Another Great Victory!
The progressive liberal secular humanists have scored another great victory in their campaign to improve our public education system by making it Godless and totally lacking in moral direction. A New Jersey high school football coach has resigned his position when he was ordered to stop leading his team in a pregame prayer.
This doesn't make sense to most of us. It has been said, however, that everyone will understand the genius of the progressive liberal secular humanists when this nation becomes a province of Red China and our children struggle with using their fingers to count.
High school coach resigns after being told to stop pregame prayer
This doesn't make sense to most of us. It has been said, however, that everyone will understand the genius of the progressive liberal secular humanists when this nation becomes a province of Red China and our children struggle with using their fingers to count.
High school coach resigns after being told to stop pregame prayer
I just ran across this additional item of interest,
Nancy Halupka, president of the Quarterback Club, East Brunswick's football booster organization, said the parents who contacted Magistro do not have sons on the football team.
Another victory for the rule of lawyers!
Fast forward, Oct 13, 2105...
Coach Aclu Bloodinwater speaks...
"Oh great Lawinterpreter, member of the bar, representative of the American Trial Lawyers Association, bless this our humble team. Should anyone be injured during the course of this game, may you immediately be notified so that you may initiate court proceedings and sue all big-moneyed parties present, and obtain justice for those injured, and of course, your 30% contigency commission.
mr. ducky,
Perhaps you will explain to me what a good life is. And please, feel free to elaborate upon your explanation and explain to me why killing my neighbor is somehow "wrong". Please, don't corrupt your answer with anything "un-scientific". An equation and it's proof will suffice.
My H.S. football coach offered a prayer before each game. We then went out onto the field where our cheerleaders gave us a rousing and inspirational "secular" cheer.
If G_d exists, and our expert secular atheist ACLU card carrying lawyers are wrong, will our souls be exiled for worshipping false idols? Or are they strong enough to resist false teachings and not be influenced by false/ wrong opinion.
And if religion were so bad for children, shouldn't people who teach false or wrong opinions in our school be banned also? You know, those that say that there is no G_d? How do they know? If they could prove it scientifically, wouldn't THAT be enough to convince all of us?
Or how about those who say Einstein is wrong, that Quantum Physics is true? Shouldn't THEY be banned also?
Just curious.
Intelligent design. If it is a false concept, our schools should teach the opposite. Unintelligent design... aka No design.
Everything in the universe is here by mere chance and happenstance. There can't be any order or organization to it. Don't even bother looking for order or organization to it, for order and organization imply it might have been designed or "thought out" before being created. Order and organization, if they exist, are the products of serendipity and random chance. Of course, don't be fooled by the fact that the universe has predictable orders and organizations throughout it's known elements that "appear" to indicate an unknown source of creation and origin.
We all KNOW there was no Creator. No Intelligent Designer. I mean, it's so obvious, isn't it? And of course, science can prove this, right?
Mr. Ducky, you know about the difficulties of proper reading comprehension. The story is about a coach leading a non-denominational prayer in the team locker room.
The point about this story and prayer is that it is yet another milestone on the social engineering agenda of the progressive liberal secular humanists to purge American society of the God of Israel.
My cousin would not approve,
"Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God?" -- Thomas Jefferson
Farmer John, I wanted to find something appropriate, for the Duck, from Cousin Tom's quotes. I noticed another one that I think you will agree defines our modern problems in La La Land East,
"If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send 150 lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, & talk by the hour? That 150 lawyers should do business together ought not to be expected." --Thomas Jefferson
Mr. Ducky, I tell you President Bush is a genius. How he ever was elected President with a thumper minority is amazing.
Since the thumpers are a minority it seems like you pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracists, Godless secular humanists, imbeciles, low grade morons, and mindless twits could have combined to elect Hanoi John. President Bush will be President until 2008. Maybe next time. You guys should start an election time dinner traditional toast, "Next year in Washington." Hope springs eternal even in the minds of mental defects.
Did your cousin have any thoughts as to whether or not said people should be paid for their time spent in Congress or not? For surely if they were forced to earn their daily bread in pursuit of their actual trade they might become inclined towards Congressional discourse in a Laconian fashion.
but please, do not take this as a desire on my part to alter or improve upon the mechanics of the system your cousin helped construct. I simply offer my views as an observation.
Farmer John, I believe that the dynamics of pay for elected officials is very obvious. When it comes to human nature and reality outcomes can be predicted with a high percentage of accuracy.
If you do not pay elected officials than only the rich can afford the office. That doesn't rule out the penniless from wanting to be elected. Normally that situation will involve crime. Not paying the elected officials is not reasonable.
A pay plan that is "minimum wage," or a mere pittance is equally unsatisfactory. Again reality in the form of cross continent commutes, multiple households and other legitimate expenses have unsatisfactory consequences. Only the rich can serve. Men of moderate means are subsidized by lobbyists and special interests. Criminal activity is always an option for some.
Finally we have the option of very liberal pay, reimburse admin expenses, pay for travel, health insurance, retirement plan etc. Failure to do this is a failure of understanding reality. Congress still has crooks. We still have the FBI and the ballot box.
The major problem with Congressional Compensation is that Congress decides their own pay. Wouldn't Joe Citizen like to define his own compensation plan?
Intelligent design/Unintelligent design. How does that work, Farmer John. Right now I am leaning towards intelligent design, but if I ever hear of a documented failure of Newton's 2nd Law, the Universal Law of Gravity, I might very well lean the other way.
Well BB, the liberals have discovered an element called "upsidasium". It defies Newton's Laws of Gravity. And if Moose and Squirrel aren't around to stop Boris and Natasha, Mr. Big would surely make a floating island out of it, call it Laputa, and then spend the rest of his days floating around the globe lowering baskets for the peasants of the country to fill, and crushing those that don't comply.
For isn't "atheism" an equivalent belief system to any known religion? They just don't call it one. And the schools and government buildings are FULL of atheists.
And to my knowledge, science has not yet disproven the existance of a deity. For don't all scientific hypothesis require tests that disprove the theory?
So scientists of the world, either disprove the existance of a deity, or ban alernate non-religious belief systems from the public sphere and call THEM religions as well.
Maybe it's high time that goats and sheep began running this country. For all humans have SOME belief system. Otherwise, they wouldn't be humans.
If secular humanism isn't a religion there ain't a cow in Texas.
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