Yeah, Olly!
Vegetable Oil And Tours Of 'Duty'
By Oliver North
August 29, 2005
FRANCE -- "Hanoi Jane" Fonda seems to have tired of her moniker. The wilted flower child who firmly established her place in American history when she mounted a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun has decided it's time to teach a whole new generation to blame America first. If she actually goes through with her plans for a new protest movement, she may well become known as "Jihadist Jane." It has a better ring. More alliteration.
Fonda says she wants to criss-cross the nation in a bus powered by vegetable oil, advocating the end of U.S. military operations in Iraq. She's inviting the families of war veterans to ride along as props because, she says, the veterans she met while hawking her autobiography encouraged her to "break her silence."
Big Bubba wants to know did Hanoi Jane apologize for her Vietnam era misdeeds to clear the way for the new more obnoxious Jihadist Jane. I have to admit Olly is right. Jihadist Jane does have a ring to it. I wonder if she will ditch her new found Christian beliefs for Islam. She is getting old and scary looking so she probably should go for a burkha rather than a hijab.
By Oliver North
August 29, 2005
FRANCE -- "Hanoi Jane" Fonda seems to have tired of her moniker. The wilted flower child who firmly established her place in American history when she mounted a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun has decided it's time to teach a whole new generation to blame America first. If she actually goes through with her plans for a new protest movement, she may well become known as "Jihadist Jane." It has a better ring. More alliteration.
Fonda says she wants to criss-cross the nation in a bus powered by vegetable oil, advocating the end of U.S. military operations in Iraq. She's inviting the families of war veterans to ride along as props because, she says, the veterans she met while hawking her autobiography encouraged her to "break her silence."
Big Bubba wants to know did Hanoi Jane apologize for her Vietnam era misdeeds to clear the way for the new more obnoxious Jihadist Jane. I have to admit Olly is right. Jihadist Jane does have a ring to it. I wonder if she will ditch her new found Christian beliefs for Islam. She is getting old and scary looking so she probably should go for a burkha rather than a hijab.
More accurately, Mr. Ducky, you want to continue to discuss your list of others values as defined by you. Duck, do you think that we are intellectually naive enough to fall for your ploy. Do you actually believe that someone here is going to declare you the winner of the argument because you defined ridiculous values to argue that almost anyone would find fault with?
Big Bubba,
I, too, am wondering if JF will dump her Christian beliefs for Islam. I'm predicting that she's going to speak of Christians' and Muslims' worshipping the same God.
A mechanical question here...What kind of vehicle is powered by vegetable oil? And for a long distances?
I rather imagine that Muslims don't support her efforts in "The Vagina Monologues."
Duck, I don't believe that I have used the term "traditional values." Maybe I did, but I don't remember, and I don't care.
I see no need to watch a ridiculous program designed to entertain the brain dead. If that isn't enough reason then the addition of Janeane Garofalo is certainly one more reason not to watch the intellectually lackluster show.
Mr. Ducky, just to refresh your memory Hanoi John was only in Vietnam for four months. That was not a tour of duty. I, and most others, were there for three times that long, twelve months, which was an actual tour of duty. Hanoi John received several scratches and cry babied his way home early. Big Bubba nearly died of typhus and was returned to duty to complete his tour of duty. Hanoi John returned home to tell lies and villify his fellow veterans. He became so worthless that the only thing that he was fully qualified for was to become a Massachusetts Senator. He could not have been elected dog catcher in a red state.
Max Cleland is an unfortunate, pathetic little man. He blew off his own legs, with his own grenade, because of his own carelessness. Not exactly a heroic tale. He was there and made a mistake, so? The technical description is "training accident" and does not qualify him for a Purple Heart, or a medal for valor.
always on watch, Military multi-fuel engine vehicles could burn vegetable oil, perfume, or almost anything inflammable
I agree: get over Jane Fonda already. Like so many left-wing boogeypeople, the only attention they ever get is from the right. And look how well you've succeeded: all she's known for now is her opposition to the Vietnam War. So, you "win!"
I wonder how Michael Moore's new movie on health care is going to be? I thought "Columbine" and "Fahrenheit" sucked--not as movies but as politics. His early stuff had a focus and a heart, though. Since health care is not polarizing in predictable fashion, it could be a good film.
He's a uniter, not a divider.
mr. ducky,
1) I disagree with your assessment that "production" and "distribution" can be viewed as separate and distinct market "problems" to be solved. I believe that their are "proper" and "improper" ways to achieving an "understanding" of a problem, that one cannot completely understand a "wagon" by concentrating soley on the wheels, or on the yoke, or the wood from which it was built. One must also consider it's motive power, or it is likely to be ineffectually harnessed. I know you believe in "markets"... that was never the question. The question was, would you let them float freely and naturally, or would you apply so "outside force" to constrain their movement? You favor the latter approach. I do too, but in a significantly different way, for I would concentrate most of my efforts on applying my forces to the "market" itself, in changing the culture and its' values, in extolling virtue, and decoupling the misconceptions of the public at large as to the "value" of mass consumersim. I would therefore seek to make the forces I apply "voluntary" (and more democratic, I might add) in their nature, and therefore avoid the "neccessity" of exerting government force, which is largely "involuntary" and highly susceptible to "corruptive" influences.
And I would add, that the more "artifical" you make a "market", the harder it will be to sustain it. You will need to apply "more and more" force and "artifice" to hold it in place and keep it from "breaking down". I would submit to you, that THAT is what is happening in Europe.
2) Then call me paranoid. While you're at it, call the founding fathers paranoid too.
You would attempt to convince me that one can prevent forest fires and arson by simply registering matches, and doing a "background check" on legitimate match users before their acquisition in the mistaken belief that you will prevent arsonists from getting the materials they seek in plying their perverse trade.
You seem to have no problem keeping files and doing background checks on all citizens involved in the gun trade, but a check on a citizens "library records" is somehow "beyond the pale". One day, mr. ducky, we will "register communists, and not guns". What will you have to say then?
You want to know what it is that makes all men "equal" mr. ducky? It's "guns". Take guns away from some, and give them to others... will ALL men remain equal? Guns are the source of REAL power mr. ducky. The words of the Declaration of Independence are simply an "acknowledgement" of that fact. And it's people we want to have "power", not "governments". The Constitution is a document that "limits" the powers of government, but it is only that. A piece of paper.
3) By "discouragement", I would simply remove it from the public arena and allow the practice to remain a "private" matter. I would not offer "inducements" or "emoluments" for those who care to practice that love that dare not speak its' name. I would not subsidize or patronize "plays" or arts" that celebrate the practice. I would also publically educate my young citizens to treat it as one of many forms of intemperate and excessive sexual behaviors, of even the "hetero" variety. For the warp and woof of society must be woven so as to both strengthen and soften societies fabric. One cannot properly weave a good fabric with warp or woof only. This fact was well known and respected by most Greek women.
Fearful, mr. ducky? Perhaps one day, you will be able to build and live in your hive and chase out your queens and workers and live in peace. But until then, as a fellow drone, I feel compelled to convince the queen and her minions to allow us to remain. And I am in no hurry, to form a "union of banished drones", and in no hurry to see our women cut off their right breasts so as to become more accurate "archers". Why don't bees live in "mixed" hives?
4) Man is prone to hypocrisy mr. ducky. If he were not, he would be a like god.
Life does not always get "spelled out" for you mr. ducky. Some things, you simply need to learn to take on "faith".
5) No objections? Does that mean you agree?
FJ writes: "I would concentrate most of my efforts on applying my forces to the "market" itself, in changing the culture and its' values, in extolling virtue, and decoupling the misconceptions of the public at large as to the "value" of mass consumersim. I would therefore seek to make the forces I apply "voluntary" (and more democratic, I might add) in their nature, and therefore avoid the "neccessity" of exerting government force, which is largely "involuntary" and highly susceptible to "corruptive" influences."
Now, who wouldn't agree? But can you extrapolate a bit as to just how this can be practically accomplished without resorting to the "G" that Duck advocates (as do I, with reservation)? One way or another, it would seem to involve governance, no?
No, norm, it would not simply take government or "G_d", it would take more, moral "leadership" and a commitment to a new "high" culture. The left has spent the last 100 years levelling the "high" culture and destroying aristocracies upon which high culture was built... in democracies around the world... by exalting the common, base, and even "lower" in its' effort to forge a new single-class "proletariate" within our heretofore more self-reliant, stable, and semi-defensible Republic.
They were aided by Madison Avenue hirelings who like Chremylus, restored Plutus' vision and thereby corrupted the virtuous men of Athens (Aristophanes, "Plutus"). They were aided by "Joyce" and the modern authors who reduced the limited scope of "social vision" to the "personal" and who regaled "personal authenticity" in a cloak often imitated by post-modern artists and philosophers.
If mr. ducky meant "G-d" and/or "Government" alone can perform the proper trick, I believe him naive. The Christian G-d put Europe to sleep for almost 1,000 years and during that time failed to spread beyond her borders, but on the heels of kingly, largely secular (Plutus sponsored), conquests. Egypt faired much better (4-5,000 years), but her gods were more numerous than ours.
Just as our government is a triad, there must be at least three class interests represented by it... not two...certainly not one. A dyad is not a form representive of stability, but one which implies and induces motion and direction. Power tends to "walk -off". A monad collapses form to a singularity. The Greeks assumed that the "square" represented to form of earth, and the sphere was most divine. Perhaps that is why they studied the heavens so ardently, and with "astronomical" and "mathematical" precision.
And so, we must search for solutions that result in the most "stable" forms. There is no possibility of "progress" except those which tend to induce "stability". Progress is both a delusion and a product of a dyadic form.
Orwell's dystopic world triad of powers (1984) hits closer to the mark. But I believe we must ackowledge that their will always be a "fourth" class on earth, over which the power triads will battle whenever they attempt or succeed in donning their petasos out of jealously of Zeus' judgement.
The hoi polloi, hoi kokoi, and hoi agathoi may well reside within and be represented by singular forms of the triad, but there will always be contested and disputed boundaries not policed by an outside force like Zeus in which reside the "fourth" class... the "metic". And when one looks at a pyramid from earth at Giza, one can only view "two" sides. Only when viewed from heaven can one discern all four in the form of a square.
And so, let two sides of the pyramid be illuminated by day, and let us change our perspective to view the other two sides by moonlight.
I know, what a nutjob! Sorry, I acknowledge having very limited communication skills.
The left looks towards earth from heaven. The right looks towards heaven from earth. We need to both see the pyramid and learn to discern our "just" boundaries, and draw the same sharp edges to define it. As for Chronos, it is his task to destroy our work. But such is his "just" domain.
mr. ducky,
1) An "absolute" monopoly is only possible in "theory". Absolutes can only exist in heaven and be conceived of by "mind". There are natural limits beyond which "capital" cannot climb on Mt Olympus. For even the electrons with which they are now recorded (thanks to Keynes) still reside in "this" world. Marx was wrong.
2) My admonition's against "promiscuous" sex were not en-gendered specifically by "gender" distinctions. But nature and my culture compel me to formally recognize only two "gender distinctions" and not all four. That of the M-F variety... and "abstinence". Artemis for the young. Holy matrimony for those mature enough and more subject to Aphrodite's charms. I compel, and will continue to attempt to compel, you and your shadow to dance by moonlight at Dionysian festivals.
And yes, your views may be much closer to "center" than mine. For the center continues to march away from me and towards you. Lots of kids read Joyce. They've stopped reading Homer. Common sense lies about us in far too great an abundance.
The "Battle of the Books" is winding down. Parnassus, where the muses dwell, keeps sinking lower towards the plain. And the muses long to bathe again in the Horse's Spring and whisper their songs to Perses once more. But have no fear, Parnassus will rise again before ever reaching "flood level". She could never reach "sea level", for Poseidon stands ever ready to "build her back up" and begin breaking horses again on the plains of you, our Danaan hosts.
I don't mean to speak for him, but I don't think Ducky meant government alone can solve these things, only that government is one proper vehicle to effect such things. You claim it must take leadership. We do not have a society in which such leadership can be effectively nurtured. But it's inaccurate, if not unfair, to lay the blame solely at the feet of the left, or the modernists, or whomever. You must also include the industrialists and their agents, and not just Madison Avenue's henchlings. Conservatives are complicit in the technologies and institutions that have created contemporary culture, as well. And there must be an accounting for plurality and "diversity" as much as you may loathe that concept--because we must now play the hand we've been dealt.
What you are calling for IS "progress" of a sort, whether it is a return to ancient wisdom or a fulfillment of human potential. But in order to create the conditions for such change, honestly, it seems to me that government and/or cataclysm must needs be involved, whether it is a dismantling of current institutions or an enforcement/creation of old/new ones.
Do you know who the Greek Daedelus was? Both the fictional and real ones? Joyce's hero's "original" name for "portrait" had been Stephen Hero. Isn't THAT just a little bit too ironic, even for the son of an Irish revolutionary? No wonder he "changed" it in his "polished" version.
ps - I admire the hell out of Joyce. But believe me, my appreciation for him is now MUCH greater than I had previously imagined. He gave me too many "epiphanies" of a low-culture variety to NOT recognize GREAT art and even more importantly, GENIUS.
pps - I guess you don't get to see your children's "reading assignments" like I do. The Iliad? Never. A modernist like Joyce... at LEAST 30%. The other 60% are for no-name PC idiots... from the multi-cultural set... along the "lines" of Joyce's model, but without any substance or true "art". Certainly, no "genius".
Your right mr. ducky. The kids don't read Joyce. All they read now are his imitators. I'm beginning to believe that "rap" ain't such a bad thing. I saw some rap version's of Chaucers "Cantebury Tales" at himmelwriting the other day. You ought to get some buddies to put them out on disks with a "beat" behind them. It's currently the "best" hope yet of sparking the "light" in the "next generation". Only do yourself a favor. The "gangsta's" got to go. Only don't tell them its' Chaucer. Then maybe there's a prayer that one day the kids might "step up" to Shakespeare. Or if not Shakespeare, at least "Joyce".
But if you're going to try and re-cycle some hip-hop culture forget about it. Nietzsche spit on Wagner for going sentimental-romantic on him. I don't blame him. G-d was dead, and all we ended up with was the modern "pity" cult of the victim called "modernism" and its' "post" phase.
Rant "off" [no, really, this time ;-) ]
ppps - Question to ponder, after Cervantes published Don Quixote... ridiculing the aristocratic "virtues" and "high culture's" literature, for how many years did "Spain" remain great? I will say one thing for the Spanish though, but for them, Napoleon would have won in the "early" nineteenth century. Ole'!
Big Bubba & Samwich,
Thanks for answering my question. I had heard about the military vehicles, but didn't know that such vehicles were available to the general public. As to the Willie Nelson investment, I hadn't heard about that one.
We will never got over what Jane Fonda did during the Vietnam Era.
Michael Moore is an idiot whose palaver appeals chiefly to other idiots.
Mr. Ducky, I never received the Silver Star. I didn’t receive the Bronze Star in Vietnam because I am an a**hole. I did not receive a Good Conduct Medal that I was eligible for the same reason. I have total lack of respect for Hanoi John. He is only a petite poseur in Big Bubba’s estimation. I have sympathy for Max Cleland, but in the final analysis he did himself in. Drill Sergeant Big Bubba carried around a picture for months that he had taken of one of his best friends who was, also a Drill Sergeant, in mid air, about 20 feet off the ground, on his way to a broken leg. I used to pull it out and laughingly tell others, “yeah when I took this picture Drill Sergeant – was whole, in one piece. Seconds later, BAM! he was on his way to the emergency room.” Does that tell you anything?
I come by my cranky nature naturally from my father. He was probably one of the most senior Air Force NCOs to ever retire without receiving an AF Commendation Medal. Throughout his career he would become testy when it was suggested that he receive any honor whatsoever, not to mention the AF Commendation Medal. My father and I both would have been asked to write our own citations. We did not believe in the BS associated with most military awards for merit. I spent most of my military career (less seven as a Drill Sergeant) writing on military staffs from battalion level to joint service level. I have written more citations for letters and awards than the proverbial “Carter has liver pills.”
Samwich, the Senorita Big Bubbette and I are planning a week ender to Port Aransas after we get married Friday.
We are probably going to fish off the pier or the breakwater. She loves beer and fishing! I can't drink anymore. I love the gulf coast.
Samwich, there is no finer coastal fishing in Texas than the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway from Port Aransas to Brownsville.
Fishing Reports for Week of July 27, 2005 Gulf Coast Region
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mr. ducky,
Speaking of Malachi Mulligan, you should try reading Fenlon's "Telemachus"... I think it was written specifically for Louis XV(?). Rousseau recommends it in his treatise "Emile" as the "only" book that should be given to a young lady growing up. It will prepare her for meeting Emile, in the same manner that Emile's tutor prepare's him for meeting Sophie. And of course, the only book truly suitable for Emile's education is Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe". Funny, isn't it. THAT was a favorite of mine gowing up.
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Funny mr. ducky,
The left lowers culture and taste to eye level with the common man. He then places the "common man" on a pedestal and exalts his "authenticity". The common man then wastes his money on baubles and buys useless junk. The left then rails against the economy. The left then refuses any attempts to raise the common man's level of "taste" or educate him as to the "uselessness" inherent in buying baubles. It would destroy his "authenticty" they say. Too rich!
ps - If I want to read more satire, I think I'll stick with Petronius Arbiter's "Satyricon". He was, after all, a much better arbiter of "taste". He, at least, was quasi "original"... and not an "imitator" like Joyce.
I am a firm believer in the "market" deciding cultural issues. I love symphonic orchestras, but they will never be a threat to country and western bands. I am absolutely against the idea that government is going to decide what is art and what is not so as to direct tax money to art. Let the people vote with their own wallets.
Samwich, the value play is Port Aransas during October. Lower rates, fewer people. All the serious fishermen that I know head for Aransas in October for an excellent fish run. Bonus, most years the water/weather is still warm enough for swimming. I prefer Port Aransas, on Mustang Island, however Aransas Pass, on the mainland, is a short, pleasant ferry ride away.
I just removed a comment that I believe was commercial spam. First time that I have encountered it, but, I have read about it.
The body of the comment was an innocuous blurb about ipodcasting ratings. There followed a hot link to a web site that seemed to be a commercial site about hair coloring.
Big Bubba will not hesitate to delete suspected spam or posts that I deem unacceptable to the congenial operation of this Blog.
Jane Fonda is an example of what happens when dumb blondes reach the age of senility.
...Ken Mehlman (the Republican ideal of a "good" homo)...
Ack! We've been outed! Americans voted in droves against Kerry's plans to give the terrorist-sponsoring Iranians highly enriched uranium coz we hate fags!
Is it just me, or does it seem to everyone that Democrats go out of their way to convince you of their stupidity?
Samwich, I wasn't your enemy at FPM. I was a disbeliever in your story and remain a disbeliever. I did however believe that you probably were a soldier. I herded you right straight to Mel at Sniper Central with the sole purpose of finding out whether you were a soldier or not. As a result of that little escapade I am certain that you are a soldier who attended sniper school while in the RVN.
I have spent most of my life listening to war stories, Samwich. Some weer great, some were great whoppers. Sorry, Samwich, there are just some elements of your story that I find incredulous.
Well, Samwich, that has nothing to do with Big Bubba being RA to the bone and us being comrades in arms.
Samwich, I forget to mention that Texas has a modest Bald Eagle population. Vanishing Texas River Cruises on the Colorado north of Austin almost guarantee a spotting.
Mr. Beamish said, "Is it just me, or does it seem to everyone that Democrats go out of their way to convince you of their stupidity?"
Big Bubba points out that many progressive liberal demoracists are over achievers in that area.
mr. ducky,
Spend some time reading Jose Ortega y Gassetts "Revolt of the Masses" and then come tell me that the "problem" of the degeneration of our "culture" is simply the presence of "market forces".
You can spend money on a copy or simply read it online here:
And as much as I may love arguing the political issues of the day with you, you must agree that the extent of the "market" for those opinions is about (2) and the value of those opinions worth about($0).
In pop culture, the medium is still the message. Today's medium spreads that message at the speed of light. And the messages are mostly geared towards average schmuck's and joe's trying to convince each other to buy laundry detergent. So yes, you are correct, our "capitalist" market-based system contributes mightily to the rapid "homogenization" of culture. But if it ended there, I wouldn't have nodded in the direction of my buddy "Jose", above.
Joyce, et al, provide the ideal "content" for our modern "market" era. Why? His stories are about average guys/gals, locked in the moment, dealing with the realities of life and living. Their lives are hard. Their living is hard. They have dirty clothes. They make choices, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. Ajax got the dirt out. Now life can go on.
Oh, and did I mention, at every turn Joyce flogs the notion of "aristocratic" or "noble" values and "elites". His elites are simply ruder and nastier versions of "us". He sounds a lot you like you when we discuss chimperella and his minions. And since Stephen Daedelus' (Joyce's)family all talked the same way, he carried those views with him into adulthood (Portrait). And so he wrote a parody of those aristocratic values based upon Homer's "Odyssey". Ha, ha, ha. NOT!
Now toss some multiculturalism into the mix. American "pop" culture. Hispanic "pop" culure. Black "pop" culture. All different cultures, but all still "pop". And "pop" means "low". "Pop" means vulgar. Low culture. Herd culture. Sheep culture. No "predators" allowed. No "prides" of predators. The shepherd is ba-a-a-a-a-d.
Now give the "pops" some "political power" (Power to the People!!!).
Since George Washington was a "proud" man, and a slaveowner, and blacks are "pop", George Washington must be "bad". Let's re-write the history books to spit on him! Lets force all the kids in "public" (pop) school to read about what a hypocrite he was and spit on him too.
Maybe Elton John can write a new musical about Jefferson and Sally Mae Hemmings so we can tear him down too. Elton John wrote it? Hell, we should be able to sell out the Kennedy Center for a month, and take the show on tour! See, he was no better than you or me, "Why shouldn't I be president?" I can bonk the help like our first "black" president W"J"C. He's just "one of us"! (I saw Elton John's "Aida" last weekend. Radames' values. Ptooey. Still spitting).
And the concept of merit was possible and "pop"-ular when everyone agreed that merit meant intelligence, hard work, and successful goal accomplishment and not the neediest, tried but failed, and/or hisorically oppressed.
And so the next election cycle comes round. Alcibiades or Cleon the Tanner. Take your pick. Where's Washington and Jefferson? Their descendants all read Joyce, Victor Hugo, Cervantes, and then went and saw Elton John's play. The Iliad got deleted from Gutenberg one day, and nobody noticed. It wasn't very "popular".
What, Joyce isn't popular either? Oh, that was "high-brow" 1920's popular. The language is much too difficult for most high schoolers now. We be speakin' ebonically now. And Joyce is a dwm now, not pc.
Dumbing down kids? Who are there heroes? Who should they grow up to be like. Dr. MLK? The "righteous" Malcomb? The Rev. Jesse Jackson? Or do we need "mythical" heroes and not real philandering deadbeat dads?
And where did most of the social-levelling "content" for the "market" come from? Look in the mirror mr. ducky. I'll look in the mirrot too. The only thing that remains of noble and aristocratic values resides in the structure of the US military. And even that is rapidly melting away. Frag the Captain, and we can all sleep in tomorrow!
So, when Joyce was writing... was it in response to "market" forces? To sell books? I heard he had a hard time getting "published". Market for his material wasn't big enough yet. Too many "noble" values amongst those who could afford books.
mr. ducky,
You complain about our mass "junk" culture, then slam the Baroque artists for simply applying to much "labor" to a few "fine" specimens. Isn't that the point. To spend our time doing very fine and worthwhile activities, always trying to better ourselves... to "out-do" our last effort to do a WHOLE painting or learn and improve upon our best efforts... not Lin do eyes, Quang nose, and Chin hair... same painting!
To return the "spirit" to "labor" that was lost when Adam Smith discovered that "surplus value" from the "division of labor" he granted the capitalist and Marx mistook for a bone and ran off with?
Too make the teacups "thinner" yet still strong. To make the building "taller" but remove the bulk. To create new "beauty" through "economy of form". And to have those forms appreciated.... perhaps adding still more beautiful forms and symbols or light to draw the eye, and not simply abandon all form altogether ala Jackson “oops I spilled my paint, ain’t it cool” Pollack?
Baroque Cathedral
Baroque paintings
Did you see “The Last Samurai”? Which side did you root for? Laissez-faire pre-distribution system, or Laissez-faire post? The wealth of a nation lies in her land. The owners of the land, are those willing and able to take and/or defend it. High art is dedicated to their values. To the few.
In the Cain and Able story, both brothers make a sacrifice to G_d. Why does G_d praise Able and admonish Cain? Was His judgement “fair”? We seem all to be descendents of Cain.
mr. ducky,
I have no idea what you have or haven't read. But if you simply "disagree" with me, and reject OyG's argument, it would be nice if you would explain "why" you find him "offensive" instead of accusing him of being a "fascist" and me of being a "racist". I don't know if he was one of Franco's men, he probably was. So what? Don't fascists have thoughts and logic too? I read communists. I quote communists. And then I point out where I think their logic walked away from them. I must be a communist!
OyG wrote RotM in 1930. Was that pre-mass markets? Pre-newspapers? Pre-movies? Pre-radio? When was mass media and blitz advertising invented, anyway? And so no thinker prior to that day could possibly have any bearing on or contribution to a "modern" discussion of economics?
It's said at Wikipedia that he was an "influence" on Heidegger. So. Marx was also an "influence" on him. So was Plato. Are you fasci-phobic? The fascii were Roman symbols. They represented the power of unity and the power to punish, even execute. Better go burn my Marcus Aurelius. Surely his lictors carried the fascii. They say America was modelled upon the Greek and Roman systems. Guess that makes us all "fascists".
And racist. I admit to being a bit of a racist, and an even greater Eurocentric multi-culturalist and multi-temporalist. Why? Why not? I can't be proud of who I am, or who my ancestors were, or their history(says you)? I can't criticize my own "peasant" stock when they are wrong, or praise them when they're right? And I can't criticize minority cultures because they've been "oppressed"? Who's the real racist, mr. ducky?
No blue blood flows through my veins. I have no famous American ancestors. We were always peasants and farmers. But we "honor" our ancestors and forefathers, and those that protected and preserved them.
And yes, I have read some of Strauss' works and have found them to be rather remarkable. I read his commentaries on Plato's "Laws", and his commentaries on Machiavelli's "Discourses on Titus Livy" But Strauss was not representative of a "new" school of philosophical thought. His was the re-birth of an ancient school of thought. And all his "commentaries" do is help "modern" readers do a "better" job of understanding the "ancients".
And as Sun Tzu once said...
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
If you wish for victory in a battle of idea's, shouldn't you try and learn what they are? Oh, thats right, you already know mine, they're trash. But I am not ungrateful for the education you are giving me. I find your contributions and sources very thoughtful and provocative. Thanks!
Yes mr. ducky...chaos has a form too. It's called the fractal. Which came first, Pollack or the discovery of fractals and chaos theory?
Pollack's form is spilled paint. He was a veritable "modern" genius, if Serendipity be a muse. Oh that's right, it is. It's one form of modern science.
And I admit to not knowing much about individual artists or even much about art in general. And, I never claimed to. I simply did a net search on Baroque artists, and his name popped up at the top. Do you claim to be a polymath? I don't. I only to claim to read books for fun.
Sometimes I have to rely on other so-called experts for information...
And if you are right, and they are wrong, so be it...
but perhaps you could tell me "why" Caravaggio is not a "baroque" artist... and all these others are...??
Baroque art
I look forward to hearing your "expert" reasonings...
Samwich, let your light shine. I know that you were a soldier and a sniper. You just weave a tale that stretches my imagination and that of others.
I certainly have heard of comfort girls. Since my interest is history I probably heard of comfort girls ten, twenty years before it became widely known and the subject of TV documentaries.
I was the Master Driver for the Second Infantry in 1977. I trained and supervised all driver examiners for the division. I trained track drivers for my unit, 1/17th Infantry.
Prior to all of that I was the Truckmaster for the 1/17th Inf. The Bn Cmdr assigned me that job to straighten out a lousy platoon. Suffice it to say the platoon was straightened. Unfortunately I angered the succeeding Bn Cmdr to the point where he wanted to court martial me. Normally you can't be court martialed for telling the truth. He may not have liked what I said, but, at least I said it to his face in front of the Bde Cmdr. Some people are so thin skinned.
Samwich, I spent almost four years total in Korea doing two tours. I read, write and speak the Korean language at a basic level. I know the Korean people, culture, language and history inside out. It is an arena where I am very comfortable sifting the truth from the BS. I note with interest how our free marketplace is filled with wonderful Korean made consumer goods. It's amazing. When I first went to Korea high tech was making stove pipe out of old coke cans. They have made strides.
Big Bubba is an Im Jin Scout
Farmer John commented, "not simply abandon all form altogether ala Jackson “oops I spilled my paint, ain’t it cool” Pollack?"
Mr. Ducky, feathers ruffled, retorted, "Blue Poles" was a matter of simply "dropping" paint. Hardly."
Big Bubba points out, "perception is everything."
By the way is "Blue Poles" like the Polish version of "Blue Man Group?"
Samwich, I know that you provided Mel with documented proof of your military service and what you did. That is why I herded you to that site. Enough said about the subject.
I have avoided harassing you about that whole magic garmies thing yet you bring it up. It has been noted for future use and reference.
You probably missed the post where I said that I was the Bn S2 NCO for the 2/23d Inf. I was alot of things in the 2/23d Inf since I was there for about two years(1966-68). I was in the 1/17th Inf 1976-77.
I think that everyone stationed in the old Second Infantry Division forward area visited the Turkey Farm. I must have visited there hundreds of time driving through on the MSR that bisected it.
Samwich, do like Big Bubba. Live in your own house and wifey live in hers on the opposite side of town. Works great. She can be very distracting wanting me to watch movies, go shopping and all that stuff women love so much. Right now she is between jobs and a real pain. When she calls on the phone being a real pain I have the wonderful option of cutting things off by saying someone is on the other line.
Samwich, life is good.
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