Congratulations To All Who Come Here
I spent many hours yesterday researching possible forums. I repeatedly ran across the statement that non-threaded discussions were difficult to follow. There's some news for us. I find it incredible, however, that we have posted 117 comments mostly about Condoleezza Rice with a few digressions. It just further motivates me to continue to look for a suitable forum to eventually migrate to from here. I have actually seen a forum like everyone seems to favor. I just don't understand it yet. I find it amazing that there are many products out there that are not adequately presented to potential buyers. I think geeks assume their audience consists of other geeks and no explanation is necessary.
Big Bubba will persevere. Keep the leads coming. Neptune, I have either checked all of yours, or already seen it.
Big Bubba will persevere. Keep the leads coming. Neptune, I have either checked all of yours, or already seen it.
Big Bubba
I like the Big Bubba blog. I nominated my trolls visit you durring my move to VT.
Trying to bait Mr. Ducky first thing in the morning, Neptune? Tsk, tsk, Condi isn't even a lawyer.
Mr. Ducky, I have to confess that I do not share your fascination with Ayn Rand. I know little about Ayn Rand the woman and have not read any of her writings.
When kindly provided with quotes I can either choose to agree or disagree. I focused on the last sentence of the quote. I completely agree with the thought. We see this modern head long rush by our very own pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracists so sure of the righteousness of their social engineering projects they believe running over the occasional child (or human being) is perfectly acceptable. The key factor here is "unfeeling carelessness." It is a crime.
Great Rand quote mr. ducky! Do you agree or disagree with it, for it contains a very profound indictment of socialism within... no mention of "thought".
I admit, I need to do my homework before rising to strike tempting bait.
Since Rosa Luxembourg was the REAL source, don't you find the statement's lack of references to "thought" even MORE indicting than if the source were actually Rand condemning Socialist "passion"?
I find Ms. Luxembourg's "Final Words" illustrative of the Achilles heel inherent in the ENTIRE Socialist movement...
"The leadership has failed. Even so, the leadership can and must be recreated from the masses and out of the masses. The masses are the decisive element, they are the rock on which the final victory of the revolution will be built. The masses were on the heights; they have developed this 'defeat' into one of the historical defeats which are the pride and strength of international socialism. And that is why the future victory will bloom from this 'defeat'.
'Order reigns in Berlin!' You stupid henchmen! Your 'order' is built on sand. Tomorrow the revolution will already 'raise itself with a rattle' and announce with fanfare, to your terror:
I was, I am, I will be!"
...but perhaps not. If bellum omni contra omnes is the socialist's paradise, anarchy and the return of man to the jungle his ultimate goal, then this must be the great STRENGTH of the Socialist enterprise.
The inability to suffer "leadership" and to embrace the counter-moral "values" upon which group survival depends. No Washington, and everyone a "private".
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