Let The Games Begin!
Am I the only one to have heard all of this repeatedly, year after year?
- Local officials are responsible for local affairs. Their first call for outside assistance is to the state authorities.
- State officials are responsible for affairs within the borders of their state. When outside assistance is necessary the Governor contacts the President.
- The President awaits the call of the Governor and based on the call provides assistance and declares an emergency. The President, because of law and protocol, cannot lift a finger until the Governor requests help.
- The National Guard is activated by the Governor of the State and serve as directed by the Governor. The Governor can order the National Guard to exercise police powers.
- National Army units assisting State authorities have absolutely no low enforcement ability because of the posse comitatus law.
The same points year after year yet the national media never seems to understand, or remember, the points above. The ignorance of the general population is obvious, but the ignorance of the media is incomprehensible.
The average citizen has absolutely no comprehension of what is involved in the emergency evacuation of a major population center. Big Bubba was aware, and involved, in emergency planning by the military in the 1970s should it become necessary to evacuate San Antonio. San Antonio has far fewer geographical obstacles than New Orleans. I still have doubts about the ability to evacuate San Antonio, or any major metropolitan area, in a timely manner. Large mass movements of disciplined military forces with a functioning command and control structure can be very difficult. Convincing civilians to do anything with a purpose is laughable.
Everybody thinks they are a genius compared to Cousin Smilin' George, but, Big Bubba knows better.
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Mr. Ducky, you remind me of Donald Duck, in the old movie cartoons, when he became mad and started squawking unintelligibly. All noise and no substance.
LTG Honore wants to know what you are doing besides squawking, Duck. He said it's time for the nut jobs to retract their forefingers and get busy.
Unfortunately the hurricane disaster will probably have a positive effect on the economy of the Great State of Texas. NOTE: Texas is the eighth largest economy
in the world. We are now home to one quarter million of the unfortunate evacuees. Major bucks are being expended to feed, clothe, house and educate them. When I took my granddaughter to school this morning, she told me that they are expecting Louisiana students any day. Duck, actually doing something, other than squawking, is much more satisfying. Try it.
As always Big Bubba sez, death to blog spammers! You will be eliminated from this site. period.
mr. ducky is very astute. Not about the sat on the keister part, not about the economic ramifications part, but about the political spin part.
Lets face facts. Republicans are the party of "responsibility". Democrats are the party of "let mommy take care of me."
The media is hammering at GWB because he is not being the "people's" "mommy". Republicans admire and understand that. But GWB isn't convincing any Democrats. He isn't convincing any "mommies" or "mommie wannabes". He has an "image" problem with Democrats and "women". He is not "compassionate". He doesn't wallow in grief and tragedy with the "poor victims". This makes him seem aloof and snooty. An "artistocrat". Not likable, at least, not by "emotional" people. He has "real" aristocratic values.
WJC, on the other hand, wades into a crowd. He embraces those most disheveled and horrendously appalling examples of dependency he can find, and lifts them up. He speaks to them. He takes a representative or two home with him. They sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom that night. The media takes over from there. The "social reject" is "embraced" by the liberal elite, and surrounded with unforeseen and previously unimaginable opportunities. Riches. Talk-show circuit engagements. The "saved" person "gushes" about how "caring" and "compassionate" the president is. The people "love" him. They want their mommies to take care of them too. Mommy, I see mommy. He'll take care of me. It makes me feel "good". They have saved a victim. They have saved "me". The cameras are there, not on the "other" 300,000 left behind (at least not under a Dem admin).
Have you seen Hollywood's aristocracy respond to the plight of the poor victims. Why are all the children of actors millionare actors too? Nepotism, thy name is Hollywood. Liberal "aristocrats", but without aristocratic morals. They have the morals of "politicians". They must at all times be "popular", not "right".
They fly their private jets to NO or other "refugee" centers around the nation. Oprah does her show, egging the "people" to express their "anger" at the federal response. They entertain the crowds at the Astrodome with "quips" about how indecently they have been treated. "You deserve MORE from your government" they say. You are being "dissed", New Orleans, by the current admin. Elect us, and we will be your mommies, they "imply". We will milk the government coffers, and take care of ALL of your NEEDS. See us, see us shower you with gifts. We didn't have to do this, they say. The government SHOULD have done this, they say. WE are good. THEY (Republicans) are bad. They will NOT use government to help you. THEY don't care about YOU. WE do.
And so, GWB has an "image" problem. He needs to "suck it up" and "suck up" to the lowliest of the downtrodden. It must not "appear" to be an act. It must be "spontaneous" and "real". At least as "real" as a "reality tv" show. He needs to be on the "Compassion Express" while Dick Chenney runs the country. He must not give them "public" assistance. It must be "private" assistance. He needs a few billion in his pocket, RIGHT NOW. He should say "here, this is from me and mine". I would love it if the government could help you more, but it can't. It never will. But WE are a generous people. Here is MORE than the "Hollywood" equivalent. "So you see, he will tell them, I do NOT bring you ALL the relief you may need. But I cannot LIE to you. I cannot tell you that the government will help you any more than it is currently limited to do by the Constitution. THAT help must come from private Americans. THIS help has come from private Americans. And so I give to you, FREELY, ALL that I can give. And given the richness and generosity of the American people, it should get you over this hurdle, Provided you use it well. It will not replace EVERYTHING that you have lost. But it WILL get you back on your feet. G_d Bless You! G_d Bless America"
What do you think BB? Workable?
Did I mention that the "demographics" are AGAINST us. The liberal 60's Great Society has created at least TWO generations of people dependent upon their "mommies". Dad has been "erased" from the picture. Eventually, THEY will overwhelm us. If they haven't "already".
Here’s one for the Duck, mommies and welfare states everywhere. Sleep tight in the arms of Uncle Sam who will protect you from all harm.
Come on, what were you saying when Bush and FEMA were camped out, hugging babies and presenting big checks down in election year swing-state Florida after the (much less-damaging) hurricanes? Seems our callow CoC had no trouble feeling their pain when he needed their votes.
Norm, do you have the same style tinfoil hat as the Duck? When are you guys going to get started on VP Cheney called up Hurricane Katrina to destroy Gulf oil production to maximize Halliburton profits. Federal response was slowed down to increase the misery of oil patch workers and cause more trouble to increase Halliburton's profits. Don't forget George Bush smiled several times. VP Cheney didn't smile because he is dead serious about Halliburton profits.
You guys! You wild and crazy guys!! What's next!?!
Press Release
Date: 8/26/2005
Contact:Denise Bottcher or Roderick Hawkins at 225-342-9037
BATON ROUGE, LA--Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco today issued Proclamation No. 48 KBB 2005, declaring a state of emergency for the state Louisiana as Hurricane Katrina poses an imminent threat, carrying severe storms, high winds, and torrential rain that may cause flooding and damage to private property and public facilities, and threaten the safety and security of the citizens of the state of Louisiana The state of emergency extends from Friday, August 26, 2005, through Sunday, September 25, 2005, unless terminated sooner.
This proclamation did not make any reference to requesting Federal assistance. One day later she requested President Bush declare a state of emergency for the State of Louisiana,
Press Release
Date: 8/27/2005
Contact:Denise Bottcher or Roderick Hawkins at 225-342-9037
Governor Blanco asks President to Declare an Emergency for the State of Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina
BATON ROUGE—Today Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco forwarded a letter to President Bush requesting that he declare an emergency for the State of Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina.
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
August 27, 2005
Statement on Federal Emergency Assistance for Louisiana
The President today declared an emergency exists in the State of Louisiana and ordered Federal aid to supplement state and local response efforts in the parishes located in the path of Hurricane Katrina beginning on August 26, 2005, and continuing.
The President's action authorizes the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to coordinate all disaster relief efforts which have the purpose of alleviating the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency on the local population, and to provide appropriate assistance for required emergency measures, authorized under Title V of the Stafford Act, to save lives, protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in the parishes of Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Caldwell, Claiborne, Catahoula, Concordia, De Soto, East Baton Rouge, East Carroll, East Feliciana, Evangeline, Franklin, Grant, Jackson, LaSalle, Lincoln, Livingston, Madison, Morehouse, Natchitoches, Pointe Coupee, Ouachita, Rapides, Red River, Richland, Sabine, St. Helena, St. Landry, Tensas, Union, Vernon, Webster, West Carroll, West Feliciana, and Winn.
Don’t forget the posse,
The Posse Comitatus Act and Homeland Security
Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
-Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1385
It has been said to the brain dead a million times, but, I will say it one more time. Federal troops can only provide humanitarian aid as directed by the President and requested by the Governor. As even those with limited reading comprehension skills can understand from the law above any other actions of Federal Troops has to be expressly authorized by an ACT OF CONGRESS. Did you get that, Duck & Norm? An ACT OF CONGRESS. The Governor has the authority to call National Guard troops to active duty and they can be utilized for public safety tasks should the governor so choose. The President of the United States has absolutely nothing to do with the National Guard unless the State Governor authorizes national service for the state units.
You really are surprised that Homeland Security found out about the broken levee from the newspaper, aren’t you? Isn’t it strange how disruptive force five hurricanes can be? It’s amazing how disastrous a disaster can be, Duck. A less than perfect world becomes even less than perfect. Tsk, tsk.
I rejoice in high gas prices, Duck. I am driving extra just so I can spend extra money making Cheney, Halliburton, Valero, et al, more wealthy. I am not going to change my driving habits. My gas use helps generate pressures on local refineries that probably cause gas prices in far away Massachusetts to skyrocket. Let me know when it really, really hurts you so I can share your (yuck, yuck, yuck) pain.
Mr. Ducky, even us flyover hayseeds know that autumn on Cape Cod soon becomes a most inhospitable winter on Cape Cod. I wonder if Governor Romney mentioned the Senator Ted Kennedy Hip Flask Museum? That may have attracted a few folks.
South Texas is more attractive to the evacuees. They are everywhere here in town. My doctor buddy has been giving free eye exams. My stepdaughter is going to go volunteer at a shelter this weekend.
As usual you have the story wrong, Duck. It was just another deadbeat, loudmouth idiot, not a CNN reporter. Cheney told to go f**k yourself' in Gulfport, Mississippi
I was watching the incident on Fox News. That's why you get your facts messed up - watching CNN. Try a little fair and balanced news from the news leader, Fox News.
mr. ducky,
Are you a real duck? If so you're a feather-brained imbecile that lives in a pond begging breadcrumbs from kids and fat old women. What I do, is none of your business. Did I ask you your occupation? I will admit to one thing though, I've wrung more than one duck's neck and then eaten her for dinner!
mr. ducky,
I hear the Osama bin Laden is sending a "relief" package to New Orleans too. Better rush it right thru security!
ps - I hear they're looking for relief package screeners over at TSA to help expedite relief supplies. It pays premium $. Interested?
Mr. Ducky, your small $575,000 house is why Massachusetts per capita income of approx. $41,000 p.a. vs. Texas' $30,000 p.a. is a big "no le hace." We are living the good life here in South Texas without needing alot of money to do it.
The thing about bad news, Mr. Ducky, is that George Bush will still be President until 2008.
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