Looking For Mr. Goodnews
I am looking for some good news. The Iraq elections have come and gone without incident. Is there some good news to report about the elections? What about terrorist attacks? I know that there was a casualty today, but I have not seen any reports about the incidence. I have not noticed any reports about major terrorist attacks in the last few days. This may be perplexing to some people, but, not Big Bubba.
It is not about winning or losing in Iraq. It is about hatred of Bush. It is not about terror warnings in the subways of New York or a Baltimore tunnel. It is about hatred of Bush. It is not about CIA operatives, Joe Wilson or Dick Cheney. It is about hatred of Bush. The Bush haters have no problem maintaining their "hate Bush"leitmotiv when the news is bad. When the news is good, or favorable to President Bush, they are stopped dead. You cannot rewrite history until it is actually history. They set this up by ignoring any meaningful reporting about any positive event. Plenty of time for rewrites once John Q. Public's attention is directed elsewhere.
This is life. This is real. Something bad will happen. Then the Bush haters will be back to trumpet their glee over casualties, political reversals or indictments that they will use any means possible to connect with the President. Personally I am amazed to watch the demoracist going down in flames because they cannot do something about their unnatural fixation on Bush hating. Someone needs to turn the wheel and get the ship back on course. They need leadership, but, alas they are leaderless. Look at the names that come to mind. Howard Dean, Hillary Clinton, Algore, Hanoi John, Bill Clinton. Like I said, leaderless.
It is not about winning or losing in Iraq. It is about hatred of Bush. It is not about terror warnings in the subways of New York or a Baltimore tunnel. It is about hatred of Bush. It is not about CIA operatives, Joe Wilson or Dick Cheney. It is about hatred of Bush. The Bush haters have no problem maintaining their "hate Bush"leitmotiv when the news is bad. When the news is good, or favorable to President Bush, they are stopped dead. You cannot rewrite history until it is actually history. They set this up by ignoring any meaningful reporting about any positive event. Plenty of time for rewrites once John Q. Public's attention is directed elsewhere.
This is life. This is real. Something bad will happen. Then the Bush haters will be back to trumpet their glee over casualties, political reversals or indictments that they will use any means possible to connect with the President. Personally I am amazed to watch the demoracist going down in flames because they cannot do something about their unnatural fixation on Bush hating. Someone needs to turn the wheel and get the ship back on course. They need leadership, but, alas they are leaderless. Look at the names that come to mind. Howard Dean, Hillary Clinton, Algore, Hanoi John, Bill Clinton. Like I said, leaderless.
Some good news from the Washington Times this morning...
New Iraq Unfolding
Hmmm, after MONTHS of investigation and journalistic speculation, L'affaire Plame might just simply disappear...
No Report to be Issued
...Joe Wilson's "tempest in a teapot"??? Let the Wilson investigations begin!
Mr. Ducky, I didn't realize things were so bad in Boston. The big dig cost billions? I bet having your Yugo carjacked would be pretty traumatic?
Big Bubba's line. Chump Ducks place your bet.
Indictments, 1000-1, Bolton, Cheney. 10-1, Libby, Rove. No line on convictions since the odds would be slim and none.
Cheney resigns and is replaced by Condi Rice, 5000-1. Even odds that this wildly delusional possibility will cause the Duck to have a wet dream.
DeLay indictment goes to trial, 500-1. Trial results in conviction, 1000-1.
I am not accepting bets that Mr. Ducky soiled his Yugo when it was carjacked. That would be like stealing Big Bubba's money.
Hmmm...obsessive, irrational hatred for the Prez...kinda sounds like the Clinton administration, doesn't it?
Norm, do Big Bubba a Big Favor,
"I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for," former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean told Democrats gathered at a Manhattan hotel, in quotes picked up by the New York Daily News.
Post here a similar quote by a national official of the Republican Party about the demoracists. Personally I never hated the Democratic Party when it still existed. Most of my relatives were Democrats.
The demoracists are lacking in the effective leadership to remind the party that it is not about hate. It is about what is good for this country. Until effective leadership comes forth with a reasonable plan for what the demoracists propose they are going nowhere.
Norm, I hope that nasty little reflexive knee jerk doesn't cause arthiritis in your golden years. Obsessive, irrational hate is the term of the liberal media propaganda machine for those who recognized the former First Prevaricator for what he really was before the actual disbarment for perjury. It would never, ever be applied to President Bush's opposition.
Mr. Ducky, have I told you that your pathetic clinging to fairy tales, urban myths and unsubstantiated rumors is pathetically funny?
From the hater's library,
The Bush - Haters Handbook: A Guide to the Most Appalling Presidency of the Past 100 Years by Jack Huberman
The I Hate George W. Bush Reader: Why Dubya Is Wrong About Absolutely Everything by Clint Willis
The I Hate Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity. . . Reader: The Hideous Truth About America's Ugliest Conservatives by Clint Willis
The I Hate Republicans Reader: Why the GOP is Totally Wrong About Everything
by Clint Willis (Editor)
The I Hate Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice. . . Reader: Behind the Bush Cabal's War on America (The "I Hate" Series) by Clint Willis
I Hate Bush and So Do You by Jason Johnson
Where does all that hate come from? The above results were from an Amazon.com search for "hate Bush." A search for "hate democrats" only produced two results for the theoretical "I hate demoracists." I noticed that those two book position on the Amazon.com exceeded one quarter million for one and over a million for the other. Rankings for the demoracist's hate literature was below 100,000.
mr. ducky,
You quack me up! Imagine Condi replaced Dick Cheney, and then one of your Bush hater friends pulled a Squeeky Fromme. Result - Guaranteed eight year Rice admininstration. You'd better be carefull what you wish for duck.
Oh, Big Bubba, it would tire me to parse the Ann Coulters of the world but I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to come up with a retarded analog to Dean's retarded utterance. So let's not be coy. It goes both ways and that was my point.
However, part of your point is the Democrats are rudderless and I happen to agree 100%. I was just listening to another discussion of "Where do the Democrats go from here?" on the radio, and while the guest (whose name I didn't catch) had some decent things to say, the callers were CLUELESS, saying, "We have to move away further from Republicans stand for and try to regain the elderly (huh?), unions (ha!) and minorities (oh?)."
That's called a recipe for losing, for being the permanent minority party. I was dumbfounded. Too bad I had to get back to work or I would have called in.
The Democrats are rudderless: you're absolutely right. At the very least they are politically foolish; the only two leaders recently who know how to speak to Americans were Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Besides having natural charisma, they've mastered a rhetoric that does not depend on divisive cliches.
But I'll go you one further and say I, too, am amazed at how poorly the democrats pick their fights. There is not always a fire in a crowded theater, but that won't stop them. They're too antsy for a Republican screw-up that no one buys it when Repubs actually do screw up.
Norm, this is pretty straight forward and simple. "Hate" has become the demoracist signature word. Rather than "I think...." they have substituted "I hate......" in their thought processes. Effectively they then have no thought processes.
C'mon Norm, this isn't rocket surgery. Go find some examples that this pervasion of intellectual thought has taken hold of the Republicans like it has with the demoracist. You do google don't you? C'mon Norm.
Bubba, if you were not a sentient human being during the Clinton administration then I can't help ya. No point in arguing.
Norm, you share a problem with many others. The assumption, bereft of logic and reason, is that if I found fault with Clinton then I hate him. I do not hate Clinton. Why should I hate him? The accusation is as silly as it is devoid of intellectual thought.
Bubba, you share a problem with many others. The assumption, bereft of logic and reason, is that if I found fault with Bush then I hate him. I do not hate Bush. Why should I hate him? The accusation is as silly as it is devoid of intellectual thought.
Norm, the more you go on with your irrational musings the more you open yourself to being called a putz.
I have never said that you hate President Bush. Not only do I not know what you think, I am not totally sure that you think.
Need I remind you, Norm, that the start point for this discussion was that the demoracists are leaderless and directionless because of irrational hatred of President Bush and Republicans.
I offered as anecdotal proof of the demoracist's hate leitmotiv my "hater's library." I clearly stated that all the books may be found on Amazon.com.
Norm, here's a hint. Emotion and supposition are not strong argument techniques. I do not hate my fellow Southerner William Jefferson Clinton. My sainted Grandmother was from Arkansas so I have strong roots there. I went to high school with his first cousin. I have reason to believe that William Jefferson Clinton is fun to be with. Why would I hate him? I don't even hate his politics. Why should I? That would be irrational, Norm. That is not me. That is what I do. I bait irrational people who confuse emotion with thought.
Here's a hint to you, Big Bubba: tomato/tomahto arguments rarely go anywhere, either. What do you imagine you are arguing with me about? That Democrats are the only "haters?" Why would I need to present evidence you were born yesterday if you prove it handily with that statement?
I said I agreed with you that the Democrats are rudderless. That's pretty obvious. Some of them irrationally hate George Bush, but that's just a symptom, not the cause, of their lack of direction. Do you imagine I am defending that position? I pretty much agreed with the outcome, if not the cause, of your analysis.
Norm, I just think that it is oh so special of you to agree with me about the demoracists being leaderless and directionless. I have dashed out a "high priority" e-mail to all my friends and family to let them know about this wonderful event.
The argument is my premise that the demoracists are prone to claiming they hate President Bush and Republicans. I do not see reciprocation by Republicans and conservatives.
By the way you may add obfuscation to the list (emotion, supposition, obfuscation).
Bubba, there's a good reason why you "don't see reciprocation among Republicans and conservatives:" they're in the driver's seat! Unlike the days (to repeat to your oh-so coy, tiresome ass one more time) of the Clinton administration, which spawned the rash of specious speculation regarding Clinton's many rape and murder victims, Hillary's lesbo/extramarital dalliances, Chelsea's looks that are apparently too blessedly bone-ass dumb to remember.
Can't be any correlation there, can it, between the Right's irrational hatred of Clinton and the Left's of Bush?
Apologies, Bubba: the statement should read "that YOU are apparently too blessedly bone-ass dumb to remember."
Norm, I will let your intellect speak for itself. I have never uttered the statement "I hate Clinton." I have never thought he murdered anyone. I don't know about Hillary's sex life. I have never made any comment about Chelsea Clinton.
I am not trying to get you drooling so much you short circuit your radio receiver fillings, Norm. I merely made some personal observations about demoracists, Republicans and hate. I even labeled part of my observations as being based on the obviously anecdotal. You are welcome to disprove any statement I have made.
I will help by confessing that I like to refer to William Jefferson Clinton as the former First Prevaricator. What? He is not a proven liar? OK, President Clinton only admitted that he gave misleading testimony. An antonym of "mislead" is "honest." I do not think that there is any worse/best comparison between "liar", "dishonest."
Alas, I have been seriously sidetracked. I made an observation about demoracists and hate. Whether or not I hate the former First Prevaricator William Jefferson, the tooth fairy, or bad hair days is irrelevant to the discussion.
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