The Senator's Surprise - Their Soldier Constituents Vote
Soldiers from Massachusetts and Hawaii who work at the U.S. military detention facility at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, gave visiting home-state senators a piece of their mind last week.
Sens. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, and Daniel K. Akaka, Hawaii Democrat, met with several soldiers during a visit led by Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John W. Warner, Virginia Republican.
Pentagon officials said soldiers criticized the harsh comments made recently by Senate Democrats.
Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, last month invoked widespread military outrage when he compared Guantanamo to the prison labor systems used by communist tyrant Josef Stalin, Cambodia's Pol Pot and Adolf Hitler.
Sens. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, and Daniel K. Akaka, Hawaii Democrat, met with several soldiers during a visit led by Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John W. Warner, Virginia Republican.
Pentagon officials said soldiers criticized the harsh comments made recently by Senate Democrats.
Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, last month invoked widespread military outrage when he compared Guantanamo to the prison labor systems used by communist tyrant Josef Stalin, Cambodia's Pol Pot and Adolf Hitler.
When are these idiot Senators up for re-election? American memory tends to be short, but shouldn't be when it comes to the likes of Durbin-the-Turban.
My prediction: Massachusetts voters will re-elect Teddy, as they have since Chappaquiddick.
Big Bubba the arch conservative cast many a vote for that well known South Texas Arab Democrat, Abraham "Chick" Kazan, Jr. Hey the guy did a great job in the US House of Representatives and was very pro-military. Military voters are like any other voter. They will vote for the person who best represents their interests. Calling soldiers nazis, gulag guards and baby killers is not going to win the hearts and minds of military personnel.
Mr. Ducky, could you review this bio of Ted Kennedy for accuracy?
Mr. Ducky,
I'm on watch for any topic which poses a security threat, physically or ideologically. I've always been interested in current events and since 9/11 (The attack on the Pentagon was very near to where I live), I've been more alert to world developments which affect me directly.
As a teacher of over 30 years, I'm particularly interested in the accuracy of educational materials. But I'm certainly NOT on watch for pubescent children--if I correctly understand your implication.
Interesting that you've assumed that I'm a man. Wrong again.
always on watch, my son forwarded a video, from the UK, that visually made a case that the passenger jet did not crash into the Pentagon. The professional quality of the propaganda was creepy.
Big Bubba,
Is the video you mentioned something like the movie "Capricorn One"? The movie starred Elliott Gould, James Brolin, Hal Holbrook, and O.J. Simpson (among others).
Matlin's Guide summarizes as follows: "First manned flight to Mars turns out to be a hoax..."
If that flight didn't crash into the Pentagon, then Mossad took down the Twin Towers!
I have friends who were working in the Pentagon that day--all of them on the opposite side of the building. Also, one of my cousins is in federal law enforcement, and she was part of the team which went in to recover remains. She doesn't talk about what she had to deal with.
Mr. Ducky . . . an interesting name, by the way, is correct about Ted Kennedy's contributions. Were it not for Senator Kennedy, the world would still enjoy the life of a young woman named Mary Jo Kopechne. Were it not for Ted Kennedy, numerous other women would not have been raped and sodomized, and members of his own family would not have been subjected to the debauchery that resulted in several criminal proceedings. Yes, Ted Kennedy is really someone to be proud of . . .
Ducky boy applauds Kennedy’s "progressive" accomplishments, but in truth, he is a socialist on the European model who has absolutely no political achievements worthy of mention; he is an individual with no redeeming value, and anyone who would vote for him is an idiot.
That's my opinion, which in a free society is as valuable as Mr. Ducky’s. The reader will note that I did not resort to ad homonym attacks in expressing my point of view, unlike Mr. Ducky who, unable to make an intellectual argument, resorts to pitiable accusations against the character of a person he doesn’t even know—like the one directed at AOW. Such conduct, by the way, speaks volumes about Mr. Ducky as a person, and his obvious lack of proper parenting.
If Mr. Ducky represents the future of our country, we are in trouble; but no doubt, the Chappaquiddick kid will be reelected for at least another 30 years.
I'm not one for the tin foil hat, but those who say Flight 93 was shot down have a pretty good case.
I've heard some of the information about Flight 93.
However that plane was taken down, I'm grateful as I live close to D.C. I would, of course, prefer to believe in American passengers who were heroes. In addition, I've visited the Shanksville site--very moving.
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