Misanthropundit.com Update
Looking for snake oil? Window shop the internet looking for website templates. Whew! It just left Big Bubba breathless. I spent all day Saturday roaming the web looking for templates and software. When I was ready to throw in the towel, I made a decision. I just received my new Front Page software. Now I am going back to the website template issue so that I do not have to reinvent the wheel. It is all starting to come together in Big Bubba's Big Ol' Pea Brain. I have a concept of how to put it all together in an appealing way to invite comment on articles easily accessed on the internet, my humble commentary, and forums to comment on the various and sundry. I will continue this Blog in this same format, but there will be a change in content. I think I can pull it off and it will be close to what we have been talking about.
The adversity in this whole process is that I have been trying to deal with a cut on my heel for the past several weeks. I went to my physician last week and the podiatrist yesterday. The podiatrist pulled out the knife and started "trimming" my heel sans anesthesia. Ya gotta be hard! I am still limping.
Then there is "La Flor de mi Vida," my granddaughter. When she speaks, I listen. When she says come, I run. I have so much on the table I am having trouble getting it all done. I don't know where I ever found the time to go to work every day! Look for the under construction to start showing signs of construction.
The adversity in this whole process is that I have been trying to deal with a cut on my heel for the past several weeks. I went to my physician last week and the podiatrist yesterday. The podiatrist pulled out the knife and started "trimming" my heel sans anesthesia. Ya gotta be hard! I am still limping.
Then there is "La Flor de mi Vida," my granddaughter. When she speaks, I listen. When she says come, I run. I have so much on the table I am having trouble getting it all done. I don't know where I ever found the time to go to work every day! Look for the under construction to start showing signs of construction.
Let me know when it is communist duck hunting season. What are we going to use as lures copies of Living History.
Neptune, bland diets? I could care less. I do my best with my diet, follow my medication schedules, and watch my blood sugar levels. If my levels go out of kilter and I know I took all my meds I look at my diet. I recently had a change in the way I took insulin. I have to work with that because my blood sugar levels have been somewhat high for several different reasons besides diet. I'll work on it. My problem is that I have other health problems that initiate the foot problems that then become worsened by diabetic problems.
LOVE your blog and thought you might like ours: Seven Deadly Cynics. Let us know what you think.
All best,
Big Bubba owes a ton of responses/replies. I will get to everything, hopefully. I have several bedeviling problems to overcome - computer "running slow,” Big Bubba "running slow,” Big Trucker Boy enroute to Zanesville, OH, asking for the same directions 2, 3 times, my foot is still painful, new software problems, old software problems. Big Bubba's plate is full.
Big Bubba's Big Question: Where did I ever find the time to go to work at a legitimate job?
I have to go buy my sister a #*%!#*pug. I want to be working on my website. I hope my cat, L'il Boy (20 pounder) beats the heck out of the beast. I am hoping to come home and take care of business.
Anna, I am intrigued. Tell me more about your chocolate chip cookies.
Mr. Ducky, I fear that I am in a corner on the issue of the hellspawn dog. My mother had a shit zu. That's exactly how I pronounced it because that was his main skill along with butt dragging, sneezing and general obnoxiousness.
I told my sister that at the first sign of trouble the $400 mutt would be evicted. Our house is big enough that with human and animal at either end there is a wide neutral territory.
When I get my website up and running I plan on specifying one of the forums for personal chit chat just like this. Hey. It's fun. I enjoy hearing from the Duck on Boston, beakerkins on Vermount/NY, and all the others.
You can't be serious all of the time.
Duck, just so President Bush's oil policy includes Halliburton so that the brain dead will have possible conspiracies to mull over.
Where did you get the picture? Dependable Renegade? I checked out the site and will probably look one more time. I found the humor to be basic sophomoric type of humor.
Second look - not exactly an intellectual site. Doesn't even rise to the level of cranky broad site.
I don't know, BB, I kinda liked Renegades concept... a picture speaks a thousand words, a caption destroys them in ten. That's the tremendous advantage of being "a critic"... simply exercise 20-20 hindsight and make sure your own sacred truths never get stress-tested.
Alternate caption for "Bush to Nation"...
"This was found in Vince Foster's office, filed under 'Hillary'"
Anna, I actually like Himmelwriting more than sevendeadlycynics. Perhaps Big Bubba, the old German, has focused his thoughts on Reich der Himmel.
1 Mose 1 Am Anfang schuf G-tt Himmel und Erde.
What did you think of seven deadly cynics "team-blog" approach. You and neptune should team together and thereby split your combined "maintenance" duties in half.
Farmer John, like I mentioned above I found the Himmelwriting Blog more interesting than the deadlysevencynics.
Mr. Ducky, President Bush's lack of intellect is a construct of brain dead pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracists with time on their hands.
mr. ducky,
One cannot change the world overnight. Especially an ex-Soviet style "republic". If you wear a white suit, sometimes you get a little mud on it. It may leave a "stain", but most of it washes off.
And thanks for pointing out the spot, mr. ducky. Whilst most of the world avoids stepping into mudholes, you heap contumelies upon the "muck-raker" for staining his suit even though you're the one who always dresses him in white. Or is your argument that Afghanistan was not a pigstie worth stepping into? Or that China is a force unworthy of opposition? Or that the sucking sound of the "power vacuum" left by the collapse of Soviet "secularists" in '89 should simply fall to "Islamicists" by default, and not confronted now, while we're still "over there"?
Yes mr. ducky... OBL is your friend. He likes you, and wouldn't dream of shoving a firecracker down your pants.
And that annual $300 billion dollar trade imabalance with China, pay no attention to it. Those 2nd mortgages on your house will never come do either, all you've got to do is re-finance. We are getting "wealthier". Welcome to MacDOnald's. Can I take YOUR order?
As the song goes... "Dream On"... but sometimes, it takes more than dreams to MAKE dreams come true.
I AM the chosen one, I AM the chosen one. Nope, still not true.
mr. ducky,
Well, I'm glad to see that you've finally decided to follow the president's lead and get into the oil business... so you can't complain that the war's been "bad for business" either. As for CPR, hope you got out shortly after you got in.
I understand that Zarqawi's aka is no longer making book for Charleton Heston, is that true? Must be some "blue state" program got him off the streets before he went too "green".
And yep, we can thank the "Cambridge" boys of the left for perfecting the monetary system being used to pump dollars into the void, I mean, third world, et al. That's one redistribution system with wings. No slow gold ships needed. The money flows out as fast as electrons, at the speed of light! Don't blink!
Nope, that system doesn't have to be a tragedy. But I'll bet when your boys designed it, they forgot to put a diode near the central computer. So all I've got to do is change the polarity of the line and I'll re-attract all my electrons...
Either that, or wait for the earth's magnetic poles to flip... and I hear that's coming up real soon.
Farmer John, the Duck seems to be saying that the economy is on fire and his wealth is increasing. What do you suppose the Duck is doing with the additional wealth that President Bush's tax policy and a healthy economy are producing? He's got it buried in a can in the backyard? Surely his anti Bush sensitivities would not allow him to reinvest his ill-gotten gains in the economy.
ps - You've got money in Tanaris Steel without a stop limit order in place? I do admire you mr. ducky. Ballsy move. Better keep your ticker running. After a good run-up, there's bound to be some "profit taking". And you've always got to on the look out for those pump-and-dumpers.
Hope you aren't too leveraged.
Since mr. ducky hates capitalists, I suspect that all his ill-gotten profits go to the SIU's Children and Orphan's Fund. It's the only moral thing a self-respecting socialist true believer could do.
As for paying his capitals gains taxes, I bet he stiff's Uncle in April and sends them a picture of his middle digit.
Mr. Ducky, if you believe disparity of income is threatening mom, apple pie and the American way of life why don't you be a patriot and donate half of your wealth to the needy?
With your weird ideas about the government and economy you must qualify for a position as the poster boy on an "even a blind hog finds and acorn" poster.
mr. ducky,
I know your pay your taxes like every good citizen should, but forgive me the irony of remarking that whereas capital and corporations have been taxed for quite a while in America, it was the Democratic Party who thought it prudent to begin taxing their god, Hephaestus (Labor) shortly after the Civil War ended and "introduced" the first income (labor) tax. They then proceeded to invent Social Security and its' corresponding tax fifty+ years later (yet another distinct tax on Labor) and have followed that performance up with just about every tax in America on honest, hard-working laborers since.
Every time Republicans try and untie the ox of labor from the government's yoke, the Democrats scream bloody murder.
So as a result, the Republicans have now seen fit to unyoke "corporations" and unyoke "capital". Might as well reward someone who's going to be politically "grateful" for the break, and not spit on you for doing them a favor. After all, they do tell laborers what to do each day, and so are "hated" anyway.
And corporate "dividends". Please. What are those? Real wealth lies in the land the bank stands on. It lies in the crops that spring from the earth. Do you think those English Lords who invested their money in Irish land were stupid or something? The problem with wealth lying in the land is that it's hard to take dirt to the bank. And nobody is going to loan money to some dumb peasant five years after the government has "confiscated" it from some South African farmer, and handed it over to some corrupt general, or fifty of his most ardent political supporters.
If the third world is so starved for capital, let their governments start respecting property rights so that the owners can eventually "qualify" for a loan.
No wonder there's no "seed money" in Africa or much of South America. But no. blame it on colonialism. Blame it on "greedy corporations". Idiots.
Therefore, I'm glad you've paid off your house. Never sell it. That's where your "wealth" lies. And I'm glad your helping your sister's kids. That is very generous of you. And I'm sure that Boston's needy families need lots of free food, so they can spend their public assistance checks fullfilling some "higher" level needs, like "transportation".
Me, I've still got plenty of bills to pay, a mortgage, and a growing family to boot.
btw - Do you know the way college educations get funded these days? You'd think it would be "what it costs to educate the child." Nope. It costs whatever you can "afford" to pay. It's uncanny. It's almost a direct parallel to "rents" and "housing costs". What does a house cost? What can the average Schmuck afford to pay? Uncanny. Sounds almost laissez-faire.
Adam Smith, capitalism is just so, so, "unfair". Maybe Marx can figure out something "fair-er"... I'm sure mr. ducky can.
btw mr. ducky - What's your opinion as to the "fairness" of "real estate" taxes? And why do they call it "real" estate anyway?
Oh, I almost forgot. You can HAVE all the nations "capital" AND the "means of production". All I ask in return, is for the "land" it sits on and a permanent title to it. You can pay me "rent".
It's official, twenty percent of the population pays eighty percent of the taxes. That twenty percent of payers are the top tier of earners, of course.
Mr. Ducky, I do not have a keen financial mind like you. Perhaps you can explain to me the difference pay roll tax and income tax. You must know something significant that I do not know. Help me out, here is what I think I know.
Pay roll tax is collected to pay income tax obligation. Everyone who is employed must have the pay roll tax deducted by their employer. The employee is totally in control of the exact amount deducted. The employee may choose to not completely or barely cover their tax obligation. The employee may over contribute anticipating a sizeable refund. In the final analysis the employee only pays his tax obligation. This system applies to billionaire and minimum wage employees alike. Have I missed something here?
Also, do not the self employed pay an estimated quarterly tax? Does that not take me back to my original thesis? I did not get the info from Rush. You seem to know alot about Rush. Do you listen often? I don't listen
1- Since 1990, virtually ALL of the income tax collected by the federal government has come from taxpayers who fall in the top 50 percent in terms of income. In 2000 and 2001, this group paid over 96 percent of total taxes collected.
2-Most of this tax revenue comes from a very select group: The top 5 percent of taxpayers, defined as those who earned about a third (32 percent) of all national income, paid more than half of all individual income taxes (53.3 percent).
Those in the top 1 percent in terms of income, paid more than 30 percent of the total amount of income tax collected.
3-The tax cuts we received in 2001 and 2003 shifted an even larger share of the income tax burden to those with higher incomes.
Fox News Channel Business Page
Duck, 'tis your point I do nae understand, nae your anger.
Payroll tax is generally taken to mean that portion that is withheld from a payroll check to cover an income tax obligation. The social security (FICA) deduction is for, surprisingly enough, social security. The formula is the same for everyone up to a taxable limit fixed by law. Let me stutter, point, point, point, point, Duck.
Please, slow, point by point, Duck. You know us flyover hayseeds are not as quick as you yankees.
Sorry to disappoint you mr. ducky, I'm not a Georgist...
Henry George
I'm just WAY too familiar with the way our modern "fisheries" are managed, and Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons".
Garrett Hardin
Free lessons for all from CNNMoney, Money 101, Lesson 18.
How much you should withhold?
Don't give the government an interest-free loan.
If you're like most people, you probably pay Uncle Sam throughout the year by having your employer withhold tax from your paychecks.
Your employer, using tables supplied by the government, determines how much of your paycheck should be withheld based on information you provide.
What's FICA again?
Who needs to pay estimated taxes
Under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), 12.4 percent of your earned income up to an annual limit must be paid into Social Security, and an additional 2.9 percent must be paid into Medicare.
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