Telling It Like It Is Down Texas Way
Cindy Sheehan: Is Anybody Else Sick Of This Broad?
by Jim Brogan
Nov 26, 2005
Cindy Sheehan has inappropriately been compared to Rosa Parks, but from her recent declarations that America "is not worth dying for", to accusing pro-Israel lobbyists of masterminding the war in Iraq, to asserting that the United States is "waging nuclear war in Iraq", Cindy Sheehan has become a polarizing figure to most of the American populace.
by Jim Brogan
Nov 26, 2005
Cindy Sheehan has inappropriately been compared to Rosa Parks, but from her recent declarations that America "is not worth dying for", to accusing pro-Israel lobbyists of masterminding the war in Iraq, to asserting that the United States is "waging nuclear war in Iraq", Cindy Sheehan has become a polarizing figure to most of the American populace.
No one in the MSM is paying attention to her anymore. It's time for the right to stop paying attention, too.
You only notice cockroaches when the lights are on.
A Bush con??? All the polls prove is that Joe Goebbels was right. If you repeat a lie often enough, everyone will eventually come to believe it.
And want to know something really funny? Eventually the Democratic call for troop draw-downs and withdrawl had to become "correct"... for Bush's mission is truly on the verge of becoming a "Mission Accomplished". After the Dec 15 election and a few more Iraqi units get propped up, Bush will have accomplished ALL his pre-war objectives.
The Democrats always had the right idea. What they always misunderstood was the right "timing" for implementing it. It "only" took them three years. You need to rename your party to the "Serendipity Party". Even a broken clock displays the right time twice a day. LOL!
I agree with you mr. ducky, the fault is "us".
We need to let our elected representatives govern us. We've got to stop trying to tell them what to do and interfering in their decisions, for we are ignorant fools who suffer from excessive hubris.
Just because you've got a PhD doesn't mean you're smarter or better able to govern than Harry Truman was. Harry never graduated college.
Mr. Ducky, the coordinator for the pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracist talking points party line must have missed you. The party line is not that Sheehan never made the "not worth dying for" quote. The official party line talking point is that the quote was taken out of context. Check out this excerpt,
Is America worth dying for?
Bucks County Courier Times
J.D. Mullane,
Still, I thought it was a good opportunity to ask panel members to give their thoughts on what is probably Cindy Sheehan's most bombastic statement since the dawn of her 15 minutes of fame.
It was captured on videotape as she spoke at San Francisco State University on April 27:
"I was raised in a country by a public school system that taught us that America was good, that America was just. America has been killing people ... since we first stepped on this continent, we have been responsible for death and destruction. I passed on that [expletive] to my son and my son enlisted. I'm going all over the country telling moms: This country is not worth dying for.
Cindy Sheehan, like you Mr. Ducky, has a foul mouth and trouble stringing together coherent intellectual thoughts. She said that this country is not worth dying for.period. You can try to parse what she said anyway you want, but, the bottom line is that she said what she said (and not very well at that.
Transcript of Pro-Stewart Rally
April 27, 2005
Cindy Sheehan (Military Families Speak Out; Goldstar Families for Peace; her son Casey was killed in the Iraq War)
First, I want to give my little story about Lynne. Of course, you all have read To Kill a Mockingbird. Lynne is my human Atticus Finch. He did what he knew was right, but wasn’t popular. And that’s what Lynne is doing. {applause}
We are not waging a war on terror in this country. We’re waging a war of terror. The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush. {applause}
How many more people are we going to let him kill before we stop him? I’m going to talk about free speech and recruitment. Do you know that it costs $66,000 to recruit one recruit? That’s continuing all of their – you know, the recruiter’s salary, the recruiter’s bonus, the place that they rent to recruit and things like that. All the perks they get and everything. That’s not even training the recruit. It costs our government about $6,000 a year on each child in California. $46,000 a year to house a prisoner in our state. Our priorities are seriously screwed up, as I mentioned.
I really want to thank you guys for doing this, especially the young people. It gives me so much hope to know that there’s young people who care more about who’s our next American Idol – less about that. You guys care more about people being killed. There’s too many that care more about the next American Idol. Too many people in our country that don’t even really know we have a war going on. You know, they never have to think of the war, and I’ll never, ever forget this war. I can never forget it, even when I’m sleeping {tears} I know that we’re in a war and I know that George Bush and his band of neo-cons and their neo-con agenda killed my son. And I’ll never, ever, ever forget.
I take responsibility partly for my son’s death, too. I was raised in a country by a public school system that taught us that America was good, that America was just. America has been killing people, like my sister over here says, since we first stepped on this continent, we have been responsible for death and destruction. I passed on that bullshit to my son and my son enlisted. I’m going all over the country telling moms: “This country is not worth dying for. If we’re attacked, we would all go out. We’d all take whatever we had. I’d take my rolling pin and I’d beat the attackers over the head with it. But we were not attacked by Iraq. {applause} We might not even have been attacked by Osama bin Laden if {applause}. 9/11 was their Pearl Harbor to get their neo-con agenda through and, if I would have known that before my son was killed, I would have taken him to Canada. I would never have let him go and try and defend this morally repugnant system we have. The people are good, the system is morally repugnant. {applause}
Please – teach your babies, teach your babies better than I taught my babies. When Congress gave George Bush the right to go to war, they abrogated their constitutional responsibilities and they basically made our constitution null and void. We have no checks and balances in this country. We have no recourse. If they’re going to what they did to Lynne, they don’t have backs they call names, what we need to be is, we the people, we’re their checks and balances. We’re the only checks and balances. We have to stand up and say, Not only is this our school, this is our country. We want our country back and, if we have to impeach everybody from George Bush down to the person who picks up dog shit in Washington, we will impeach all those people. Our country needs to {unintelligible} we need to start over again.
I just want to say that you students, Students Against War, you have all my support and all my organization’s support. I told Kristen if you have any actions and you need a ringleader, that I only live about an hour away. I’ll be here. If I can sleep on somebody’s floor, we can have this, we can camp out, do whatever we need.
And I just want to way to George Bush and I want to say to the people who are here, that are still sheep {unintelligible} and following him blindly: if George Bush believes his rhetoric and his bullshit, that this is a war for freedom and democracy, that he is spreading freedom and democracy, does he think every person he kills makes Iraq more free? It doesn’t make us more free. It damages our humanity. The whole world is damaged. Our humanity is damaged. If he thinks that it’s so important for Iraq to have a U.S.-imposed sense of freedom and democracy, then he needs to sign up his two little party-animal girls. They need to go this war. They need to fight because a just war, the definition of a just war, and maybe you people here who still think this is a just war, the definition of a just war is one that you would send your own children to die in. That you would go die in yourself. And you aren’t willing to send your own children, or if you’re not willing to go die yourself, then you bring there rest of our kids home now. It is despicable what they’re doing. {applause}
What they’re saying, too, is like, it’s okay for Israel to have nuclear weapons. But Iran or Syria better not get nuclear weapons. It’s okay for the United States to have nuclear weapons. It’s okay for the countries that we say it’s okay for. We are waging a nuclear war in Iraq right now. That country is contaminated. It will be contaminated for practically eternity now. It’s okay for them to have them, but Iran or Syria can’t have them. It’s okay for Israel to occupy Palestine, but it’s – yeah – and it’s okay for Iraq to occupy – I mean, for the United States to occupy Iraq, but it’s not okay for Syria to be in Lebanon. They’re a bunch of fucking hypocrites! And we need to, we just need to rise up. We need a revolution and make it be peaceful and make it be loving and let’s just show them all the love we have for humanity because we want to stop the inhumane slaughter.
{wild applause}
Hold on, now, samwich--don't you think the Bushies are "a bunch of fucking hypocrites," too? Haven't I heard you say that?
Can anyone visualize Warren Buffet hanging out with the boys this morning and telling them, "the market was extremely unimpressed by growth news today. I think I'll sell Dairy Queen."
So, samwich, what should Big Bubba do? Hold his big breath while running from big pieces of falling sky?
Au contraire, samwich, the politicians tell the masses what they want to hear. The poison pill of American politics has two ingredients - truth and honesty.
One great example is the social security system. Anyone who doesn't say that the system is broken and desperately needs to be reformed are not being honest about the truth of the issue. Neither party will proclaim that truth because the American people will not want to hear the truth about what it will take to reform the system.
That's where the sentiment "politics as usual" comes from. The people usually don't care for the truth so "politics as usual" tells them what they want to hear.
Mr. Ducky, I am pretty sure that you are intelligent to realize that I was refering specifically to the learning of the education basics - reading, writing and arithmetic.
Whatever they did about physics, labs and science it must have worked out pretty good considering that the Koreans are a major economic force in the Far East and throughout the world. Think Hyundai, Daewoo, Samsung, KIA etc. I have heard reports that they are doing quite well in expanding trade with Red China.
samwich, once you make the big move to Texas and get that accent going on they'll be calling you Dale samwich.
Dale, you speak of the "oil cartel's" hold on Congress yet you lament not extracting oil from ANWR. If the "oil cartel" indeed has a hold on Congress couldn't they get the oil out?
Dale, to my way of thinking we (The Great State of Texas) own our public lands and we do whatever the heck we want on them. We could not live like our Western brothers who do not own their public lands. I don't have to tell you that Uncle Sam owns your lands, controls your lands, and don't let you do jack with your public lands. I shivered when I watched William Jefferson Clinton by dictate telling you what you would do with that big chunk of western land (Arizona? I forgot which state).
Please observe the time of this post. I am going to bed now. I have spent about 2 hours doing the one button easy set-up linksys routine. Yeah right. I was just about ready to take the hammer to this mess when I accidentally got hooked up.
Dale, I heard an estimate that if everyone turned in all of their tinfoil hats we could burn them at a power plant that could produce enough electricity to power NYC for one year.
Mr. Ducky, I will pass on educating you on the effect on the Great State of Texas by its retaining all public lands when it became a state. You are too intellectually shallow to understand.
Yes, yes, Duck, it is a hell hole. Pass it on so more yankees will stay home. We have a surplus already.
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