I Love This Woman!
Jewish World Review Sept. 29, 2005/ 25 Elul, 5765
Ann Coulter
"It's not like Bush owes Harris or anything. If Harris were as pathetic as the typical Republican supported by Bush, she would have defied the law during the 2000 election crisis and proclaimed Gore the winner just to get the media to love her. Gore would be president now, and Harris would have her own show on MSNBC. I'd be storing away all my summer burkas and, accompanied by a male relative, taking my winter burkas to the dry cleaners to be freshened up."
Ann Coulter
"It's not like Bush owes Harris or anything. If Harris were as pathetic as the typical Republican supported by Bush, she would have defied the law during the 2000 election crisis and proclaimed Gore the winner just to get the media to love her. Gore would be president now, and Harris would have her own show on MSNBC. I'd be storing away all my summer burkas and, accompanied by a male relative, taking my winter burkas to the dry cleaners to be freshened up."
How about Ms. Ducky? Head scarf, or one of those beauts where the face is totally hidden?
"I'm not sure what Farmer sees in this crew and even though his obsession with firearms bores me."
What alternatives do I have? Standing outside of Crawford w/Cindy Sheehan?
...and in the real world mr. ducky, POWER comes from guns and a will to use 'em... not UN Resolutions.
ps - I didn't vote for Bush. Unlike most Americans, I voted FOR somebody.
Mr. Ducky, I have adopted a more relaxed clothing style in my golden years - guaraches and shorts. I wore long sleeve shirts and boots around here for years. Arabs and their night shirts are of no concern to me.
I know the difference between hijab and burqa. Does that mean if I don't use them I will offend the sensibilities of Arab panderers?
mr ducky,
Very clever indeed. But it gives no hints as to how the paradox may be solved, or the NEED for people to solve it, does it?
For the solving of Zeno's Paradox both illustrates AND validates Plato's "Divided Line" epistemology.
How about the country standard, ‘I was looking back to see if you were looking back to see if I was looking back at you in your model T Ford’?
That sounds like it'll work BB.
Just keep repeating the phrase in an "infinite" loop, until you grow tired of living in the divine and timeless spheres outside this universe where E=mc^2 really lives and there are no Heisenberg uncertainties, only perfect circles, spheres, infinite lines, and "point-like" singularities.
More Einstein quotes...
"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."
"I want to know all Gods thoughts; all the rest are just details."
"If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor."
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
"No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong."
"There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there."
"To the Master's honor all must turn, each in its track, without a sound, forever tracing Newton's ground."
"It is only to the individual that a soul is given."
"The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure."
That's the "gold" in the US Constitution's separation of powers. The powers being separated are the people, and the "aristocracy". As long as people vote "parties", the aristocrats will rule. Why do you think that the very first independent party ever established in America was the "Anti-Mason Party"?
And believe me samwich, it's a MUCH better deal with the aristocrats in charge. That is, until they start selling out America for the Chinese and India.
And that is, until demagogues like the new "progressives" start imflicting their secular religion of upsidasium worship on the people. The 22 votes against Roberts tell you who they are.
ps If you want to read a real "Contract with America", read the Iroquois Constitution. It's something I think most thinking people can live with... at least until Lincoln came along, that is.
pps and keep this in mind as well. You've got veto powers just so long as you can get 50% of the American people to agree with you.
ppps and never live in a state where the people can't put an "un-modifiable" referrendum on the ballot.
“Those who formally rule take their signals and commands not from the electorate as a body, but from a small group of men (plus a few women).“
“This group will be called The Establishment. It exists even though that exisitence is stoutly denied; it is one of the secrets of the American social order.“
The meaning of this is that you are wearing your tin foil hat, it is in optimum adjustment, and the volume is turned up enough for you to hear instructions.
“A second secret is the fact that the existence of the Establishment-the ruling class- is not supposed to be discussed.”
You are at this moment “discussing the Establishment.” Legions of tin foil hat wearing zealots are always discussing the Establishment. The Establishment is one of life’s realities. The word “establishment” is so frequently used, and discussed, in the English language it has even been given its own entry in English dictionaries.
establishment (-stblsh-mnt) n.
a. The act of establishing.
b. The condition or fact of being established.
c. Something established, as:
a. An arranged order or system, especially a legal code.
b. A permanent civil, political, or military organization.
c. An established church.
d. A place of residence or business with its possessions and staff.
e. A public or private institution, such as a hospital or school.
3. often Establishment An established social order, as:
a. A group of people holding most of the power and influence in a government or society. Often used with the.
b. A controlling group in a given field of activity. Often used with the.
Bad news, Samwich. The secret about “establishment” is out.
“A third secret is implicit in what has been said-that there is only one political party of any consequence in the United States, one that has been called the "Property Party".
“The Republicans and Democrats are in fact two branches of the same (secret) party.
Aurthur S. Miller
George Washington University law professor, The Secret Constitution and The Need for Constitutional Change. pg3"
Honestly, I do not know a lot about Arthur S. Miller. I assume that he is just another man with an opinion. Right?
“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no alligiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”
Theodore Roosevelt
God Bless Theodore Roosevelt’s revered image as a great American President. I do, however, believe that Theodore Roosevelt, the politician, like all other politicians in all ages was capable of making a political statement while pursuing political aspirations. As a student of history I know that Theodore Roosevelt was indeed capable of bending, at best, the truth and making political statements with the best of them. This statement seems to be fairly typical of the genre and can be seen repeated through all ages of American politics in one form or another.
Is Big Bubba the only one to have noticed that the Boston Police Department is preparing for possible riots during the upcoming three game series with the Yankees? Tsk, tsk, how the Duck doth talk about us flyover hayseeds implying that we are not very civilized. Does the road to civilization lead up a Boston street full of drunken rioters supporting a baseball cause? Hmmmm, now that is a real poser.
We do not riot to show our support for our world champion Spurs. I guess it is true we are just not as civilized as the Boston yankees.
Personally, I think samwich should join the Stonecutters. I hear they've got their own freeway and everything. You shoulda seen the monkeys at the Civil War re-enactment, they were hillarious!
One of these days, I gotta get a new hat. Either that or put a lightening rod atop it.
I guess you don't watch much tv on your mountaintop...
Homer the Great
Stonecutters' Song - The Stonecutters
Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do! We do!
Who leaves Atlantis off the maps?
Who keeps the martians under wraps?
We do! We do!
Who holds back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?
We do! We do!
Who robs the cave fish of their sight?
Who rigs every Oscars night?
We do! We do!
;-) Sorry sammy, it was hard to resist.
btw- sammy
Don't you think it a little strange that Arthur Miller would be calling for a "new" constitution instead of simply enforcing the existing one?
Wouldn't THAT require a "constitutional convention"? Isn't THAT where the 2nd amendement disappears?
btw - IS your copy getting any better? Do my comments help you any?
you make me feel Sooooo im-po-tent. Ooops, forgot the Argh!
and just another tip for you...
Arthur S. Miller, that author of yours, was a "Rockefeller funded historian". Rockefeller is HEAD of the CFR and builder of the WTC.
Now Walter Isaacson, CEO of the "Aspen Institute" author of "The Wise Men" (about how six men on the CFR run the world) is also a CFR guy. Who helps HIM run the Aspen Institute??? Why Madeleine Albright, who else?
Walter Isaacson also recently wrote a very interesting biography of Franklin, my hero, which down-plays many of his "masonic" connections.
But WHY would the CFR, with such deep roots in the masons, be trying to "out" themselves and call for a "new" constitution? Didn't they write the original?
And didn't OBL destroy the WTC? Is HE fighting the CSR and is THAT why the democrats seem to be leaning in his direction?
And I'll be damned if Iraq isn't getting a new Constitution next month. Co-inky-dink?
You've been hosed samwich!
Now, ANYBODY can line up axehandles for Odysseus to shoot his arrows through.
The question is sammy, whether you like the American Constitution as is, or want to shoot for a "better" one.
Me, I'm a bird in hand kinda guy. So are the "European Union" voters in France and around Europe.
Keep trying though. Maybe one day your copy will work. But don't count on it.
I spit on case law. Freeze me in 1786. Change can ONLY lead to conflict.
Just a reminder for the duck...
Up until a few years ago, the House of Lords positions were hereditary. Bye-bye Britain!
....the aristocrats
I crack me up!
mr ducky,
Great minds must think alike. My only wish is live long enough to get drunk and pour filtered Guiness upon Clinton's grave.
Mr. Ducky, what "case law" existed on the day the Constitution was signed? Case law is never overturned?
Delirious Duck. British law is based on the common law, not case law. Whether you, or "we,” "accepts" strict construction is of no consequence. Free citizens of this democracy believe in strict construction. It is not illegal, immoral, or subversive in nature. Apparently it does agitate mindless twits. Nothing wrong with that.
Cautionary note about your wishes and prayers. The Texas prison system is not air conditioned. Most yankess are very uncomfortable under those conditions.
I got trapped in Zeno's Paradox for two hours today. Moody Blues - Days of Futures Past in an endless CD-induced loop...
Cold-hearted orb that rules the night,
Removes the colours from our sight.
Red is grey and yellow white,
But we decide which is right.
And which is an illusion?
Pinprick holes in a colourless sky,
Let insipid figures of light pass by.
The mighty light of ten thousand suns,
Challenges infinity and is soon gone.
Nighttime, to some, a brief interlude,
To others, the fear of solitude.
Brave Helios wake up your steeds,
Bring the warmth the countryside needs.
(A Day Passes)
Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
Watch lights fade from every room.
Bedsitter people look back and lament,
Another day's useless energy spent.
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,
Lonely man cries for love and has none.
New mother picks up and suckles her son,
Senior citizens wish they were young.
Cold hearted orb that rules the night,
Removes the colours from our sight.
Red is grey and yellow white,
But we decide which is right.
And which is an illusion???
(Repeat from Beginning)
samwich, Zeno's gonna visit you one day.
...or were under the impression THIS was supposed to be heaven?
I've already listened to the whole CD four times and am rapidly approaching Twighlight Time for the FINAL time, so you just may get your wish. But don't start dancing too soon, cause I do have a little time before I start dressing again in white satin.
ps Enjoying the aerials.
Sounds like a plan.
btw - If you're doing any copy work for Feingold, better get him to work on his closing schtick...the stressing of conviction and performance somehow got reversed in my mind... thinking that if the Dem's won the Senate in '06, it would likely be performance followed by convictions!
Ahhh, a professional muck-raker. I envy you samwich, sounds like a job even terpsichore lipshitz might enjoy.
Remind me to invite you the next time I go rafting down my favorite 1/2 mile stretch of the Green. We can fish for carp, listen to cd's, and if you catch anything, we could use the recipe you shared with us a few threads ago and have a BBQ! I don't think I've ever really tasted carp, it's always just kinda rolled off my tongue, but as it IS your specialty I might be induced to try some... on second thought... maybe not. I've a somewhat delicate constitution that needs protecting. And 120 dB beer belches might require the filing of an environmental impact statement if unleashed in a canyon. The echo would carry for miles.
btw - I appreciated the legal lesson BB! They don't quote Blackstone very much anymore, do they? I don't know if you ever saw Alan Dershowitz debate Alan Keyes on the role of religion in government, but it now strikes me that Dershowitz was probably a "case-law" kinda lawyer. And of course. Keyes IS a Straussian. Funny huh, he doesn't LOOK Jewish, but you never can tell these days!
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