End the Unconstitutional Filibuster
Please go right now to Patriot Petitions to read and make your voice heard.
To President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney in his capacity as President of the Senate, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist:
We, the people of these United States, rightfully petition our President and Senate in affirmation of the obligation of the U.S. Senate to proffer up-or-down full-floor votes on the President's judicial nominees.
Given the present Senate impasse over the President's judicial nominees, it must be said that this debate is not about a "looming Constitutional crisis" -- we are in the midst of perhaps the most serious Constitutional crisis in more than a century.
For months now, Demo-gogues Harry Reid, Teddy Kennedy, Bobby Byrd, et al., with the help of their Leftmedia minions, have railed against any effort to change Senate procedure regarding judicial filibusters.
But Republican and Democrat leaders know that filibuster in the case of judicial nominees circumvents the constitutionally-mandated full Senate vote for judicial nominees. Clearly, the Democrat strategy is to keep constitutional constructionists from reaching the Supreme Court -- opting instead to advance judicial activists who would legislate their constituent agendas from the bench by diktat. Of the latter, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "The Constitution...is a mere thing of wax...which they may twist and shape into any form they please."
Act now to stop the Democrats assault on our Constitution. Demand that Senate Leader Bill Frist and Republicans take necessary action to ensure President Bush's judicial nominees are voted on by the full Senate as prescribed by our Constitution, and not held hostage by Democrat filibuster.
We, the signers of this petition, urge Majority Leader Bill Frist and those on both sides of the aisle who value our Constitution to resist compromise and take necessary action to ensure President Bush's judicial nominees are voted on by the full Senate as prescribed by our Constitution. No compromise allowing some of the nominees to pass will suffice. If all of the President's nominees do not receive a floor vote, not they, but the Senate majority will have failed their oath of office by abandoning the Constitution's prescription for full Senate consideration of all nominees.
Signed, (by you going to Patriot Petitions and entering your name to join Big Bubba, and at my last check over 27,000 others, in petitioning Congress to let our voice be heard.)
To President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney in his capacity as President of the Senate, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist:
We, the people of these United States, rightfully petition our President and Senate in affirmation of the obligation of the U.S. Senate to proffer up-or-down full-floor votes on the President's judicial nominees.
Given the present Senate impasse over the President's judicial nominees, it must be said that this debate is not about a "looming Constitutional crisis" -- we are in the midst of perhaps the most serious Constitutional crisis in more than a century.
For months now, Demo-gogues Harry Reid, Teddy Kennedy, Bobby Byrd, et al., with the help of their Leftmedia minions, have railed against any effort to change Senate procedure regarding judicial filibusters.
But Republican and Democrat leaders know that filibuster in the case of judicial nominees circumvents the constitutionally-mandated full Senate vote for judicial nominees. Clearly, the Democrat strategy is to keep constitutional constructionists from reaching the Supreme Court -- opting instead to advance judicial activists who would legislate their constituent agendas from the bench by diktat. Of the latter, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "The Constitution...is a mere thing of wax...which they may twist and shape into any form they please."
Act now to stop the Democrats assault on our Constitution. Demand that Senate Leader Bill Frist and Republicans take necessary action to ensure President Bush's judicial nominees are voted on by the full Senate as prescribed by our Constitution, and not held hostage by Democrat filibuster.
We, the signers of this petition, urge Majority Leader Bill Frist and those on both sides of the aisle who value our Constitution to resist compromise and take necessary action to ensure President Bush's judicial nominees are voted on by the full Senate as prescribed by our Constitution. No compromise allowing some of the nominees to pass will suffice. If all of the President's nominees do not receive a floor vote, not they, but the Senate majority will have failed their oath of office by abandoning the Constitution's prescription for full Senate consideration of all nominees.
Signed, (by you going to Patriot Petitions and entering your name to join Big Bubba, and at my last check over 27,000 others, in petitioning Congress to let our voice be heard.)
Stop with the Bilderberg schtick, lunatic, and go sign the petition. What was the alternative to Cousin George. I know damn good and well you wouldn't ever vote for Hanoi John.
Samwich, thanks for signing the petition. I noticed a boo boo on the hot links that I corrected.
Despite my dedication to Seinfeld reruns and using some Yiddish words I am not Jewish. I am just a big ol' pasty faced, red neck WASP from East Texas but living in West Texas.
Yo Bubba, Captain Neptune reporting for duty.
I'm posting under anonymous, because I don't have a Blog Title.
Beak reccomended that I sign-up, but I think that I'll think it over for awhile.
FPM isn't the same without your clever rejoinders to the mindless twits.
FPM needed a Monitor for a long time, but it seems that the Monitor has barred the wrong folks. Socrates and his cronies are still posting under half dozen aliases. ( The Monitor did bar Ducky, so they didn't miss all the Trolls. )
I see that Samwich is still folowing you around. His unabashed hero-worship is touching.
BTW I'll sign the petition.
Nothing could be more antithetical to the sprit of the Constitution, than a fillibuster.
I am glad that Neptune found his way to your blog. I asked Zinla to drop in .
Careful with JRH as he can get touchy. He is mad with me for describing the RNC protests as a five day temper tantrum. Amicus does smack him around.
Welcome Captain Neptune! I have come to find out that blogging is much more satisfying than FPM in most respects. The big difference is that participation is spread out like, in the immortal words of Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, “to infinity and beyond.” You find Big Bubba here but Big Bubba is to be found elsewhere like Upon Further Review doing battle with the progressive liberal crowd. Is it I, or do I have internet body odors? I go unanswered so often, but, I just keep on plugging.
The problem with the FPM monitor is that David Horowitz unfortunately chose a mindless twit to tend to his affairs and stifle free speech. sukrates, and his many sukratic clones and sympathizers, present a real problem. If I were presented with such an assault, I would have no choice other than turning off the anonymous feature and hoping for the best.
I am not totally against filibustering. I am frustrated by two factors. Primarily I am against what it is being used for by the demoracists. They are threatening to use it as a blatant attempt to render George W. Bush powerless. They are trying to demonize President Bush, and everything he stands for by scurrilous, unfounded accusations against his nominees, judicial and otherwise, to prevent an up or down vote. Like the little boy that cries “wolf” they realize that they have one too many times used the term liar and outrageously false conspiracy theories to taint the President and everything he does. They really have a problem because most people can’t figure what the sam hill they are talking about. Republicans didn’t have the same problem with William Jefferson Clinton dropping his pants and lying about it. Every time it looked like people were going to forget his last indiscretion he obliged the public by dropping his pants and lying about it again. He was very obliging in that respect.
The Republicans need to take off the kid gloves and hammer the progressive liberal demoracists about their failure to understand the role of Congress in providing the President of the United States with advice and consent. Republicans should not delude their selves by thinking that playing nice with the demoracists will provide for a happy future should the demoracists return to a majority. It will not. I grew up watching them play hard ball. When they are in charge, they are in charge. The demoracists need to get over two lost Presidential elections and get back to the People’s business.
Thanks for stopping by Captain Neptune. I don't think you have to actually create a Blog site to register your preferred screen name on Blogger.com. I think it is possible to register and and create the blog spot when, and if, you wish to do so.
I spoke with Zinla and she sends you her best wishes.
My best to Zinla. It is somehow comforting to know there is some sanity in California. Certainly not anyone related to me.
Oh gods...."Big Bubba" has his own blog....say it ain't so. I am not sure if the blogosphere is ready for copious blather about "mindless twits", "pond queens", and "FPM losers". But look on the bright side, no matter how canned, mindless, inarticulate, and generally stupid Bubba's blog is....It, simply by the herculean impossibility of it all, can't be anywhere near as bad as Beaker's incoherent word salad of a blog replete with bad grammar, spelling, inscrutable logic, malapropisms, and general unremitting idiocy! GO BUBBA!!!
Never heard of Clackacraft. I looked. Interesting. I have not been feeling well so I have slowed down starting yesterday. I'll be back to par soon. I'll respond muster quark, later. Farmer has a reply from me pending. Check my quote I added at top of blog for further explanation, Farmer. Later all, past my bedtime.
The Ultimate Troll arrives at Big Bubbah. Socrates the man of a million names. So you are playing the Muster Quark game here.
You are on borrowed time at FPM and there is no nanny to protect you. I would think very carefuly about returning here.
Big Bubba and the Beak uncensored will kick your tail. You are an untalented hack writer. FYI my blog has a large readership. Your blog has none so create something.
Big Bubba
Zinla is a technological mess but she wishes you her best.
From the quote at the top of your blog, I can see that you have too much intellectual integrity to have ever been an "activist". Now if we could only convince college students and true believers in democracy as to Adam de L'Isle's wisdom.
The problem with today's modern senate "fillibuster" is that no "fillibuster" ever takes place. It simply a "veto" over a vote taking place. If they want to fillibuster, make them hold the floor and talk. Anything short of that is NOT a fillibuster.
I am so far behind and it is getting worse. I am just in from picking up my granddaughter who ran away from home. I thought she was in LA and now I find out her mother and stepfather have come back to San Antonio and bought a house. Kids! I smoothed everything over. She will eat supper with grandpa and then I will take her home.
Farmer John, I added the quote because of our dialogue about sophists and rhetoricians. I have a worksheet that I am pondering over for a response. I do agree with what you said in your last response, but.........I'll get back to you on that one.
Farmer John, I also agree with you about the filibuster. They need to make them actually filibuster and a lot of the current problems would go away. Was the last time they actually filibustered during the days of segregation debates in the 60s? I know it's been a long time.
Neptune, I mostly agree with what you are saying, but, I am cautious about changing the rules. I agree 100% with Farmer John that they need to make them actually filibuster. My understanding is that now all they are doing is declaring a filibuster and bringing everything to a halt. They used to have to take the podium and start reading the LA yellow pages and such nonsense to take up the time and the podium.
Many years ago Socrates and Big Bubba engaged in reasonable dialogue on FPM. My perception was that somewhere in time Socrates went off the deep end. Why? I never could figure it out. I just totally stopped responding to Socrates because I didn't want to get involved in whatever the problem was. Since we had never engaged in name calling, I didn't start. Recently, out of frustration, I simply responded frequently, sukrates--FPM loser. It was my attempt to tell Socrates that I wasn't happy with all the nonsense. That being the case I hope the nonsense doesn't start here. The old Socrates would be welcomed.
I have this to say about "mindless twits" and "pond queens.” Mr. Ducky, a.k.a. ducky boy the pond queen would be welcome here. Mr. Ducky is an intelligent, obnoxious piece of pond scum. His penchant for profane language leaves much to be desired. Sometimes he sounds like a nonsensical broken record, but, he does come up with the occasional intellectual comment.
I guess there are mindless twits out there in the Blogosphere, but, I haven't encountered them in numbers like at FPM. I will not hesitate to use the phrase when appropriate.
I have been visiting this Blog, Upon Further Review to participate in a progressive liberal demoracist discussion about social security, the system without crisis. I posted twice and was looking to post my third response when I realized something. The best answers for the progressive liberal demoracist everything is peachy keen crowd is what the Social Security Administration and O.A.S.I. (Old-Age and Survivors Insurance) have to say about the future of social security. I am currently working on the thermonuclear response to the issue. I hope to be able to complete it tonight. I will post it here and at Upon Further Review.
Next I will begin working on a post about my old friend David Horowitz. Do you know him? I have heard from him and it demands a response. Technically it was my son Hans-August, the Big Trucker Boy, who heard from him, but I was using his e-mail address. Stay tuned to this station, folks, for further developments with Big Bubba versus the arch enemy of free speech, David Horowitz.
Then I'll get back with Farmer John. Thanks to all for dropping in from time to time to kick around the livestock - dead cows, sacred cows, etc. You make my day. I am using this as a warm up to my ultimate goal for my own web site. I have a great, unique name picked out that will be sure to attract attention. I have tentatively chosen a domain host in Houston. I am really looking forward to the possibilities for my own domain. Forget about BigBubba.com anything. It is a sought after name. Think BigBubba.mydomain.com. My choice of a name is very unique, is not in the dictionary, yet it will immediately have meaning to anyone who reads it - even most mindless twits. No one has the name so I am thinking about registering all the possibilities, i.e. .com, .biz, .org, etc. to prevent someone getting cute with Big Bubba. Suggestions, anyone?
Donal, the atheists, misogynists, and nihilists will always be with us. If we ignore them, they will not go away. I especially love atheists and they are most welcome here. I started out on my argumentative ways, before the internet, debating atheists on BBSs. They will be forever atheists unless we engage them in dialogue about the Creator.
Are all misogynists bad? I want to know where I can join the official Our Gang Woman's Hater Club. Big Bubba's five failed marriages (number one wife twice) officially categorize him to blushing brides to be everywhere as "Untrainable, avoid at all costs." Yet Big Bubba doesn't hate cranky broads. Also, don't forget Donal, some sly dogs use misogynism as a seduction tool for unwary women.
I think moral relativism is the spawn of nihilism. That being the case the Blogosphere will forever be tainted with nihilism with the question being only of the degree that it is tainted.
If you try to ban these three isms you will severely limit debate in the Blogosphere. Big Bubba's big problem with Socrates was always pedophilia. I have two beautiful granddaughters. I won't tolerate pedophilia since it sends a chill through my big ol' body. Yesterday when I went to pick up number two granddaughter I really jumped on her for leaving her house, alone, and mommy not knowing where she went. She was only a few blocks from home, but, if I hear the news correctly pervs have been snatching girls from inside their own home and killing them. I cannot abide pedophilia.
I don't like profane language, but, I tolerate it. I view it as an intellect marker. Those who resort to it usually have a limited intellectual capacity. Profane language, many times, is a sign that someone is very angry, disturbed about something. Great! That gives you the opening to go for the throat.
Everybody is welcome, Donal, some more than others. Please keep coming back. I need an official website cranky broad. I can probably get away with jerking your chain like that. If I tried that schtick with Zinla she would be up a tree and never come down. I hope she figures out how to get here to this lonely outpost of the Blogosphere.
Neptune, it is very obvious that the filibuster does not benefit the efficient operation of the Senate. The meaning of the filibuster can be anything from a final act of defiance against overwhelming odds to merely self indulgent child's selfish temper tantrum. Still I am cautious about the form of the cure or even if the cure is needed.
People scare me to death with the discussion that two parties are the problem and what is needed is more political parties. Need we look any further than the classic example of the fallacy, Italy? A plethora of political parties in that country has led to some 40-60 changes of government since the end of World War II. We have enough fractious turmoil with the two party system.
We get back to that same premise, compromise. My party will never represent my views absolutely all of the time. I am not totally happy with Republican positions on many issues that are important to me, but, I prefer that position to most of the alternatives.
I refuse to fall for the standard canards being bantered about concerning our political system. Unresponsive, controlled by the few, inherently evil, and on and on, ad nauseum. Many times these are the arguments of those who fail to understand how things work, or absolutely refuse to try and understand how things work.
So, here I am, BBB.......your blog looks great! I was kind of surprised to see some particular FPM people here, too, but all are welcome, obviously!
Hey, I've always wanted to ask you something. When I was still in Paris you and I went at it about which state had the best Mexican food, remember? The reason I ask, honestly, is kind of going to surprise you, Big Bubba! When you and I sparred about that stuff, we were friendly and I enjoyed corresopnding with you at FPM, then suddenly, you changed as much as I see you thought Socrates had changed....you just turned SURLY!! (sorry!)...and I wouldn't mention it except I've always wondered if you were the same Big Bubba! That's how different you became!!
Was that you who talked Mexican food with me about three years ago?
Was it just being fed up with the crazies at FPM which changed you, or...?
I'll be checking here from time to time; I've been too busy to be at FPM, plus I got NUTS with the wild stuff that was going on there...I'm surprised they knocked YOU off, you never seemed to write anything objectionable at all......how feckless!!
xxxx zinla
Geez, I won't stay 'anonymous', obviously I didn't intend to be. Well, here I am. Unanonymous... and no, not cranky enough to be your cranky blog gal!!!
Oh darn! Does this mean I'm now a 'mindless twit'? Geesh!!
Sorry I noticed your arrival late in the evening, Zinla. I have been working on a social security post. I will answer in more detail tomorrow, eventually. Thanks immensely for dropping in and commenting. Keep coming back. With Farmer John, Neptune, the lunatic Samwich, Beakerkins, et al we have the makings for some great discussions. Watch out for Farmer John. He has already blown out my main fuse box, partially melted my motherboard and set off my hallway smoke alarm several times with his erudite observations. He will make you think.
Farmer John will make me "THINK"???? I came here to "THINK"? Oh, man.
No, Donal! Not 'et al'!! ha!
I cannot imagine going at it with anyone as to which state has the best Mexican Food. Obviously that would be San Antonio, TX. and the immediate surrounding area. This is the world headquarters for excellence in Mexican cuisine. Our cuisine has even been imported to Gay Paree where Mario Cantu's Papa Maya was not only the toast of the town it received the Best Foreign Food Restaurant Award by France's prestigious Comité Internationale d’Action Gastronomique et Touristique.
The old San Antonio Mario's was long ago bulldozed. Long live the new Mario's where the tradition is carried on by some of Mario's relatives. Big Bubba approves of their salsa, tostadas and the quality of their tortillas so I visit from time to time.
My last visit to California I ate at Pepper's Mexican Restaurant by Santa Anita and some other Mexican restaurant in downtown Pasadena. The one was unremarkable and I had a hissy fit at Peppers because of the tacos' tortillas. They were like "refried" tortillas that had been left out in the sun all day between fryings. To call them tough would be a serious understatement.
I love Mexican food and it will be a topic here in my little corner of the Blogosphere.
Oh ZinLA, I probably, incredibly enough, did turn a wee bit cranky at FPM. When I started out I threw out "mindless twit" from time to time. Probably no one noticed that I interacted with Mr. (dis)Unite Us for more than one year before I ever called him a mindless twit for the first time. At first I mistook him for a sincere dumbass and gave him a break.
Ultimately FPM started to attract a crowd that, to me, went far beyond dumbass and mindless twit. That's when I started to really hammer my new phrase imbecile, low grade moron and mindless twits. I love research, learning, discovery the whole schtick. These turkeys would drop a bombshell, without citing a reference, that you knew good and well was probably about 9 yards of BS. Then I would spend an hour or two of fruitless research trying to do the right thing to refute. I thought things became very ridiculous at a site that used to be a lot of fun. Giving ol’ Big Bubba the heave ho was an act of mercy. Thank you David Horowitz and mindless twit Roberta. I am having more fun than I can stand with my own Blog
Donal, being the et al part is OK. It is the ad nauseum part that you don't want to be.
Fabulous, Bubba!....Yes, it WAS you....I hope you weren't offended at what I'd said about how you'd changed so much that I wasn't sure if you'd left and somebody else had taken your screen name..HONESTLY I did think that.
Yup, from what you write about Mexican food, that WAS you I sparred with, and YUP, for as kind and sweet as your assurance is that you had changed your personality somewhat to deal with the SCUM, I know with certainty you're back to the ol' Big Bugga I'd come to know and love.
Welcome back, and thanks for letting me hang around here...I'm proud of you, Bubba!
ZinLA, one of my future, hoped for projects is a website to celebrate San Antonio Mexican cuisine. I am hoping that the ex Ms. Bubbette, the Little Yo No Girl will help in that project.
I rarely take offense in any personal attack since I am quite sure of who I am and what my value is. Anyway, you never posted anything that I ever took personally on any level.
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