As It Turns Out Cindy Sheehan...............
................. Is Just Another Left Wing Nut With An Agenda.
FAMILY OF FALLEN SOLDIER PLEADS: PLEASE STOP, CINDY! Follow the link to read the e-mail that the saner members of the Sheehan Family sent to Matt Drudge.
FAMILY OF FALLEN SOLDIER PLEADS: PLEASE STOP, CINDY! Follow the link to read the e-mail that the saner members of the Sheehan Family sent to Matt Drudge.
A grieving mother. Son killed in war. She speaks out against war.
This is national news???? Where's the "news???"
Perhaps the "news" papers should be forced to change their name to "rhetoric" papers. All their stories are aimed at their readers "hearts" and not their "heads". Soon they'll be aiming even lower. Larry Flynt, look out!
And "People's Worker's Daily"'re next!
They'll have to quadruple the reporters writing for their Food Section.
Did Boston Animal Control get the Duck?
Now rewind to 1993 and the widely reported firefight in downtown Mogadishu. Among the dead were Delta Force operators Randy Shugart and Gary Gordon, both posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor by Oxford's most famous Vietnam-era scholar. What wasn't widely reported were the details of the White House ceremony.
Herb Shugart, father of the Medal of Honor recipient, blamed President Bill Clinton for his son's death, told him he was a disgrace, and refused to shake his hand. Why? Because theater commanders in Somalia had requested armor and were denied by Clinton and his defense secretary, former Wisconsin congressman Les Aspin. The reason? It wouldn't be viewed well; the U.S. would be seen as escalating the conflict.
Why wasn't this widely reported? Clearly the media's admiration for Clinton and his policies took precedence over what should have been a very real news story.
Bush met with Sheehan once (I heard..T/F?). Why should he meet with her again? Is she going to change her mind? Will his words do anything to comfort her this time?
Would Clinton have kept meeting with Shugart until he was "happy"???? How would the press have treated Shugart if he kept standing outside the Whitehouse gate? Would HE get a camera crew or would the verdict of the press have been "disgruntled citizen"... Flake... or of course perhaps something a little closer to home... Loon?
To answer your question, Farmer John, the Shugart incidence was DOA in the national press. The issues raised by Shugart were an obvious reflection on William Jefferson Clinton's inability to effectively use American Military arms. The national media was way too preoccupied with touting Clinton the Wonder Boy as the answer to all of America's problems. They are still at their propaganda shenanigans. Go try and find any mention of the blazing economy in the national media. The media is too busy propagandizing and Bush bashing to see what is actually going on around them in this great country.
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