Sandy Berger In The News Again
Berger Accused of Reckless Driving in Va.
The Associated Press
Wednesday, October 5, 2005; 4:25 PM
WASHINGTON -- Two days after he was placed on probation last month for taking classified documents, former national security adviser Sandy Berger was accused of reckless driving in Virginia by police who said he was traveling 88 miles per hour in a 55 mph zone.
One pundit theorized that Berger was seen leaving the scene stuffing the ticket down his socks.
It was some misdemeanor. Berger was fined $50,000.00, placed on two years probation, had his security clearance pulled for three years, and has to pay the $6,950.00 administration costs of his probation. Pretty high cost Berger paid for a Presidential legacy that cannot be salvaged. Seems to me the sentencing judge took the offense to be very serious. The probation office reminded Mr. Berger that all infractions of the law, while he was on probation, would be taken very seriously.
Big Bubba will confess that it is difficult to be serious about this case. Sandy Berger admitted to stuffing classified documents down his pants. Later the contrite Sandy Berger said that he had made an "honest mistake." Now that there is funny, I don't care who you are.
The Associated Press
Wednesday, October 5, 2005; 4:25 PM
WASHINGTON -- Two days after he was placed on probation last month for taking classified documents, former national security adviser Sandy Berger was accused of reckless driving in Virginia by police who said he was traveling 88 miles per hour in a 55 mph zone.
One pundit theorized that Berger was seen leaving the scene stuffing the ticket down his socks.
It was some misdemeanor. Berger was fined $50,000.00, placed on two years probation, had his security clearance pulled for three years, and has to pay the $6,950.00 administration costs of his probation. Pretty high cost Berger paid for a Presidential legacy that cannot be salvaged. Seems to me the sentencing judge took the offense to be very serious. The probation office reminded Mr. Berger that all infractions of the law, while he was on probation, would be taken very seriously.
Big Bubba will confess that it is difficult to be serious about this case. Sandy Berger admitted to stuffing classified documents down his pants. Later the contrite Sandy Berger said that he had made an "honest mistake." Now that there is funny, I don't care who you are.
One Berger associate said Berger acknowledges placing his handwritten notes into his pants pockets, and perhaps into his jacket as well.
A $50,000 non-event. A two year probation non-event. Ever been on probation, Duck? A pay your probation fees of $6950 non-event. Poor Sandy Berger. He served a loser with a loser's legacy. All that futile effort thinking he could save a legacy that doesn't exist.
Three Years loss of Security Clearance? Sounds like quite a loss of income to for an ex-National Security Advisor. At least a $1M anyways.
samwich, you need to follow the links and the discussion to sort things out for yourself.
FJ, normally a security clearance becomes inactive when the need to know no longer exists. There are procedures to reactivate the clearance. I suspect that people like Sandy Berger are allowed to keep an active clearance so that they can access their papers, and the papers of government, so that they can write their memoirs, adulations of the chief, or whatever. If Berger was in fact in the midst of writing his personal First Prevaricator era epic then suspending his clearance will hurt him.
Putting a happy face on the First Prevaricator's presidency will require a fairy tale anyway so the loss of access to primary source material may not matter much.
You got that right! Smoke, Fog, and plenty of Chemical Obscurants (rhetoric).
samwich, when you are on probation spitting on the sidewalk could be a reason for revoking the probation.
samwich, when you are on probation spitting on the sidewalk could be a reason for revoking the probation.
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