Taking A National Media Story Apart
Investigation Continues: Security Breach at the White House
“Leandro Aragoncillo, the alleged spy, who was half a million dollars in debt.“
Aragoncillo was $500,000 (Source: The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre)™ in debt at the time of his arrest. The debt consisted mainly on mortgages for rental properties. It is not logical that $500,000 in debt for rental properties was static over a five year period. Whether or not this debt was burdensome is entirely dependent on the reliability of the net cash flow generated. This may have been a factor in “turning” Aragoncillo, however, “ethnic loyalties” is the most likely reason.
“Aragoncillo was working as an intelligence analyst for Vice President Al Gore.”
Aragoncillo was working, when he was arrested, as an intelligence analyst for the FBI. While assigned to the White House “worked for 31 months from July 1999 as an administration chief with the Vice Presidential Security detail, according to the Marine Corps.” Describing his position in the Vice President’s Office as “intelligence analyst” implies a much higher position of trust and responsibility than actually existed. Big Bubba’s bureaucratic instincts know that of the two, “intelligence analyst” and “administrative chief,” the latter could be a far more dangerous security risk than the former.
“Officials say Aragoncillo passed several lie detector tests that are routinely given to individuals with top secret clearances.”
This is probably true of the office/position where Aragoncillo was employed. Lie detector tests are not a routine requirement to maintain a security clearance. I do know that some government employees in sensitive positions are routinely given lie detector tests. I never took a lie detector test during my military service. I held a top secret/crypto clearance during most of my service. I only took one lie detector test during my entire Federal employment. That was given to me as a civil service employee and was not related to a security clearance issue.
“......they say he was put on a fast-track hiring plan based on his connections at the White House.”
This is an unlikely statement. Aragoncilla was a foot soldier in the trenches. It is unlikely that he ever swapped spit with Algore or Vice President Dick Cheney. Employees covered by the Office of Personnel Management hiring requirements have a difficult time shuffling through the employment back door. I submit that anything is possible. The question is whether it is likely. I personally do not believe that it was likely. I believe that Aragoncilla was hired based on his own merits and qualifications. The thought that he was hired because of his personal clout is ludicrous. We are talking about a naturalized citizen and retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant E7. Trust me. There are ex White House employees with more clout.
"People who knew him and worked close to him said his office space was festooned with pictures of the White House, him with the president, him with the vice president," said Cloonan, the former FBI agent. "Believe me, that carries a lot of input and a lot of sway."
I am not sure whose universe Cloonan was an FBI agent in, but his conclusions do seem a tad ridiculous. I think that the more likely scenario would be snickering and finger pointing behind Aragoncilla’s back. I have observed from early childhood until my middle age, up close and personal, the government picture taking industry. My house is full of photos taken on the government dime of people, places and events. You can bet your last yankee dollar that every stiff, slug or employee whoever passed through the White House gates, of any administration, was offered a photo op with the President of the United States. It’s good public relations for the highest ranking politician in the land.
“Leandro Aragoncillo, the alleged spy, who was half a million dollars in debt.“
Aragoncillo was $500,000 (Source: The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre)™ in debt at the time of his arrest. The debt consisted mainly on mortgages for rental properties. It is not logical that $500,000 in debt for rental properties was static over a five year period. Whether or not this debt was burdensome is entirely dependent on the reliability of the net cash flow generated. This may have been a factor in “turning” Aragoncillo, however, “ethnic loyalties” is the most likely reason.
“Aragoncillo was working as an intelligence analyst for Vice President Al Gore.”
Aragoncillo was working, when he was arrested, as an intelligence analyst for the FBI. While assigned to the White House “worked for 31 months from July 1999 as an administration chief with the Vice Presidential Security detail, according to the Marine Corps.” Describing his position in the Vice President’s Office as “intelligence analyst” implies a much higher position of trust and responsibility than actually existed. Big Bubba’s bureaucratic instincts know that of the two, “intelligence analyst” and “administrative chief,” the latter could be a far more dangerous security risk than the former.
“Officials say Aragoncillo passed several lie detector tests that are routinely given to individuals with top secret clearances.”
This is probably true of the office/position where Aragoncillo was employed. Lie detector tests are not a routine requirement to maintain a security clearance. I do know that some government employees in sensitive positions are routinely given lie detector tests. I never took a lie detector test during my military service. I held a top secret/crypto clearance during most of my service. I only took one lie detector test during my entire Federal employment. That was given to me as a civil service employee and was not related to a security clearance issue.
“......they say he was put on a fast-track hiring plan based on his connections at the White House.”
This is an unlikely statement. Aragoncilla was a foot soldier in the trenches. It is unlikely that he ever swapped spit with Algore or Vice President Dick Cheney. Employees covered by the Office of Personnel Management hiring requirements have a difficult time shuffling through the employment back door. I submit that anything is possible. The question is whether it is likely. I personally do not believe that it was likely. I believe that Aragoncilla was hired based on his own merits and qualifications. The thought that he was hired because of his personal clout is ludicrous. We are talking about a naturalized citizen and retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant E7. Trust me. There are ex White House employees with more clout.
"People who knew him and worked close to him said his office space was festooned with pictures of the White House, him with the president, him with the vice president," said Cloonan, the former FBI agent. "Believe me, that carries a lot of input and a lot of sway."
I am not sure whose universe Cloonan was an FBI agent in, but his conclusions do seem a tad ridiculous. I think that the more likely scenario would be snickering and finger pointing behind Aragoncilla’s back. I have observed from early childhood until my middle age, up close and personal, the government picture taking industry. My house is full of photos taken on the government dime of people, places and events. You can bet your last yankee dollar that every stiff, slug or employee whoever passed through the White House gates, of any administration, was offered a photo op with the President of the United States. It’s good public relations for the highest ranking politician in the land.
No, the fact is, Duck, he received his security clearance as a United States Marine who inintially began working in Algore's office at the White House of former First Prevaricator William Jefferson Clinton.
I thought Homeland Security was a result of the findings of the 9-11 Commission.
Big Bubba just stands in awe of your ignorance.
samwich, you are pretty naive when it comes to people buying rent houses in the big city and how they do it.
At one time assuming someone else's mortgage was a fast and loose business without credit checks. It now is tighter, but still possible depending on the lender. Owner financing is possible for rent houses. It's not my thing, samwich, so I don't know that much about it.
The "administration chief" link appears to be misfiring, so I missed the "distinction" between analysts and chiefs.
But I give the Phillipino recruiters credit for recruiting a "watchdog" rather than a helper. It's hard to watch the watchers.
What punishment would you find suitable? I think a one-way helicopter ride to 20,000 feet might just serve the public interest.
Farmer John, I fixed the link. Both links reported that Argoncilla was an "administrative chief" in his White House assignment.
An "intelligence analyst" sorts out and analyzes raw intelligence products to produce a product for decision makers. An "administrative chief" in the armed forces typically prepares correspondence, supervises clerks, maintains files and other assorted routine administrative functions.
Neither article defined the positions. They only reported the job title.
Thanks for the clarification BB.
GAY candidates will be barred from the Roman Catholic priesthood unless they can demonstrate that they have been celibate for three years, according to leaked details of new Vatican rules for seminaries.
Would-be priests will also be excluded if they declare homosexuality publicly, take part in gay rallies, frequent gay associations or show an interest in homosexuality through the use of the internet, books and films.
Pope Benedict XVI is believed to have already approved the 16 pages of instructions, aimed at the heads of Catholic seminaries around the world.
I think that tomorrow will be the same as Friday last, the same as Monday week, the same as any other day. We will awaken to "the markets are up," or "the markets are down."
I am not an economist nor am I interested in that subject. I do, however, hear heated discussions about "efficient markets." I await heated discussions about irrational markets.
The would be investor, who thinks the market direction can be predicted, might better occupy his time studying, and understanding, the paranoias and psychoses of man rather than arcane and possibly faulty economic theories.
Gentlemen, secure your darts and don your blindfolds.
The best investment one can make... time with his family.
Second best investment one can make... time in his own business.
And so the new Vatican policy appears not to be one of "liberalization", but rather the beginnings of a much needed "crackdown". About time.
No known instance of someone on their death bed saying they regret not spending more time in the office.
The crackdown cleans house of the "perps". Can't do nothin' but good for the church, no matter how hard the gay lobby will try and spin it different.
I'd like to help explain the "clout" issue.
I am not asserting it did exist, simply how it might have made itself apparent.
Opus Dei is an increasingly powerful sect, with deeply pro-fascist roots. Ratzinger, now Benny Sixteen Eggs, is pro-Opus Dei and also instrumental in getting anti-Communist John Paul II into his last professional position.
A connection like Opus Dei counts a lot in a (still!) rabidly anti-Communist administration like the current group.
I believe we should oppose tyranny and support elections, and that if they vote for people who want some commie policy, and they keep having elections, that's fine with me.
"First Prevaricator?" Maybe I shouldn't have commented here at all. The "right" wingers are supposedly the one who wouldn't "kiss and tell" but now every detail of every affair, even if immaterial to the case, makes someone a liar?
Good luck.
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