"I won't stand for the swift-boating of Jack Murtha,"
That is quote, unqoute Hanoi John Kerry. How soon he, Hanoi John, forgets. Big Bubba, John O'Neill, Swift Boat Veterans, and actual Vietnam Veterans do not easily forget. Hanoi John is not worthy of our respect or trust. Hanoi John was guilty of the vilest calumny against the Soldiers, Marines, Airmen and Sailors who ventured into harm's way in Vietnam.
Hanoi John described us as criminals when he testified before the Congress of the United States, "....not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command." He further testified, "randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravages of war."
I am amazed that Hanoi John thinks that he can use a phrase like "Swift-boating" as if that is some terrible, evil accusation. Unlike the dishonorable Hanoi John most of the honorable Swift Boat Veterans actually served a twelve month tour of duty with honor and dignity. They did not return home to disgrace their uniform and lie before the Congress of the United States. If there is a terrible evil involved, it is the lying, duplicitous Hanoi John.
Today the progressive liberal demoracists are becoming absolutely unhinged. The floor of the House of Representatives sounds like a common street demonstration. This was all provoked by anyone who expressed any type of opinion counter to that of Rep. John Murtha, D-PA that we should immediately withdraw from Vietnam. Anyone who expressed their disagreement with Murtha was "swift-boating," "smearing" or worse. Rep. John Murtha probably is a military hero compared to Hanoi John. That, however, does not put him in the category of master global military strategist. He is just another retired military man with an opinion. I am also retired, also served in Vietnam and also have an opinion. The main difference is that Rep. John Murtha will have the opportunity today to have his vote recorded in the House of Representatives.
Today the progessive liberal demoracist members of the House of Representatives are getting what they want in the form of a Republican sponsored resolution as follows,
"It is the sense of the House of Representatives that the deployment of United States forces in Iraq be terminated immediately."
Their votes will be recorded for or against. Gentlemen, do we stay or go? Then let the games begin. This should be very interesting to observe as events unfold.
Mr. Ducky, there you go disturbing an other wise idyllic weekend for Big Bubba with your uncouth mouth and petit-bourgeoisie ideas. Bless your heart, Mr. Ducky, I have spent my time with the pleasant task of working on my Massachusetts ancestors. The Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers and others whose honorable descendants were there when your, and that other johnny-come-lately, Hanoi John's, families walked off their respective banana boats.
I am not surprised that my brave adventurer ancestors were not content to remain in Plymouth Colony. They moved right straight across this vast land colonizing every step of the way. Now you johnny-come-lately Bostonians pretentiously looking down your noses as if you have some special status. I don't know for sure about the Duck, but Hanoi John's special annointing is that he is a loser.
I find the results of the vote in the House on Congressman Murtha's call for immediate withdrawl enlightening. I guess the "real" extremists have either now been revealed (Wexler, McKinney, & Serrano), or like the majority have "slithered" back into foam covered and concealing mainstream.
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