some personal value that I have derived from the European side of the internet. I can't come up with much except for British news and the Vatican site. German internet sites are stiff and unimaginative.
I hope I just repaired the broken link. I don't know what happened. I always check the links and it was working.
samwich, I was hanging around when the internet was invented and I didn't see Algore.
Algore needs to invent a new algore. One that doesn't need to invent. One who is perfectly happy to steal good ideas, just like everyone else does.
The new Angry Algore - Text of Gore Speech at Media Conference
"And every day they unleash squadrons of digital brownshirts to harass and hector any journalist who is critical of the President."
Damn, I didn't wear my Brownshirt today. Does anybody know algore's e-mail address so that I can harass him and his new Hillary for Press-ident "Network".
What a baffoon. Cheap printing presses in the 1700's gave everyone
's opinion clout. What tripe.
Ben Franklin personally controlled many of America's printing presses, as he placed his partners, apprentices, and former workers in printing businesses throughout the colonies, New York, Virginia, North & South Carolina, Massachusettes, etc. He then linked them initially as Pennsylvania's Postmaster, and later as America's Postmaster.
And printing presses weren't "cheap" and easy to come by. Franklin's "inventiveness" was initially put to use inventing new typefaces and means of getting "graphics" transferred to paper (especially as "currency")
The local newspapers didn't print many "letters to the editor" as the editor himself was usually busy making up the contents of those letters. They needed to be both entertaining and informative so as to entice people to buy them, for they were usually simply a collection of adverts.
The opinions of the colonists in the 1700's were shaped by Franklin's "Fox Network" railing against the proprietors "Mercury Network" in a battle of MSM allstars.
algore is so delusional he's become dysfunctional. The man needs his "Senate" job back. As a journalist and "media entrepeneur", he's bound to become the biggest failure of all time. I mean, have you ever tried to endure one of his speeches? He has all the personality of a glass of lemonjuice.
You've finally recognized me for my true self, a Hillary-ophile. If government is going to BE my mommy, she'd better wear a dress! Now that's truth in advertising. In the name of truth in advertising, all future US presidents should be women, or if men like John Kerry, have to wear "kilts".
How much money do you think algore raised with his new-media business launch? He certainly didn't sell me on the viability of his new partnership nor did he inspire me to want to attend his "follow-up" tet-a-tet. I bet 90% of his money can be traced to Soros. Although I'm not sure he's not dumb enough to use his own.
A TV version of Air America to counter Limbaugh's popular Hate Radio? Wasn't that the "Oxygen" network before it hyperventilated.
algore, re-inventing television. I tell you, the man is modern Edison.
algore, doomed to stealing bad ideas and re-inventing them as his own.
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