Progressive Liberal Demoracists - Are You Listening?
Democrats must "let the deeply religious people and the moderates on social issues like abortion feel that the Democratic party cares about them and understands them," he said, adding that many Democrats, like him, "have some concern about, say, late-term abortions, where you kill a baby as it's emerging from its mother's womb." -- Jimmy Carter (Carter condemns abortion culture, By Ralph Z. Hallow, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, November 4, 2005)
My guess is that they will not listen and that they must continue their season of being losers. Ultimately they must listen or cease to exist as a political party.
My guess is that they will not listen and that they must continue their season of being losers. Ultimately they must listen or cease to exist as a political party.
I am too simple of a humble, believer to understand how someone has the right to end the life of an unborn person. We see now struggles with the right to end the life of the terminally ill. Once someone assumes the role of G-d where will it all end? Will we soon be talking about withholding the medications/treatments of someone like Big Bubba because of the financial burden on society?
Abortion is simply wrong. It is a sin. Jimmy Carter has pointed out the obvious to the progressive liberal demoracists. Pay attention to the believers of this nation or suffer the consequences. Consequences being election losses.
I happen to agree with Ducky's cynical take on Washington's stances on this issue. It's bread and butter for the parties and almost impossible to have a civil discussion.
Do you guys think it's possible to be pro-life personally and pro-choice politically?
Norm, do you think that it possible to be racist in your private life and not be one in your public life?
Mr. Ducky, it never ceases to amaze me. You say you are spiritual yet such language! Tell us again what is the base of your spirituality.
Bubba, where does the State enter into your analogy?
Politicians, Norm, politicians. Perhaps I should have used affirmative action in my analogy. Ted Kennedy favors racial set-asides on federal contracts -- but his own entire city block of Washington, DC investment was given, with help from his political friends, a waiver for an affirmative action set-aside as provided by law.
Mr. Ducky, don't fret I understand that profane language is an indicator of the frustration of a defective intellect.
mr ducky,
You make some excellent points, but also some "less excellent" ones. The fact that medicine is capable of keeping people "autonomically" alive is one that needs to be addressed. What do we do in these cases? Does "science" inform us? Do the doctors say with certainty "She will NEVER recover"... or do they say "She is NOT LIKELY to recover"?
And so I have difficulty with an "unplug it" mentality for so far medical practictioners have proven very "fallible" in this area in the past, and seem to have little "scientific" knowledge that approaches certainty... they still say "She is not likely" without firm conviction and true knowledge.
Hence the need for "intelligent design". There are few areas of life and its' problems for which science has "all the answers" and many that can NEVER even tested via the scientific method (ie - the origin of the big-bang).
A belief in "intelligent design" keeps them (the Einstein's and cancer researchers of the world) searching for the answers, for certainty and truth. To embrace "uninitelligent" design and serendipity in evolution is a mistake that will hinder us in our attempts at acquiring the answers we seek. For it implies that the answers cannot first be determined logically, but must be acquired serendipitously through "trial and error". And from our experience thus far, this is simply NOT true, for we "postulate" the reasons for ideas before testing them assuming the usefullness of "logic" and therefore "intelligibility" of a problem.
Had Einstein NOT believed in an intelligent design (patterns and intelligibility to nature), we would not today have e=mc^2 or any of Newton's findings either, for that matter. For without "intelligibility" there can be no hope for knowledge. Hence intelligent design represents a search for intelligibility, and not the "designer".... which you seem think is the "object" of the exercise.
Again, people are reluctant to play the role of the grim reaper and chose the very time of death's arrival. Even people who exercise a "Living Will" and express the desire NOT to be maintained in a persistent vegetative state do so far in advance and are therefore NOT privy to the actual circumstances that they may eventually find themselves in. In fact, if asked, many might choose to withdraw the provisions choosing to die if there were even a "glimmer" of hope that they might eventually recover.
And besides, would flowers and vegetables choose to die if given that choice. Life is life.
And to "allow" people to choose, to allow "relatives" to choose, places an unnecessary burden of choice upon them, for if one IS actually in a persistent vegetative state, he can't possibly care to be in a state of "death". He is after all, now a "vegetable" and no longer a human being. And so there is NO harm in simply allowing them to "vegetate".
Today, it's all a matter of $ as to whether to choose to kill, or to simply allow to die.
I have no problem with someone issuing orders to "not resuscitate" an individual IN this condition. But to withdraw sustenance like food or water, is to put your flower pot in a closet without sunlight and stop feeding and watering it.
I'm reminded of the "Yes" song "In the Presence of" from their Magnification album...
Deeper than every ocean
Deeper than every river
That's what your presence brings to me
Revealing the words I listen
Seeing you in my silence
Learning I'm with you constantly
As I was before
If we were flowers
We would worship the sun
So why not now?
This light is shining brightly
Brighter than before
As the door was open wide
There inside was a diamond chair
Where I sat when I was young
I wrote down the words
Only when the young at heart
Can enter the real world
This chance I've waited for
For you to see
If I had chances I would spend them with you
To hold you close and let your love surround me
Deeper than before
(Deeper than every ocean)
And I know this love is real
(Deeper than every river)
Realize this is meant to be
That's what your eyes they say to me
You are listening to how I feel
So expectedly
(Brighter than every morning)
From the ocean to the sky
(Beautiful as the sunset)
Every river to the sea
Nature surrounds me constantly
We can hear love constantly
This is for you and me
Turn around and come deeper now
So what happens when I touch you there
You feel the words roll over you
Thinking of the better scenes
The memories
As everybody else just
Hasn't got the time
To help you anymore
'Cause if the reason for
The things that pleasure us
To please ourselves
Not pressure us
To give our ego
Some pleasure time
Can you imagine
Any reason
To know you're only fooling yourself
And then you'll understand why
You'll understand why
So if we choose to realize
All existence is a dream
This perfect resume to you
From me
Just had a tough time with magic
The death of ego
The moon
It was just coming through
Send me such a good time
In a letter form, tell me
The pleasure, no pressure
Pure imagination in a metaphoric dream
I get amazed like a true beginner
I get amazed like a true believer
I get amazed when I see you there
And I come alive
I believe I'm a true beginner
I believe I'm a true beginner
In your arms I can see it all
I can see it all
If we were flowers
We would worship the sun
So why not now?
This light is burning brightly
This light is burning brightly
Brighter than before
Brighter than before
Brighter than before
Brighter than before
Turn around and remember that
When it gets so low
As you finally hit the ground
Turn around and remember that
Now I'm standing tall
Standing on my sacred ground
Turn around and remember that
When it gets so low
As you finally hit the ground
Turn around and remember that
Now you're standing tall
Standing on sacred ground
Standing on sacred ground
Standing on sacred ground
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