Stuck on Stupid
Like that great general, Lieutenant General Russell Honore admonished, "Don't get stuck on stupid." Travis County prosecutor Ronnie Earle needs to heed that admonishment. Ronnie has indicted Tom Delay for "money laundering" for the way political contributions were moved around. Is everyone with me? The indictment is for "money laundering." Want to know what this really is all about? In the words of the partisan demoracist, Ronnie Earle, in his argument for Judge Schraub's recusal,
"Governor Perry was a major figure in the redistricting effort that the (DeLay) successfully argued," Earle said in his motion. "Because Judge Schraub has donated to Governor Perry, he has disclosed through this free speech that he agrees in principle with Perry's agenda regarding Tom DeLay's redistricting map."
Does everyone now understand what this is really all about? The progressive liberal demoracists no longer have the Great State of Texas by the throat in a death grip. Now Republican voters have become the majority through the ballot box. One of the benefits of being the majority party is that you can call the shots every ten years when the law mandates necessary redistricting based on the census. The progressive liberal demoracists just can't get over being losers.
Judge Schraub (Earle statement above) was not going to be the trial judge. He was going to pick the trial judge. My bet is that Earle is disliked by Judge Schraub because he is weird. Earle did not want to take a chance. No problem for Judge Schraub who quickly recused himself and asked the Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court to name the trial judge. Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson is a Republican. Jefferson quickly named semi-retired Judge Pat Priest of San Antonio, Texas as the trial judge.
I think that provided there are no more politically motivated challenges Judge Pat Priest will be a fine no nonsense choice to preside over this trial. He has a reputation for being a sober, fair judge. He has also literally written the book about criminal evidence in Texas courts (Texas Courtroom Criminal Evidence, Judge Pat Priest, ©1998). This is a bad turn of events for Ronnie Earle because I don't believe that he is lawyer enough to argue a case before Judge Pat Priest.
"Governor Perry was a major figure in the redistricting effort that the (DeLay) successfully argued," Earle said in his motion. "Because Judge Schraub has donated to Governor Perry, he has disclosed through this free speech that he agrees in principle with Perry's agenda regarding Tom DeLay's redistricting map."
Does everyone now understand what this is really all about? The progressive liberal demoracists no longer have the Great State of Texas by the throat in a death grip. Now Republican voters have become the majority through the ballot box. One of the benefits of being the majority party is that you can call the shots every ten years when the law mandates necessary redistricting based on the census. The progressive liberal demoracists just can't get over being losers.
Judge Schraub (Earle statement above) was not going to be the trial judge. He was going to pick the trial judge. My bet is that Earle is disliked by Judge Schraub because he is weird. Earle did not want to take a chance. No problem for Judge Schraub who quickly recused himself and asked the Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court to name the trial judge. Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson is a Republican. Jefferson quickly named semi-retired Judge Pat Priest of San Antonio, Texas as the trial judge.
I think that provided there are no more politically motivated challenges Judge Pat Priest will be a fine no nonsense choice to preside over this trial. He has a reputation for being a sober, fair judge. He has also literally written the book about criminal evidence in Texas courts (Texas Courtroom Criminal Evidence, Judge Pat Priest, ©1998). This is a bad turn of events for Ronnie Earle because I don't believe that he is lawyer enough to argue a case before Judge Pat Priest.
I wonder what the Democrats are going to do after all their indictments come back empty? My guess is that they'll simply manage to levy a few more indictments. I think it mobilizes their base and best suits their agenda of staying in the "now" and hoping the public will ignore the fact that they can't convict people for their "supposed" evil intentions.
The calls for Rove's head are a case in point. The call for Gingrich's was another. The call for Libby's another.
They just can't stand people who can out-think and out-play them. And so they live in their "Queen of Hearts" world of "Verdict NOW, Trial LATER". And ALL based upon their reading of their opponents "evil" intentions.
I was watching CSPAN the other night and a Republican held up a chart of amendments proposed by Democrats to the Katrina Relief bill. He had added up the CBO estimated "costs" of the amendments and it came to over $1 trillion over the next ten years.
All this from the party that NOW calls itself... the "fiscally responsible ones".
You may call it a dog and pony show, but it is really a dog and dog show--of, by, and for lawyers. I don't know Tejas, but this spectacle plays out in every state.
You see they are strange creatures, these lawyers. Their great Preoccupation is always "How do I measure up?" But when they lose their grip on Power, this preoccupation intensifies and causes insanity. "Who is the lawyer in charge over here?" They begin an arcane comedic ballet. For their own amusement, they shuffle around like chess pieces the members of their class that still stink of integrity--the judges--in order to "set the scene" to maximum effect.
While having zero benefit to the People or to the Law, these ballets are great for lawyers, restoring them to equilibrium by re-establishing who can piss the farthest. It is a ballet mastered by the democrats--the lawyer party.
Republicans dance as well, but prefer to do so at private clubs, behind closed doors. Call it discretion: they don't make an idol of "transparency."
When the Revolution comes the first to be shot will be the lawyers.
prairie dawg,
You make these lawyers sound like young cubs wrestling for eventual dominance of a pride.
Just wondering... are you familiar with the History of Middle Temple Hall and/or the Inner Temple? You might find it somewhat interesting, as many of our founding fathers and their kin once studied there.
Ahhh to breath the sea air and become member of Sir Francis Drake's crew. "Yo-ho Yo-ho a Pirate's life for me!"
Knight's and Priest's should always ride tandem! ;-)
Mr. Ducky, keep up. Judge Schraub was not "thrown out" as the second judge for Tom DeLay's trial. You really should pay attention.
This is a bad turn of events for Ronnie Earle because I don't believe that he is lawyer enough to argue a case before Judge Pat Priest.
Ronnie Earle isn't lawyer enough to argue a case before a junior high school hall monitor. How many times did he go to the well to find a grand jury? And his first "indictment" on DeLay wasn't even a crime, so he had to go back and try again.
This is the Peter Principle at work. Leftists, to a man and without exception by nature intellectually inferior to all but the most keen of bowls of potato salad, tend to unravel when confronted with reality.
I hope the media is stupid enough to put Tom DeLay's "trial" on TV.
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