What Direction Will Big Bubba's Big Blog Take?
Other than the impetus of getting unceremoniously booted from David Horowitz’s free speechless Front Page Magazine there was the invitation from "The Beak Speaks" to check out his blog. I visited a few times and decided that I would also become a blogger. My next big question was what direction would my new blog take. I read "The Beak Speaks" and visited some other bloggers that he mentioned. On one such blog I encountered this list of Jews with a statement that each had made about Israel,
Gerald Kaufman, Jewish activist and member of UK Parliament
Jonathan Sacks Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and British Commonwealth
Eyal Sivan Franco-Israeli Film-maker
Tanya Reinhart Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Baruch Kimmerling Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rabbi Ben-Zion Gold Harvard University
Ishai Sagi Lieutenant, Israeli army
Jeff Halper Israeli peace activist
Jennifer Loewenstein Lecturer, University of Wisconsin
Steven Feuerstein Chicago
I have come to the firm conclusion that with Jews like these afoot in the world it will not be necessary for this blog to be anti Semitic. Oh, what direction to take with Big Bubba’s Big Blog. Will Big Bubba receive the attention that he craves from the mindless twit set. One can only hope. I think that I shall sleep on it and see what tomorrow brings to this intrepid blogger.
Gerald Kaufman, Jewish activist and member of UK Parliament
Jonathan Sacks Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and British Commonwealth
Eyal Sivan Franco-Israeli Film-maker
Tanya Reinhart Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Baruch Kimmerling Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rabbi Ben-Zion Gold Harvard University
Ishai Sagi Lieutenant, Israeli army
Jeff Halper Israeli peace activist
Jennifer Loewenstein Lecturer, University of Wisconsin
Steven Feuerstein Chicago
I have come to the firm conclusion that with Jews like these afoot in the world it will not be necessary for this blog to be anti Semitic. Oh, what direction to take with Big Bubba’s Big Blog. Will Big Bubba receive the attention that he craves from the mindless twit set. One can only hope. I think that I shall sleep on it and see what tomorrow brings to this intrepid blogger.
That was a good post Big Bubba. I started out doing comedy but the Recidivist attacked my site. Warren is a good friend from bad Eagle.The blog became a middle Eastern Blog.
You will like his blog it is http://longrange.blogspot.com/
Jason Papas Runs an Excellent Blog
http://libertyand culture.blogspot.com/
He focuses on Islam and heavy politics.
I will post some more sites. Warren, Jason , Beamish and John Brown are good people.
Mr Beamish has a great site and is witty
A very under rated and informitive
site is Adam Gurri's Sopistpundit
He really has great links and focuses on the freedom movements
John Brown has Citzcom and it is a good blog but mostly topical.
Do you know that blogs are traded like stocks . Why don't you register on Blogshares ? I will even buy some Big Bubba stock
My nephew plays blogshares and has a music blog. NicotineandRock.blogspot.com/
He is a good kid and a Big Bubba fan.
Jeez Beak!
Don't you ever sleep?
I get a full 3 1/2 to 4 hours every night, (plus the time I spend sleeping on the job).
Big Bubba, don't fall under the E-vile spell of dem dare Jooos. People will talk! They might call you a feckless tool of the Joos and a Zionist!
That's why I get so little sleep at night and am relegated to sleeping on the job.
Hey Big Bubba,
Me and the Beak can troll up a bunch of mindless twits for you, if you want.
We can post around as you and leave your URL around here and there.
Tell you what, we'll work it like a game drive, we'll flush em and you bag the limit!
What ya say?
Happy troll hunting. You should post on lefty blogs about government waste something like "My government spends taxpayer money on death camps, and there's too many people around here!" on Democratic Underground or Daily Kos.
That oughta bait a few.
Thanks Warren, and Mr. Beamish, I doubt if I aggravate myself again like I did with FPM. It was really a tremendous let down to find out that David Horowitz was against free speech. I had to take the day off yesterday to take care of business. Last night I watched basketball. Today I write. I want to write down some more of my thoughts about FPM, free speech and mindless twit.
As far as stampeding mindless twits - forget about it. Build your Blog and they will come. Who said that? It sounds familiar. If anyone knows how to get the attention of that fool Mr. Ducky, a.k.a. ducky boy the pond queen, please send him to see me. Mr. Ducky is one of my favorite mindless twits.
Big Bubba I will get Ducky to come
he posts under the name of Amazing Kreskin at night.
You could post on the Recidists Blog or the Disruntled Chemist. They will be out like Hornets.
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