Affaire Flame
Have you read this story? The nuances of this case could make the average citizen pine for some straight forward stuff like Oval Office sex, semen stained dresses, and perjury. It looks like this one is going nowhere. When this confusing investigation collapses at least the demoracists will still have the "Affaire Delay" to drool over.
Do you even know what you are saying, Duck?
Since when do the charges have to be proven true in order for people to believe them? Sometimes, simply repeating the mantra over and over is sufficient to convince the "majority", who don't pay attention to the details or wait for the actual outcome of an investigation, that the lie is truth.
Bush lied. Iraq was ALL about WMD's. No WMD's = Bush lied. Culture of Corruption. Wilson was "sent" by Cheney.
The democrats certainly have a "lock" on the stupid vote. And the MSM is making America dumber and dumber every day.
Mr. Ducky, 2005 is way too early to be losing your optimism. For the moment you can cling to the hope of Hanoi John or Hillary being elected President in 2008. When they lose the election that will be your cue to totally lose your optimism.
Of course the Dem's had NOTHING to do with the impending bankruptcy. How much is the UNFUNDED Social Security pension liability now??? 12 trillion?
Oh, that's right only one year's GDP. In other words, the entire nation would only have to work for nothing for an entire year just to be able to pay what the 'govmint owes people who have paid into the system to date.
Or, they could simply take ALL the money the feds collect in taxes for the next six years and put it in the bank and not spend a penny for ANYTHING else.
But of course, Social Security only represents 21% of the federal budget. Maybe they should just "bank" the next 30 years worth of collections. Hmmm, but then how would they then pay EXISTING retirees? Sounds like the solution is to simply DOUBLE the Social Security tax for the next 30 years.
But of course SS (Dem program) is 21% of the budget, we haven't even talked about Medicare, which represents another 13% (Dem program), or Medicaide 8% (Dem program). And of course 8% of the budget is needed to pay "interest" on the debt that paid all those retiree and social benefits for all those years.
Yep, let's just blame "bankruptcy" on the Republicans. Of course, big lies are easier to sell than small ones.
The Democratic Party... sponsoring inter-generation wealth transfers since 1932.
Forget "Soak the Rich", "Soak the Kids"!
Sorry duck,
Your millions are probably tied up in real estate (that broken down shack you live in). You're "land poor". Welcome to the farmers world. Maybe now you'll understand why some English gentlemen once demanded their Irish rents. It's not always easy to show "grace" to your tennants, your Grace, even when the potato soup gets a little thin.
Contrast and compare...
"we are going to have a bankrupt nation (if it isn't already)"
"the unfunded SS liability is quite manageable"
Are you saying that America intends to manage it's unfunded SS liabilities through a declaration of bankruptcy? I seem to think that that won't be a very good deal for its' investors.
But I suppose, manage they will.
ps - Who's drinkin' the Kool Aid and who's suckin' on a goat teat?
I think I finally figured out why the duck is so defensive of Social Security and like Ponzi schemes. They were invented in his home town... Chuck Ponzi
You aren't, perchance, a descendant, mr. ducky?
Farmer John, I had to look and see if my "NOdometer" was still running. This is why I find the Duck totally fascinating. He repeatedly returns to an intellectually defective position that has previously been "beaten like a step child" as if nothing has ever happened. The Duck can be pathetically humorous when he informs us that the social security deficit is "quite manageable." That statement may or may not be true, but, NOTHING IS BEING DONE TO MANAGE IT.
Big Bubba is 60 and counting down to his Social Security. I confess that I could do without it, but, I did pay into the manageable deficit for many years. What a country! Ponzi goes to jail for inventing the Ponzi scheme and Congress blatantly steals the idea and renames it "Social Security" and makes it legal. What a country!
Like Roberto 'Manos de Piedra' Duran, mr. ducky seldom fails to live up to his namesake. Fortunately, the cyber-blows seem to land BEFORE he ducks. I think it's part of his charm. He's never knocked out.
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