Bush Beat Kerry at Yale
My friend e-mailed me the information below without comment or stating the source. We have seen most of this before. I found the part about comparative IQs most interesting and I have not heard that before. I liked the way the info was brought together. I thought that everyone, including the Duck, would find it interesting. Enjoy! Thanks and a tip of the ol' sombrero to J. Smith, San Antonio, TX. Sounds like a fake name, huh?
President Bush, who is routinely derided as a "moron" by embittered Democrats, earned slightly better grades at Yale University than Sen. John Kerry, the supposed Massachusetts intellectual.
According to college transcripts from the top Ivy League school obtained by the Boston Globe, Kerry was well on his way to flunking out during his freshmen year, receiving no fewer than four D's.
Kerry's intellectual deficit revealed itself in geology, two history courses and, most surprisingly for a top politician, political science.
"I always told my dad that D stood for distinction," the failed presidential candidate told reporters.
He showed a slight improvement in subsequent semesters, topping out with an 81 average his senior year. Kerry had a cumulative average of 76, or what some might call "a gentleman's C."
The president received just one D in his freshman year - a 69 in astronomy - to Kerry's four. His cumulative grade point average was 77 - a point higher than Kerry's.
Last year, when an analysis of Kerry's Navy aptitude test showed that Bush actually had a higher IQ, the top Democrat blamed his lackluster performance on drinking.
"I must have been drinking the night before I took that military aptitude test," Kerry told NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw. (Big Bubba Big Note: The press never made an issue of Kerry's youthful behavior, just that wild and crazy President Dude. Can you imagine anyone being young and crazy?)
President Bush suffered the same type of derision during the 2000 campaign, when critics regularly portrayed him as intellectually inferior to Al Gore.
Gore attended divinity school after graduating from Yale. But transcripts from Vanderbilt University showed that he received F's in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters.
Gore left Vanderbilt without receiving a degree.
President Bush, who is routinely derided as a "moron" by embittered Democrats, earned slightly better grades at Yale University than Sen. John Kerry, the supposed Massachusetts intellectual.
According to college transcripts from the top Ivy League school obtained by the Boston Globe, Kerry was well on his way to flunking out during his freshmen year, receiving no fewer than four D's.
Kerry's intellectual deficit revealed itself in geology, two history courses and, most surprisingly for a top politician, political science.
"I always told my dad that D stood for distinction," the failed presidential candidate told reporters.
He showed a slight improvement in subsequent semesters, topping out with an 81 average his senior year. Kerry had a cumulative average of 76, or what some might call "a gentleman's C."
The president received just one D in his freshman year - a 69 in astronomy - to Kerry's four. His cumulative grade point average was 77 - a point higher than Kerry's.
Last year, when an analysis of Kerry's Navy aptitude test showed that Bush actually had a higher IQ, the top Democrat blamed his lackluster performance on drinking.
"I must have been drinking the night before I took that military aptitude test," Kerry told NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw. (Big Bubba Big Note: The press never made an issue of Kerry's youthful behavior, just that wild and crazy President Dude. Can you imagine anyone being young and crazy?)
President Bush suffered the same type of derision during the 2000 campaign, when critics regularly portrayed him as intellectually inferior to Al Gore.
Gore attended divinity school after graduating from Yale. But transcripts from Vanderbilt University showed that he received F's in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters.
Gore left Vanderbilt without receiving a degree.
Much as I hate to say it, I'm guessing that Hillary's grades were excellent. Maybe all this talk about low achievement is a setup for her run for President?
Why am I not surprised that Kerry had difficulty with history political science? He continues to have difficulty in those areas, as in discerning the facts about his own personal history (for starters). Of course, to Massachusetts voters, one's behavior doesn't matter; they keep re-electing the senator who drove off a bridge, which "mistake" resulted in a young woman's death.
On the other hand, GWB's "D" in astronomy doesn't matter one bit now. Whatever mistakes he has made as President have nothing to do with astronomy.
As for the "party animal" issue, most of us wouldn't like anyone to dredge up some of our activities during our youth. And most youthful mistakes shouldn't matter--within limits, of course.
I firmly believe that the proverbial snowball in hell has a better chance at the Presidency than Hillary.
I understand Ms. Hillary just won a strawpoll in the south (and NOT Arkansas). But given the current "crop", perhaps that isn't saying much.
To be a little more specific... South Carolina
Farmer John, Did you read the article? You have to agree the key points show the meaningless of the straw poll. It was conducted by the demoracist party in the most demoracist county in South Carolina. Hillary supportors said that they had worked hard to get their crowd to the poll. It wasn't a landslide since she only had 10 votes more than Edwards.
South Carolina Straw Poll
Thank you for some very special insights into your mind, Mr. Ducky. You believe we live in an oligarchy and you respect Massachusetts' conservative Senator, the guy who drives off bridges.
Speaking of cursed oligarchs... (On the origin of Tyranny, from Plato, "Republic")
"When a democracy which is thirsting for freedom has evil cup-bearers presiding over the feast, and has drunk too deeply of the strong wine of freedom, then, unless her rulers are very amenable and give a plentiful draught, she calls them to account and punishes them, and says that they are CURSED OLIGARCHS.
Yes, he replied, a very common occurrence.
Yes, I said; and loyal citizens are insultingly termed by her slaves who hug their chains and men of naught; she would have subjects who are like rulers, and rulers who are like subjects: these are men after her own heart, whom she praises and honours both in private and public. Now, in such a State, can liberty have any limit?
Certainly not."
I do agree, the straw poll results in SC ARE meaningless, as an accurate poll requires a RANDOM sampling. I guess I missed the part about "driving turnout". I suspect that if I had shown up with 50 relatives, I could have won the poll.
Meanwhile, I think I have found at least two characters from Greek Legends and Mythology that accurately reflect the liberal illness... Lycaen and Tantalus... and the turning points in leadership of civilizations... child sacrifice (Roe vs Wade).
These legends extend much farther and are very widespread throughout western culture... every story where a witch boils children in her cauldron (Hansel and Gretel... Jason's wife Medea(?)... etc.)
And all these "legends" relate to the Freudian "cannabalism" taboo as well (which allows liberals to "sublimate"/"repress" thoughts about the true nature of abortion).
Anyways, I buried a few notes on the subject on the Ann Coulter rant page...but Wikipedia provides much more extensive information and a divine "genealogy" which confirms (at least in my mind) some of my suspicions. A comment in Plato's "Republic" about tyranny's origin in a "meal" served to a democratic leader set me off...
mr. ducky,
Oligarchies are the parents of all democracies, just as tyrannies are the parents of all oligarchies, and democracies the parents of all tyrannies. It's the "circle" that the left likes to label "progress" (Plato, "Republic").
You can't blame someone if they hate their father and rebel against all authority. It's programmed into all of us, and on a larger scale, the State. Hence the "circular" nature of the problem. All you can do is try and "un-repress" that hatred in the State, and try and get people to love their Father (patria-country).
As for Teddy, I must admit I know little about him. If you say he's changed, I believe you. But I would also comment that it is often the great lovers of mankind who do the greatest harm. I will say one thing. I have not yet seen any recent behavioral changes that would lead me to consider him a "Statesman".
Stem cell research...
Sounds like Demeter has inadvertantly eatten of Pelops "one more time" and Hephaestos is about to fashion a new shoulder...Who was it that raped Persephone???(from Wikipedia)
"Tantalus is known for having been welcomed to Zeus' table in Olympus. There he stole nectar and ambrosia, brought them back to his people, and revealed the secrets of the gods. He also offered up his son, Pelops as a sacrifice to the gods, an archetypal story of shamanic initiation in which he cut Pelops up, boiled him, and served him up as food for the gods.
The gods were said to be aware of his plan for their feast, so they didn't touch the offering; only Demeter, disturbed by the rape of her daughter Persephone, "did not realize what it was" and ate of the boy's shoulder. Fate, ordered by Zeus, brought the boy to life again (she collected the parts of the body and boiled them in a sacred cauldron) rebuilding his shoulder with one wrought of dolphin ivory, made by Hephaestos and presented by Demeter.
Pelops, thus reconstituted, was brought back to life having gained new qualities. To reinforce the initiatory theme, the revived Pelops is kidnapped by Poseidon and taken to Olympus to be the god's lover."
ps- Poseidon symbolically represents (The Tyrant)... and so the wheel rotates one more position in the symbology of the Elgin marble atop the Acropolis...As Hephaestos works to restore Pelops (man) so man can renew his worship of Poseidon.
Answer -
Hades (aka "Pluto"). From the net:
"Pluto, the lord of the underworld, represents the body intelligence of man; and the rape of Persephone is symbolic of the divine nature assaulted and defiled by the animal soul and dragged downward into the somber darkness of Hades, which is here used as a synonym for the material, or objective, sphere of consciousness. "
You seem to be pretty excited, Mr. Ducky. Did you check to see what the Willie Nelson story is all about?
"Olson said the school focuses on mouse stem cells to learn more about stem cells and "how their properties can be exploited to treat human diseases."
What I find to be amazing is that Willie was honored because he raised $250,000 for the program at a concert. Red McCombs raised/donated $400,000 for University of Minnesota programs. Here at home he has given millions. Fifty million to the TU McCombs School of Business. Willie got in on the cheap, but what the heck it's only mousies.
Mr. Ducky, Broken link on your article - try again.
I wonder what imagery is going to come to voter's minds in 2008? George Bush and flattened cities with gushing sewers? Or, will it be obstructionist demoracists with their gushing sewers like, ``If I read this ... and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime - Pol Pot or others,'' Durbin said of Guantanamo
mr. ducky,
The link is...
...and isn't Asia Times a rather notorious source on a par with the left as FPM is on the right?
the continuation is...
...it does truncate them!
mr. ducky,
Your Asia Times article reminds me of a story once told by Plato about a conversation between Socrates and "Theaetetus" where the geometrician likened the human mind to a block of wax (for writing upon) and then an aviary...
"SOCRATES: how can a man who has the knowledge of anything be ignorant of that which he knows, not by reason of ignorance, but by reason of his own knowledge? And, again, is it not an extreme absurdity that he should suppose another thing to be this, and this to be another thing;--that, having knowledge present with him in his mind, he should still know nothing and be ignorant of all things?--you might as well argue that ignorance may make a man know, and blindness make him see, as that knowledge can make him ignorant.
THEAETETUS: Perhaps, Socrates, we may have been wrong in making only forms of knowledge our birds: whereas there ought to have been forms of ignorance as well, flying about together in the mind, and then he who sought to take one of them might sometimes catch a form of knowledge, and sometimes a form of ignorance; and thus he would have a false opinion from ignorance, but a true one from knowledge, about the same thing.
SOCRATES: I cannot help praising you, Theaetetus, and yet I must beg you to reconsider your words. Let us grant what you say--then, according to you, he who takes ignorance will have a false opinion--am I right?
SOCRATES: He will certainly not think that he has a false opinion?
THEAETETUS: Of course not.
SOCRATES: He will think that his opinion is true, and he will fancy that he knows the things about which he has been deceived?
THEAETETUS: Certainly.
SOCRATES: Then he will think that he has captured knowledge and not
SOCRATES: And thus, after going a long way round, we are once more face to face with our original difficulty. The hero of dialectic will retort upon us:--'O my excellent friends, he will say, laughing, if a man knows the form of ignorance and the form of knowledge, can he think that one of them which he knows is the other which he knows? or, if he knows neither of them, can he think that the one which he knows not is another which he knows not? or, if he knows one and not the other, can he think the one which he knows to be the one which he does not know? or the one which he does not know to be the one which he knows? or will you tell me that there are other forms of knowledge which distinguish the right and wrong birds, and which the owner keeps in some other aviaries or graven on waxen blocks according to your foolish images, and which he may be said to know while he possesses them, even though he have them not at hand in his mind? And thus, in a perpetual circle, you will be compelled to go round and round, and you will make no progress.' What are we to say in reply, Theaetetus?
THEAETETUS: Indeed, Socrates, I do not know what we are to say.
SOCRATES: Are not his reproaches just, and does not the argument truly show that we are wrong in seeking for false opinion until we know what knowledge is; that must be first ascertained; then, the nature of false opinion?
THEAETETUS: I cannot but agree with you, Socrates, so far as we have yet gone."
mr. ducky,
Your reporter friend has defintely captured a few "birds", but then how long did he hunt them? How does he "know" that he hasn't captured "birds of ignorance"?
There are simple ways of verifying the reporters story, like confirming the "quit/DR" (not wash-out) rate of Iraqi recruits... but then he didn't do that, did he? He caught the bird he was looking for..wrote his story...then left.
And of course the American trainers don't have any metrics or methods of gauging Iraqi Unit effectiveness or morale, they are "completely in the dark". LOL!
Hear that BB, you have no idea what ther boys in your platoon are thinkin'. Does that even sound remotely possible?
mr ducky,
You wouldn't be trying to release a few of your fine-feathered friends into the "public consciousness", would you?
There is a solution for truncated links - learn a little simple HTML code, very simple. Go to the third line of this link,
CDI's Comprehensive HTML Cross Reference
containing the words "url">link-text<. I have the code handy so that I can cut & paste my "url" and you can substitute whatever words you want for >link-text<. Then cut and paste the whole line in your comment in the comment box and, perfect! OK, I know it is a pain, but, I know everyone enjoys sharing links. If you make a mistake in the code in most cases it will not be allowed to be posted. It will not tell you what your mistake is you must double check and make sure your line of code is exactly like the example I pointed you to.
I saw this nut on Fox News Channel yesterday. I saw him again this morning on one of the Fox Business shows. He likes Ronald Reagan. He has a large, full color tattoo of Reagan on the outside of his right leg covering his ankle.
I was so impressed with this conservative zany I am immediately adding a link on my front page to his web site,
Go check him out. He has a great article about John McCain here,
McCain's Goofy Gambit
I finally had a chance to read the truncated link. Nothing new there. Jonathon Schell’s mind is imprisoned in the ideology of appeasement at any price. His ideal national defense policy would be to cross your fingers, hold your breath and hope for the best. The article about the Iraqi Army presents nothing stunning. These people were cowards under Saddam Hussein and they continue to be cowards under the new regime. These muslims seem to be only capable of cowardly acts of killing women, children and the powerless in the name of their religion. Any religion that needs the power of the state to enforce the religion and keep their people in line with murder and torture is a disgraceful gutter religion.
Having been duly chastised...
My Favorite Search Engine
mr. ducky,
As for the truth, Socrates did have a way of getting to it, but it isn't easy to become a real dialectician. But if knowledge were "true opinion" plus "understanding of cause", you'd have to admit that the reporter in the article didn't demonstrate much "understanding of cause".
His was a "plausible", but shallow analysis, for it reflected an incredible 'no concern for tomorrow' mentality that failed to mention how hatred of America or Bush got Iraq to an independent and secure Iraq at some future point in time (a view typically shared by most "Bush Haters").
In fact, if recruit resignations were in fact as high as Schell indictated, it would indicate that young Iraqi's don't care about tomorrow or the future at all.
And based upon voting patterns and the fact that there are still long lines outside recruiting station DESPITE the frequent bombings of queues and stations... well, just not a very plausible analysis of "cause".
Watching the news the other night, I saw a woman reach into a stream bed and yank out a good sized 40-50 pound catfish... no pole, no line... just the equipment that nature gave her.
I have to admit though, IMO a Brookie is a hell of a lot prettier than a catfish, unless you're almost starving.
mr. ducky,
Are you implying that after a few weeks of basic training, young Iraqi males decide to "drop out" and become suicide bombers because they're planning ahead for their futures???
I think you've got them thinking too far ahead... for why even join the army, why not go straight for the 64 virgins and skip boot camp?
The m.o. doesn't fit yet mr. ducky. Better try again.
There is a liberal arrogance about the intelligence of liberal Presidents. Nixon was clearly a better writer then Clinton or Kennedy do we ever hear of Nixon described as an intellectual.
Kerry and Gore were pompous blowhards. A buffoon like Kerry needs you to think he is a genius. Reality is that the old boy network got him into the Ivy as well. Gore was little Lord Fauntleroy.
Well, that article is right: 2008 will likely be McCain vs. Hillary, with McCain taking the day.
Unless of course either party can come up with someone with actual political talent and charisma.
The country WILL be fed up with the incompetent bluster of the Bush administration by that point.
Mr. Ducky, Care to offer us a comparison of the Israeli security hiccup and the technology transfer incident involving William Jefferson (Peking Bill) Clinton our nation’s first Chinese President?
Clinton Legacy – A New Arms Race
The satellite and missile technology obtained from Hughes by the Chinese army is critical for the design and manufacture of missile nose cones and electronic missile control systems. The technology clearly helped the Chinese army field a new generation of ICBMS, including the Dong Feng 31 missile, which can drop three nuclear warheads on any city in the U.S.
The success of Shen is a story of missiles, politics and greed. Gen. Shen succeeded in using Hughes and President Clinton as valuable tools to obtain weapons that are now pointed at the United States.
China won and the U.S. lost what may very well be the first round of World War III. Gen. Shen led that victory and he did it with a checkbook. The Clinton legacy for the 21st century is a new arms race.
Peking Bill
Norm Chompski, Fooled you didn't I? You thought it would be Norm Chumpski? I haven't even trotted out "mindless twit" in over a month. I hope that they don't show up.
McCain/Clinton in 2008 is a most intriguing possibility. Would it be the first time in history that both parties simultaneously nominated a candidate based on faulty premises?
Clinton. Do the demoracists understand that the nation has been on a fifty-fifty split for the past few elections? Do they honestly think they can get sufficient numbers of Republicans to cross over to the person who wants to bring Canadian Health Care to the United States and whose husband would be dealing in American security technology out of the back door of the White House?
McCain. Would there really be enough delusional Republicans who believe that the best way to whup the demoracists is by becoming more like the demoracists? John McCain is a for real hero who actually did his Viet Nam tour, in spades, but he is, has been and always will be a little balmy.
If those two faced off in 2008 I would not bet on the horse race with your money. It would be beyond anyone's guess. Personally I don't think it will ever happen. I think that if Hillary were to be nominated the Republicans could win with almost any reasonable alternative.
Welcome Chompski!
Thanks Bubba, nice little place you have here.
The Republicans in 2008 will offer up someone who will continue down Bush's path and do what they can to stop McCain. Condi Rice would be an interesting candidate but her campaign skills remain to be seen. I do think the American people will want a perceivable change from this administration, particularly if we are still fully engaged in Iraq.
McCain is actually less charismatic than his fame would indicate, but he does enjoy a centrist, "iconoclastic" reputation that does not endear him to the GOP core but does to the average joe.
Hillary seems the defacto choice, and yes (sadly) the dems are that dumb. Though her campaign would be a good one and run on centrist values. As I said, you never know if there's a "dark horse" surprise waiting in the wings.
For the busy Duck about town,
PRC Missile and Space Forces
Satellite Launches in the PRC: Hughes
The China Connection
Commercial Space Cooperation Should Not Harm National Security
The China Puzzle, Part 3
PRC Missile and Space Forces
U.S. Rethinking a Satellite Deal Over Links to Chinese Military
Networks Continue to Ignore News Broken by Newspapers on Chinagate
Chief Designer Tells Tale of Manned Spaceflight: Interview
Innovation Stressed in Space Technology
State Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense
Photo of the elusive Shen Rongjun
I have reason to believe that the military professionals (of my generation) would not be any more enthusiastic about Colin Powell then they were about Hanoi John. Powell did actually complete a tour, however, his in-country service is spoken of in disparaging terms. His performance as Secretary of State certainly did nothing to increase his luster in the eyes of the military professionals.
Rice/Clinton would be a fascinating possibility. Big Bubba would call it a no brainer, for conservatives, Condi Rice. But, what about racist conservatives? The always present cross over vote - how would the racist vote? You have not just the controversial issue of should a woman be President you also, obviously, have the Race Card consideration.
Who would make the best President? I sincerely believe Condi Rice would. I also sincerely believe that my fellow Southerners would choose Rice over Clinton, even the racist Southerners. As for the Black vote we would witness yet another demoracist minstrel show to entertain the gullible participants in the demoracist plantation system.
...and not a single word about the only "declared" candidate, Jumpin' Joe Biden. Guess that speaks volumes about his prospects...
How about dredging up an ex-war hero like Stromin' Norman to "put an end to that Iraq thing". His bona fides might go over even better than his ex-bosses.
And of course, if Ken Starr isn't on the Supreme Court by then, he'd make the perfect "name-recognition" candidate to run against Hillary C. It'd be just like "old times".
Although I fully expect it'll be another "hold your noser" in 2008 like McCain-Clinton. I think Ralph could actually get himself elected if THAT pair ran in the big show. I know, I'd pull the lever for him.... and it wouldn't be the first time.
And it's too bad about "Arnold's" inelegibility. Are there any other high-profile governors/ candidates in the wings? Pataki making any noises? Jeb? Could you imagine the howls on election night if a 3rd Bush dropped into the Oval Office? It might be worth-while to put him up just to hear it.
As Thomas Sowell would say..."Just a few thoughts on the passing stream."
PS - Thanks for all the space links on Chinese technology acquiisitions. I took a glance at a couple of them, and they look fairly interesting. I suspect it won't be long before the Chinese begin to catch, then surpass us in these areas. I mean after the Los Alamos spy-debacle, Chinese Agents need only scream to the local HR rep, and the CIA will go high order denying that "race" has anything to do with their investigations... thereby allowing them to operate with impunity.
I'm with mr. ducky on Rice. Outside of the "national security" sphere, there's just no there, there. She's Hillary's mirror opposite (except for sex, not preference).
I don't want to leave you the impression that I'd vote for Clinton in a Rice-Condi election either. Since the 2000 election, I've made a personal commitment to only vote FOR, never against, a candidate. Guess I'm a "sucker" for REAL democracy and the power of the "write-in".
Guess the Chinese finally have something worth putting aboard their new submarines...
Chinese Test SLBM
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