How To Irritate A Libtard
Place one of these rocks in plain view of the public. Your front lawn, Knights of Columbus Hall, your Masonic Lodge, VFW, American Legion, or some such place that will bother passing libtards.

I am considering my front lawn, but most folks in these parts are sane unlike the color of depression, blue, states so it wouldn't cause much of a stir.
Let's take back what is ours, one Nation under God, founded on the religious beliefs and morals of our forefathers.
The libtards falsely claim that Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, his supporters, and the media "echoed the notion that the Ten Commandments are the sole source of American law" Was that what Judge Roy Moore was really saying about his Ten Commandments memorial? Go find out what he was really saying, "The Ten Commandments Monument depicts the moral foundation of law in America, and bears excerpts from the text of the Ten Commandments of God.", and much more at his web site.
Project Moses to buy your monument.

I am considering my front lawn, but most folks in these parts are sane unlike the color of depression, blue, states so it wouldn't cause much of a stir.
Let's take back what is ours, one Nation under God, founded on the religious beliefs and morals of our forefathers.
The libtards falsely claim that Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, his supporters, and the media "echoed the notion that the Ten Commandments are the sole source of American law" Was that what Judge Roy Moore was really saying about his Ten Commandments memorial? Go find out what he was really saying, "The Ten Commandments Monument depicts the moral foundation of law in America, and bears excerpts from the text of the Ten Commandments of God.", and much more at his web site.
Project Moses to buy your monument.
Great idea Big Bubba.
The idiots on the left scream about Falwell . Muslim fanatics blow up busses but the greatest danger to humanity is Pat Robertson. I am not even a Christian and stunned.
Beakerkins, I try to use moderate language and center my focus on Judeo-Christian rather than Baptist, Evangelical, etc. However, I am what I am so sometimes I am specific.
I believe what is important, politically, are those beliefs that we hold in common not our differences. I am perfectly willing to allow the G-d of Israel to sort things out on His Judgement Day. In the here and now we must present a united front on those beliefs that we hold in common so that going to our temples, churches and synagogues, practicing our specific beliefs, and public expression of our Judeo-Christian beliefs is never endangered by the social engineering of the secular humanists.
Muslim fanatics blow up busses but the greatest danger to humanity is Pat Robertson.
I could have swore that the greatest danger to humanity was people that refuse to follow their religion, which includes the fanatics that blow up busses and Pat Robertson, and call for revenge when they are attacked.
But what do I know? I am a "libtard."
"Judge not lest ye be judged yourselves, for with the judgement that ye mete out that shall be handed to you."
I love people who render judgement, then proceed to instruct you not to judge others...
I hope Bob returns to enlighten us as to how dangerous Pat Robertson is compared to muslim fanatics. Personally I find Pat Robertson to be irritating, but have never thought of him to be dangerous.
The biggest danger to the libtards is actual critical thought unencumbered by their prejudices and preconceived notions.
The nature of liberal thought...
from Aristophanes "The Ecclesiazusae"....
PRAXAGORA. That's better! that's fitting applause.--Citizens, 'tis you who are the cause of all this trouble. You vote yourselves salaries out of the public funds and care only for your own personal interests; hence
the State limps along like Aesimus. But if you hearken to me, you will be saved. I assert that the direction of affairs must be handed over to the women, for 'tis they who have charge and look after our households.
SECOND WOMAN. Very good, very good, 'tis perfect! Say on, say on.
PRAXAGORA. They are worth more than you are, as I shall prove. First of all they wash all their wool in warm water, according to the ANCIENT practice; you will NEVER SEE THEM CHANGING THEIR METHOD. Ah! if Athens only acted thus, if it did not take delight in CEASELESS INNOVATIONS, would not its happiness be assured? Then the women sit down to cook, as they always did; they carry things on their head as was their wont; they keep the Thesmophoria, as they have ever done; they knead their cakes just as they used to; they make their husbands angry as they have always done; they receive their lovers in their houses as was their constant
custom; they buy dainties as they always did; they love unmixed wine as well as ever; they delight in being loved just as much as they always have. Let us therefore hand Athens over to them without endless discussions, without bothering ourselves about what they will do; let us simply hand them over the power, remembering that they are mothers and will therefore spare the blood of our soldiers; besides, who will know better than a mother how to forward provisions to the front? Woman is adept at getting money for herself and will not easily let herself be deceived; she understands deceit too well herself. I omit a thousand other advantages. Take my advice and you will live in perfect happiness.
...and of course, the "innovative motion" carries the day and becomes "law".
Mr. Ducky, you have the argumentation skills of a third grader on the playground. I have fond memories of those days gone by. Keep coming back and eventually another third grader type will show up to argue with you on Big Bubba's Big Blog playground.
"I'm from Texas and in Texas we have the death penalty and WE USE IT! That's right, if you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back. That's our policy. Right now there's a bill in the Texas legislature that would speed up the execution process of those convicted of a heinous crime with more than three credible witnesses. If more than three people saw you do what you did you don't sit on death row for 15 years Jack, you go straight to the front of the line. Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty. My state's puttin in an express lane." –Ron (Tater) White
mr. ducky,
All I hear from liberals these days is "invest in Africa!... Invest in Africa!!... INVEST IN AFRICA!!!"
So Pat Robertson puts his money where his mouth is... in a completely LEGITIMATE investment in Africa... and now he's Elmer Gantry.
So mr. ducky, are we to invest in Africa, or aren't we? Or is BAND 8 AID the only solution? Can Americans only invest in money LOSING propositions and completely stable African regimes, or is there no way to avoid your calumny?
I suspect Mr. Robertson falls into the class of those who think themselves "socially responsible" investors. But in completely unionist terms...there is no such thing, is there?
I hope you don't have money in an IRA or in any banks. Cause if you do, I'm sure you're linked to the evil Bush Administration and are part of that ME oil grubber lot.
mr. ducky,
Slaves don't usually do much of the "exporation" part of the research work. They do the digging. Mr. Robertson's investment was NOT in active diamond mining operations.
mr. ducky,
Although your program for Africa is indeed commendable, I only see one problem. Where's the "profit"? If I build highways, can I charge "tolls"? If I build water systems, can I recover my costs through the "rates" I charge so I'll have more for "future investments"? And if the answer to these questions is "no", then I'm not "investing" in Africa... I'm doing charity work.
mr. ducky,
I don't know about you, but I have a very hard time understanding what "death" is when it can be defined as anything you want it to be by a lawyer in a pirate suit. I think we'll both agree that Terry is "dead" NOW, but I'm not sure she was "dead" while she was still breathin' and rollin' around in her hospital bed. As far as I'm concerned, it's like trying to define the start of life when entire baby crosses the threshold instead of when only the head has emerged so you can jab some forceps into the back of its' neck and suck its' brains out.
And if THAT is what your "science" is all about, you can keep it. In fact, your "science" is used to over-ride any religious objections I might have to your friends practicing it on my kids. Freedom of religion "my _ss".
Speaking of AIDS. Someone was doing a scientific study on circumcision and aids. The study was called to a screeching halt when it was determined that for reasons unknown circumcised men's incidence of contracting AIDS (versus that of uncircumcised men) exceeded the goals for the efficacy of an anti AIDS vaccine. A principle of scientific medical studies is that if it becomes apparent that something is indisputably working the test will be stopped and the results made known for appropriate action.
Duck, you are always trying to bait me with Rush Limbaugh, who I don't listen to, or, Pat Robertson, who I do not care for theologically, philosophically or on any other level.
This is what one of my Baptist co-religionists, here in Texas, has to say about Pat Robertson. I like it.
Comments By E. L. Bynum
If any of the fans of Pat Robertson or his 700 Club read this, please take note. You had better get your offerings in for Operation Blessing, and Pat Robertson. He may get a word of knowledge about pearl diving, oil drilling, or gold mining. He will need your funds for this or some other scheme he has going.
I imagine that Pat Robertson being in the diamond mining business, will come as a big surprise to some of his supporters. They might check into what other great enterprises he is involved in, and where he got the money for all of this. This is just a thought. A hint to the wise should be sufficient.
More on Freedom Gold... from the Washington Post:
"But in May 1999, Robertson, through Freedom Gold Limited, an offshore company registered in the Cayman Islands but based at CBN headquarters in Virginia Beach, signed an agreement with Taylor and key cabinet members allowing the for-profit Freedom Gold to explore and receive mining rights in southeastern Liberia, where gold is believed to be in the ground.
It's a great deal for Liberia, which is now an economic basket case thanks to the long civil war and Taylor's corruption. It's also good for Freedom Gold, which was formed by Robertson in 1998. Liberia -- and for all practical purposes we're talking Taylor -- gains 10 percent ownership of Freedom Gold.
As The Post's Douglas Farah reported in January, huge amounts of the country's funds have been siphoned off by a small group of Taylor's associates and relatives. Taylor "has his hand in everything and gets a cut of everything," a businessman told The Post. Other Liberians, probably Taylor's gang, are entitled to buy at least 15 percent of Freedom Gold's shares after the exploration period.
In a phone interview on Wednesday, Joe Mathews, Freedom Gold's vice president for finance and administration ("actually I'm acting as managing director," he confided), said the company is currently in the exploration stage but "there is little activity at the moment because it's monsoon season."
He said gold has been found, but whether it is a viable venture has not been determined. Mathews confirmed reports that Freedom Gold is committed to spend $15 million during the exploration phase, but he said it has yet to spend anything close to that amount. The deal with Liberia gives Freedom Gold exploration rights for five years, and an additional "20 years to mine it," Mathews said. Liberia is currently collecting exploration and rental fees from Freedom Gold; the government also will pocket royalties and rental fees once production gets underway.
Yesterday Fisher also faxed a letter stating that the company has shown it is "a responsible corporate citizen." He cited company-built wells and pumps for safe drinking water, a free medical clinic that serves 1,000 patients a month from surrounding villages and the construction of roads and bridges to reach the area. "Freedom Gold has done more for the people in this region in the last two years than any other company over the last thirty years," he said, adding that the company intends to contribute even more.
Taylor needs the cash. His country is in ruins, though he and Madam Jewel Howard Taylor live well, thanks to sales of Liberia's precious resources and concession fees from foreign investors such as Freedom Gold."
...just call Pat Robertson a modern day "Marcus Garvey", if you like.
Pat's "Apologia"...
I hear that Jesse Jackson, representing the Clinton Adminsitration, was pushing for closer "investment" ties to Taylor just prior to Pat's investing. Hmmmm.
Jesse's Fingerprints
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