Do You Really Think It Will End With Gun Control?
Of course it will never be enough. Our British cousins have a major failure of their gun control and confiscation program so now they have a "Doctors' kitchen knives ban call." I bet they go after cricket bats next and one can only hope their ale is being served in plastic bottles.
Bubba some sailors at the fleet had to show me where you were stationed. I had no idea that you were so far north.
NYC is not far behind the UK . I was at Wall Street 3 NYPD officers armed with M16 and Body Armor
Gun control doesn't work. Come to D.C. to experience the effects of gun control.
Does anyone remember what happened in Kinnesaw, Georgia, a few years back? Gun ownership limited the b&e crimes--at least for a while. I don't know the status there now.
Also, remember that Jack the Ripper didn't have a gun. Neither did Lizzie Borden, or whoever hacked up Andrew and Abby Borden.
Of course, anyone who doesn't know what the business end of a firearm is for shouldn't try to handle a weapon. And parents need to teach their children that shooting someone is an irrevocable act.
The vast majority of gun owners are law-abiding citizens. Psychos have always found weapons, no matter what controls have been in effect.
The "people" will never hold onto 'political' power or have anything akin to "democracy" unless they have unfettered access to 'real' power (weapons). It is ready access to 'real' power which "equalizes" men, creates the conditions necessary for justice, and guarantees hard won liberties.
If you trust your government officials and their minions to always and forever do what is just and good and treat you "fairly", by all means, give up your sources of 'real' power to them.
Otherwise, learn to live with human nature and the fact that the natural state of mankind is Nietzsche's world of "will to power" and that those few who have not been thoroughly "civilized" (tamed w/instincts sublimated) are going to occassionally revert to their unsublimated "power seeking" "natural/wild" state and abuse 'real' power.
If ALL men were civilized, the presence of 'real' power in a society would NEVER be a problem. But removing the source of 'real' power from a civilization will not tame men. You might be able to 'minimize' the amount of damage that untamed men can do (ban fully automatic weapons). But you will NOT prevent them from doing damage. The world can't be "kiddie-proofed".
PS - And for all you Marcusian's out there... Do you really think that once 'capitalism' has been destroyed, and you "liberate" (vice sublimate) ALL man's energy into 'eros' you will eliminate war and destruction? There's a lot of fighting going on in the animal kingdom.
Capitalism and the "repression of instincts" may not be quite the "source of evil" that you imagine it to be. Look towards the behavior of urban kids raised by matriarchical "single parents" for indicators of "where you're headed".
Neocons love guns (n.b. Guns not firearms). They love to masturbate with them, fellate them and commit all manner of fornication. They love to "paint the bucket", if you know what I mean, with their pistolas
The gun is a sexual fetish and icon for them. I think they will be most upset when they realize liberals don't find neothug's guns frightening but rather boring.
If you haven't been paying attention, nobody cares about your guns except the victims of murder/suicides, but their dead.
A troll in the House of Big Bubba.
There is only one person who can qualify as a neocon , me.
For all your insults you lack the courage to identify yourself. Big Bubba is a religious coservative .
Farmer John and Neptune aren't even close to neocons.
Freud said; "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."
Note how they equate guns and sexuality, then project their own psychosis on "neocons", (witch, after all, is just a code word for Jews and another psychological problem.)
So in one anonymous poster we have, retarded sexual and emotional maturity, Jungian type projection and paranoia.
Freud, sure knew his liberals!
The anonymous troll has a few obsessions of his own. I don't even want to guess what they are.
The sexual symbology is a real laugher here in the Great State of Texas where guns are much more prevalent then pseudo intellectual progressive liberal dim bulbs.
We have right to carry laws and we were carrying firearms long before the law was passed. We will fire you up if you threaten our lives or our property. That's a secondary issue because even the fools in this state know that they will get fired up if they do those things.
Primary with guns is that they are tools to be used to control varmints and to hunt with. I am sure that the mindless twit could regale us with all sorts of sexual fantasies. Most entertaining for the other mindless twits, but, his theories do not impress critical thinkers.
Big Bubba illustrates a good point about gun owners (n.b. guns not firearms). Beyond the sexual fantasies there is the pathology of "firing up" supposed threats to their life and property. Normal people are amused at the paranoia of these supposed "adults".
Hey Anonymous
Ever hear of the second amendment . You are excersizing your right to the first amendment .
The first amendment protects fools and Cowards.
Ducky glad to see you have a blogger account. Welcome to Big Bubba's house of pain. Remember Bubba is a hero and you are poultry.
As her ex-boyfriend proceeded to kick in her back door, a Monor Township, PA., woman called police and then ran upstairs. Fearing help would not arrive in time the woman locked herself in a bedroom and grabbed a rifle from under the bed. The man entered the home and race upstairs where he began pounding on the locked door. When the woman's warnings to stop went unheeded, whe fired a shot, injuring him. Police arrived as the man was leaving and placed him under arrest. Said one investigator, "he wasn't ther to deliver flowers. She was defending herself." Lancaster New Era, Lancaster, Pa., 05/06/04
Studies indicate that firearms are used more than 2 million times a year for personal protection, and that the presence of a firearm, without a shot being fired, prevents crime in many instances. Shooting can be justified only where crime constitutes an immediate, imminent threat to life, limb, or, in some cases, property. Anyone is free to quote or reproduce these accounts, which are condensed from indifidual newspaper clippings sent to "The Armed Citizen," (Note: NRA publication) 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 2230-9400
You will never read about this in the New York Times!
Mr. Ducky, You seem to be a little off your game, so allow me to assist. Crazy people do crazy things, sometimes with a gun, sometimes a knife. The common denominator is "crazy,” not the weapon. This is an especially interesting story to me because of the despicable use of the term evangelical to describe these nut jobs.
Fair and balanced? You are kidding right? You cite six people dead against 2,000,000 instances where firearms were used to save life, limb and property. You have to do better than that.
I want to clarify my newspaper quote. It appeared in "The Armed Citizen" which is a regular column in the NRA monthly magazine "America's First Freedom" devoted to constitutional and legal issues of firearms ownership.
You can feel free to verify any data presented by the NRA. You can make a name for yourself by proving error and deception on their part. I am not saying that to you satirically, I mean it.
I frequently look at available statistical data from government sources about crime, handguns, morbidity data, etc., when I encounter doubtful statements. I will bet you the ranch that for every false or misleading report you can prove originated with the NRA I can find ten from anti firearms organization. The only problem is that the NRA has never engaged in such disreputable practices like the opposition.
I had a seventeen year old cousin killed in a West Texas hunting accident a little more than forty years ago. I have never heard any family member complain about guns. Why? Because unfortunate accidents happen involving not only guns, but also, swimming, automobiles, sports, etc. Death and avoidable accidents are a fact of life that can never be legislated out of existence no matter what you, or I, want. Private aviation is another excellent example. You will not have to read too many accident reports before you realize pilot error is involved in most fatalities. Should we outlaw private aviation to save lives?
Mr. Ducky, It has been proven time and time again that the best method to deal with the criminal use of firearms is the enforcement of laws that are currently on the books. The Exile program comes to mind. I believe that Exile was first employed in Virginia. Why Exile? Because it is a Federal program and typically they find a nice prison far, far away from Richmond and momma. The Feds also do not release for being a model prisoner. You get five years for packing, you serve five years.
What if the Gun Nuts are Right?
BTW, your link did not work.
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