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I have previously referenced this story, but I do not believe I provided a citation. Here it is. Look closely, chilluns, it would seem that once again us dumb flyover hayseeds in the South and the midwest have the advantage.
( - A major conference on HIV-AIDS will soon hear about new research linking male circumcision with dramatically reduced HIV infection rates, but the finding is unlikely to end a long running debate over the procedure.
A recent study found that the procedure lowered the risk of contracting HIV from intercourse with infected women by about 70 percent. That has prompted calls for male circumcision to be promoted in the fight against AIDS.French and South African researchers worked with 3,000 uninfected South African men aged 18-24, half of whom were circumcised. So radical were the results that the study reportedly was stopped early to give the uncircumcised participants the opportunity to be circumcised if they wished.
Fifty six centuries of the finest health protection that money could never buy provided to His children by the Father of All Creation.
This is downright interesting information. Pigs feet will never taste the same again.
And now a word from our frozen north.
( - A major conference on HIV-AIDS will soon hear about new research linking male circumcision with dramatically reduced HIV infection rates, but the finding is unlikely to end a long running debate over the procedure.
A recent study found that the procedure lowered the risk of contracting HIV from intercourse with infected women by about 70 percent. That has prompted calls for male circumcision to be promoted in the fight against AIDS.French and South African researchers worked with 3,000 uninfected South African men aged 18-24, half of whom were circumcised. So radical were the results that the study reportedly was stopped early to give the uncircumcised participants the opportunity to be circumcised if they wished.
Fifty six centuries of the finest health protection that money could never buy provided to His children by the Father of All Creation.
This is downright interesting information. Pigs feet will never taste the same again.
And now a word from our frozen north.
I keep trying to beat the "survival manual" nature of the Bible into people's heads, but no one seems to be listening. In this respect, they are much like Eve and the descendents of Cain.
The Greek tragedies and comedies serve much the same end. But no, they aren't "entertaining" enough for modern ears.
I read the link about pigs with much interest. My Southern cousins love the pig and Big Bubba will confess to a certain affection. The western branch of Southern cousins does, however, tend to favor beef.
Speaking of big stay tuned for big developments at Big Bubba's Big Blog. Important announcements soon forthcoming.
Those that practice circumsission
are from different cultural groups.
However that being said can you offer the Duck as the first volunteer.
There is morbidity associated with adult circumcision. Do we dare risk the death even in cases where the brain is already gone?
When I was a boy (here in the South) I remember that when PE showers disclosed that someone was not circumcised they were viewed as somewhat a physical oddity if not freak.
The arguments of the brain dead against circumcision are truly amazing. I just totally fail to see any valid medical reason for not doing it and several valid medical reasons for doing it.
I must admit that "modern medicine" has been dissuading new mothers from having this procedure performed, even in the US, for quite a while now... it has been deemed "medically unnecessary". I know, my wife fell for their line, and so our kids escaped the knife.
History of Circumcision
It is my understanding that the inventors of the procedure were the Egyptians... and I suspect that the Hebrews picked up on it during their period of " forced residency" there.
Freud thought that the Levites were actually priests of Ahknaton's first monotheistic religion... but there is an aspect to that story that doesn't track well... the "math" doesn't add up. Why did the Pythagoreans become such great adepts, whilst math seems to "escape" Judaic theology? Math had many "sacred" dimensions in Egytptian religion. Did the Hebrews dump math out of "bitter" spite?
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