AlFranken the Village Idiot
"The issue was whether Florida's Supreme Court or the United States Supreme Court [would decide the election.] What did you expect us to do? Turn the case down because it wasn't important enough?" - Antonin Scalia
"What did you expect us to do? Turn the case down because it wasn't important enough? Or give the Florida Supreme Court another couple of weeks in which the United States could look ridiculous?" - Lloyd Grove (NY Daily News Daily Dish) musing about what Antonin Scalia may have been thinking.
I wish that I had been there. It is always oh so entertaining to see a pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracist get his comeuppance in public. The two biggest problems with Alfranken are that Air America is fueling his pretentiousness and he is probably too smart to realize that he is an imbecile.
Al Franken Schooled by Antonin Scalia at New York Event
By CK Rairden
Nov 23, 2005
Al Franken stepped out of his comfortable echo-chamber of Air America on Monday night and was given more than one lesson by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. The C-List political commentator attempted to rip off a sophomoric shot at Justice Scalia, but was quickly embarrassed, according to a report in the NY Post.
"What did you expect us to do? Turn the case down because it wasn't important enough? Or give the Florida Supreme Court another couple of weeks in which the United States could look ridiculous?" - Lloyd Grove (NY Daily News Daily Dish) musing about what Antonin Scalia may have been thinking.
I wish that I had been there. It is always oh so entertaining to see a pseudo intellectual progressive liberal demoracist get his comeuppance in public. The two biggest problems with Alfranken are that Air America is fueling his pretentiousness and he is probably too smart to realize that he is an imbecile.
Al Franken Schooled by Antonin Scalia at New York Event
By CK Rairden
Nov 23, 2005
Al Franken stepped out of his comfortable echo-chamber of Air America on Monday night and was given more than one lesson by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. The C-List political commentator attempted to rip off a sophomoric shot at Justice Scalia, but was quickly embarrassed, according to a report in the NY Post.