Sunday Bits & Pieces
I awoke this morning to some unknown visiting talking head pundit suggest President Bush's "next move." His suggestion was that President Bush should have Karl Rove resign to show the American people that he wanted his administration "to be clean." What is it about Karl Rove that makes these people so unhinged?
Speaking of unhinged. Here is an interesting theory why the pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracists are so unhinged. Can we find the answer in "The Paranoid Style in American Politics?"
Don't miss Joe Wilson appearing tonight on a 60 Minutes whine episode. Joe claims that there have been threats to his wife. It will be broadcast Sunday Oct. 30 (7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Go here if you want to think some more about this issue.
If Harry Reid, D-Nev, plays marbles I think I know where at least one of them comes from. What is it about Karl Rove that makes the demoracists come so unhinged? Obviously Karl Rove must be the most effective political advisor that any President has ever had. What else is the explanation for the pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracist's take no prisoners, no holds barred all out assault on the President to remove Karl Rove? I think that Harry Reid should apologize to his constituents for ineffective representation.
Some stories just have to make you feel good. These feel good stories just overload you with the warm fuzzies. Like the story about how yet another lawyer made his fortune.
Speaking of unhinged. Here is an interesting theory why the pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracists are so unhinged. Can we find the answer in "The Paranoid Style in American Politics?"
Don't miss Joe Wilson appearing tonight on a 60 Minutes whine episode. Joe claims that there have been threats to his wife. It will be broadcast Sunday Oct. 30 (7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Go here if you want to think some more about this issue.
If Harry Reid, D-Nev, plays marbles I think I know where at least one of them comes from. What is it about Karl Rove that makes the demoracists come so unhinged? Obviously Karl Rove must be the most effective political advisor that any President has ever had. What else is the explanation for the pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracist's take no prisoners, no holds barred all out assault on the President to remove Karl Rove? I think that Harry Reid should apologize to his constituents for ineffective representation.
Some stories just have to make you feel good. These feel good stories just overload you with the warm fuzzies. Like the story about how yet another lawyer made his fortune.
I love it how all the media outlets have such "good advice" for Bush. I particularly enjoyed an almost non-stop anti-Iraq, anti-administration diatribe on NPR all afternoon. I think they've finally "lost it". I know they've lost this one-time listener. All classsical, all the time is my new motto.
Whom have they not called on to resign in this administration?
I quit listening to NPR about two years ago. They ran a week long series of profiles on artists, authors and musicians. Every one of them was homosexual, which they made a point of, at some part of the interview.
It would go something like this:
We met up with Tod at his apartment in Boston, which he shares with his "life partner", Fred.
How obvious can you get that you a promoting an agenda?
What programs were you all listening to?
NPR is still damn good. I try to listen to it from a "conservative" point of view to see what people are griping about. Still has great reporting, and pretty qual-opportunity opinion, and no shout fests. Excellent quality feature shows.
OK, "This American Life"--pretty gay show.
"Fresh Air" with Terry Gross--definite liberal slant in questions but great interviewer.
Garrison Keillor is a twat but he has good taste in music and his fiction is decent for passing the time doing dishes.
Outside that, what, you had a couple days where you didn't like what you heard? Boo hoo.
Why do they hate Rove?
They (somewhat naturally?) divide Bush into the policy (awful!) and tactics to win (criminal!).
Making awful decisions, as it relates to policy and is unfettered by rules, is Bush's right.
Fighting dirty to win is not.
Rove is connected, in the minds of the public and by his official positions in the hierarchy, with the latter.
Josh, when a Republican wins that is not by definition a dirty trick. Perhaps you would care to enlighten us about specific Rove tactics that you consider "dirty tricks."
When you have brought that to our attention please tell us next what President Bush has done that is criminal. It seems to me that there would be a prosecution for criminal acts.
Josh, thank you for being Josh. Unhinged demoracists, like you, will probably allow us to enjoy another Republican administration after the 2008 elections.
Norm, I enjoy Garrison Keillor. Sometimes his politics are obvious, but I do not find that unacceptable. After all we all have our politics.
Sometimes I will listen to Fresh Air, but Terry Gross is anything but fair and balanced. Need I mention the Bill O'Reilly (who I don't like nor do I listen to his program) interview by Terry. I am with O'Reilly on this one. I did watch Gross' appearance on O'Reilly because I wanted to see her. She lost that round also.
The nut job with the quiz show and the Click And Clack Brothers are also great programming. I really wish that I could be a financial supporter of NPR. I wrote a letter to our local NPR station about 10 years ago during a fund drive. I asked them why couldn't the news and commentary programming couldn't be more fair and balanced. I never heard from them and they never heard from me with a check.
Mr. Ducky, your labeling the political beliefs of at least half of America as "hatred and prejudice" is why the demoracists are losers. You need to get over ascribing differences of opinion to "hatred and prejudice." That belief is why Republicans are in a great position to win the Presidency again in 2008.
Who are you supporting? Hillary or Hanoi John? Personally I believe that Senator George Allen, R-VA will be a fine choice to be the next President of the United States.
Samwich, will you be giving the citizens of The Great State of Texas fair warning when you move here? Are your in-laws native Texans?
I'm not sure what particular show/ shows I was listening to norm, but I got a good hour's worth of partisan lectures about the morality of Scooter Libby, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and the Bush administration's need to apologize followed by another half hour on the need to accurately count Iraqi civilian war casualties (remember the Lancet/Hopkins study at the outbreak of the war?... NPR was trying calculate "new figures" but the margin of error was still too great...they stressed the need to acquire more accurate figures for the "American people" than the US military provides.) This was then followed up by a complete "bashing" of the war effort and the need to embrace whirrled peas in the name of "humanity" and "moral decency".
Needless to say, had I not been "trapped" waiting for my son to finish a computer project in his dorm room and unable to do anything other than listen to the radio, I wouldn't have left it on. The moralizing left has become almost "unbearable" in their utter inability to comprehend reality and their uncompromising faith in the goodness of their fellow men (republicans exempted).
I'll admit, I still enjoy "What do you Know", "Car Talk", and "A Prairie Home Companion", but I can no longer stomach "All Things Considered" or ANY "news" programming or other "social commentary". They're starting to sound like liberal priests reciting a "high mass".
And it isn't just a "couple days". Their sanctimonious drumbeat has been beating ever louder for YEARS. This weekend was simply the final "straw".
Fortunately, we do have an "all classical" NPR station that only carries 1-2 minute "newsbreaks" at the top of the hour. Needless to say, during their ONCE annual "pledge break" of three days, they fund their entire station.
Farmer John, What Do You Know. That's the name of the show I also like but couldn't remember the name. I also prefer the local NPR classic channel. I don't listen to it often because I prefer to listen to some great European stations over the internet.
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