Sad, But, William Jefferson Clinton Is Facing Health Challenges
Despite his youthful appearance fifty-nine year old William Jefferson Clinton is showing the confusion, and disorientation, that could point to the early onset of elderly dementia. Either that or he thinks that the American people are so hopelessly ignorant they will believe anything he has to say.
William Jefferson Clinton speaking Thursday at an academic conference about his Presidency described the efforts to impeach him as egregious. The confused ex President obviously was mixing up that incident with fellatio in the Oval Office of the White House. Now that is egregious, participating in a sex act in the Oval Office with someone’s daughter entrusted to his care as an intern.
As further indication of his mental decline, and confusion he, "challenged those who say history will judge him poorly because of his White House tryst with Monica Lewinsky." Clearly President Clinton forgot that his encounter with Ms. Lewinsky was much more than a mere meeting. After all there was that semen stained dress that was evidence of something much more than a mere business meeting.
William Jefferson Clinton’s legacy and how history will judge him is certainly debatable to some. One thing is known for certain. President Clinton will probably be the first President of the United States to be approached by the adult entertainment industry with an offer for rights to his life story and political testament. I can just hear the teasers. Daddy’s little girl ripe.........The lust of the ages comes of age in one epic.................Featuring 15 hot girls who can’t................
William Jefferson Clinton speaking Thursday at an academic conference about his Presidency described the efforts to impeach him as egregious. The confused ex President obviously was mixing up that incident with fellatio in the Oval Office of the White House. Now that is egregious, participating in a sex act in the Oval Office with someone’s daughter entrusted to his care as an intern.
As further indication of his mental decline, and confusion he, "challenged those who say history will judge him poorly because of his White House tryst with Monica Lewinsky." Clearly President Clinton forgot that his encounter with Ms. Lewinsky was much more than a mere meeting. After all there was that semen stained dress that was evidence of something much more than a mere business meeting.
William Jefferson Clinton’s legacy and how history will judge him is certainly debatable to some. One thing is known for certain. President Clinton will probably be the first President of the United States to be approached by the adult entertainment industry with an offer for rights to his life story and political testament. I can just hear the teasers. Daddy’s little girl ripe.........The lust of the ages comes of age in one epic.................Featuring 15 hot girls who can’t................
It would be pretty neat if the FBI Museum displayed Monica's dress next to one of J. Edgar Hoover's party dresses. I wonder what other interesting dresses they have in their collection?
President Clinton will probably be the first President of the United States to be approached by the adult entertainment industry with an offer for rights to his life story and political testament.
It would be pretty neat if the FBI Museum displayed Monica's dress next to one of J. Edgar Hoover's party dresses. I wonder what other interesting dresses they have in their collection?
You made me smile at the end of a very long day.
PS: Bubba, Happy Veterans Day! I've heard that some were wearing red poppies in honor of the day, but here in this area, I didn't see a single red poppy anywhere. Lots of flags out, though--but not enough of them.
I love Veterans Day. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, evokes so much from me emotionally. I am afraid the red poppies have been dying a slow death. They used to sell them in front of the PX, but, I have not been there on a Veterans Day for many years.
The start of this special day from the war to end all wars is growing dim and only a few of its soldiers are left. We each take our turns to be amongst the last standing and now it is almost our (Vietnam Vets) turn as our fathers have almost all gone.
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