"I hate Republicans and everything they stand for"
Big Bubba Big Alert: If Dr. Dean is your family physician keep an eye on the plug when he visits grandma’s hospital room. This guy has the compassion of Attila the Hun and the cold charm of a reptile. Dr. Dean’s idea of how to win friends and influence people is to publicly mock conservative icon Rush Limbaugh’s pain killer addiction. I am not a Limbaugh fan, but, I think that Dean's parody was over the edge.
Dr. Dean, in a "Sunday interview with Tim Russert" on NBC's "Meet the Press" said, "Rush Limbaugh has made a career of belittling other people and making jokes about President Clinton, about Mrs. Clinton and others," Mr. Dean said. "I don't think he's in any position to do that.
"I will use whatever position I have in order to root out hypocrisy," he said. "Democrats have strong moral values. Frankly, my moral values are offended by some of the things I hear on programs like "Rush Limbaugh,' and we don't have to put up with that."
Will someone please explain to Howard Dean the complexities of turning a radio off if you don’t want to hear something? This article doesn’t even mention his remarks about Tom DeLay. He believes that DeLay should go to jail, directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. I heard a news bite this morning where he said that the Republicans were using Homeland Security for dirty tricks against the Democrats. To the tin foil hats, Robin, there's conspiracy afoot in the land.
Is this guy real? I wish I had watched “Meet the Press” yesterday. It must have been a program to remember.
Dr. Dean, in a "Sunday interview with Tim Russert" on NBC's "Meet the Press" said, "Rush Limbaugh has made a career of belittling other people and making jokes about President Clinton, about Mrs. Clinton and others," Mr. Dean said. "I don't think he's in any position to do that.
"I will use whatever position I have in order to root out hypocrisy," he said. "Democrats have strong moral values. Frankly, my moral values are offended by some of the things I hear on programs like "Rush Limbaugh,' and we don't have to put up with that."
Will someone please explain to Howard Dean the complexities of turning a radio off if you don’t want to hear something? This article doesn’t even mention his remarks about Tom DeLay. He believes that DeLay should go to jail, directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. I heard a news bite this morning where he said that the Republicans were using Homeland Security for dirty tricks against the Democrats. To the tin foil hats, Robin, there's conspiracy afoot in the land.
Is this guy real? I wish I had watched “Meet the Press” yesterday. It must have been a program to remember.
If Howard Dean were to root out all the hypocrisy in the world, I'm afraid there wouldn't be anything human left.
Personally I believe that Dr. Howard Dean is a wonderful DNC Chairman. May his tenure be long and ridiculous. Speaking of ridiculous, if I could interview Harry Reid I would really have to explore one question. Have you ever heard of your predecessor, Tom Daschle? Perhaps I would ask another. If you keep acting as ridiculous as your predecessor, and Dr. Dean, do you believe that the people of Nevada will dump you as quickly as the South Dakotans dumped the other mindless twit, Daschle?
I'm with you on Howard Dean's chairmanship BB. I might just start off my next toast with him.
But I don't about Mr. Reid. Although he won his '98 election by less than 500 votes, he did pretty well in 2004 taking over 61% against a very-weak opponent. And so he's got at least six years in the Senate ahead of him. He does have "something" of an ace in the hole money and vote wise too. He's a Mormon (~10% of Nevada's population). So if he's going to do any "sinning" (like filibustering), these next three to four years will be the time for him to do so, voter memories being all they are.
Howard Dean doesn't get it at all.
If the democratic party can not talk to moderates like me who can they talk to.
The President has won a tarnished victory that will probably fall short of expectations. I am especially concerned with the morning demoracist chatter that seems to imply they have an expectation of the President consulting with Congress prior to selecting a judicial nominee.
Why do Republicans not remember how the demoracists act when they are large and in charge? Why do they have amnesia about demoracist hardball tactics? Why don't they see that the demoracists only talk compromise and conciliation when they are out of power?
I believe that the path is wide open for the Republican leadership to bring the hammer down on this issue because of demoracist lying and deceits. I am thinking specifically of Priscilla Owens. She has been repeatedly elected by the people of the Great State of Texas. She is mainstream America. Reid, Pelosi, et al repeatedly deceive by spinning comments made by Alberto Gonzalez about a Texas Supreme Court ruling. The deceit is so blatant, and repeated so frequently, I have to label it a lie. I am sick and tired of hearing it. If for no other reason the demoracists deserve the "nuclear option" because of their deceitful tactics.
John McCain's relevance rises and falls with the level of media infatuation with him and his actions. His actual relevance is much more subtle. I would be amazed if he were nominated by the Republicans to run for President. Yet the media acts like his candidacy is looming. I love John McCain (military brat who served) and I am happy that he is a Republican. He reminds me of an Air Force Lt. Col. who was the deputy commander of a unit my father was assigned to overseas. The base was very small so everyone knew everyone else. Interesting side note. Adrian Cronauer (of Good Morning Vietnam fame) was in the local AFRTS (Armed Forces Radio and Television Service) unit. Back to the Lt. Col., very nice guy, well respected by everyone. He was a former POW who survived the Bataan Death March. He also had a reputation of occasionally being a little strange. Sound familiar? Like I said, as a military brat who served, I love John McCain, but, he do get weird sometimes.
Big Bubba
I wrote a special Military History
post for you
The Battle of Oriskany and thinking
outside the Box.
Neptune you night enjoy it.
Big Bubba, why do you support Talent on Loan from Synthetic Morphine's illicit drug use? Limbaugh should know how to take a punch.
After all, someone cruising a Denny's parking lot late at night looking for his man shouldn't have been preaching about values.
Is Neptune still close to Uranus?
Priscilla Owens is mainstream? Then why couldn't she get a lousy 60 votes? Why did she have to be submitted for nomination twice?
Let's see, Texas has a parental notification law that requires both parents agree to allowing an abortion for a minor. Fine, but there is also a clause allowing a waiver in exceptional circumstances. A girl's mother agrees to allow the abortion but Owens rules that the farther must also agree and the fact that he raped his child is not an exceptional circumstance.
Mainstream in the Texas shithole maybe......
Has the Duck arrived? I think I have heard some of these lines before.
Why throw Limbaugh at me? I never talk about him. I really don't care for his radio show and never listen. I do sympathize with Rush and anyone suffering through pain. Go there and find out what you will do about your pain.
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